Saturday Baconizing


Wake Up, Wake Up

And Open Those Eyes

It’s Time For Us To Baconize!

I declare it TIME TO HAVE BACON all over the Kingdom!

I declare it TIME TO HAVE BACON all over the Kingdom!

It’s FINALLY Saturday.   I’ve looked forward to this all week…………now it’s time to indulge in my favorite treat………and I’m starting with “dessert” !

Chocolate dipped bacon!

Chocolate dipped bacon!

Bacon Cake!

Bacon Cake!

Yeah – meals should START with dessert don’t you think?   Then I’ll switch off to a nice big fat juicy BACON Cheeseburger for my main course…………..




Yeah…………that’s the ticket!    Then of course I’ll be exhausted and ready to snooze and CREAM of bacon…..


Sounds like the perfect Saturday don’t you think?   If you start bugging your Mom or Dad NOW, I bet you can get them to cooperate and make some bacon for YOU TOO!

GO ON !!!!



Love, King Sam!

46 responses »

    • Oh I think it will be a great weekend – I’ve already had my breakfast this morning and of course that means BACON, and Mom gave me a little bit of scrambled egg too. I’m ready for the day! I hope you have a good weekend too Kosmo!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Sounds like you have had a great breakfast! Our Mom is going to brunch for Niece’s birthday so no breakfast here today 😦 Maybe we can talk her into BLTs for dinner YUMMMM!


  2. You have the best breakfasts ever!!!! I got bacon, but it was the doggie kind, which is better than none. Is it cooler there? We are getting fried worse than Bacon here in West Texas. Keep sleeping.


    • It’s hot as HADES here too – and humid – I’m staying INSIDE! Doggie bacon looks delicious I’ve always thought but I bet it’s not QUITE as delish as human-type bacon!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. WOW pal, you really get into Bacon don’t you? I would like just plain bacon, but not sure about all the other ways to eat it – especially with chocolate! Enjoy your special bacon day!


  4. LadyMum says there iss a sayin, “Life’ss unsirtain! Eat deessert ferst!”
    Toe-tallee iss ‘us’ Unccle!
    An a littul bacon sure makes Katurday grate! An mee even helped LadyMum do sum choress an flippy thee fuu-ton mattress!!! Bacon makes mee strong……
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  5. What happened here at our place???? We got baconized last Saturday AND Sunday, and today NADA!!! we need our human brother and family to come back soon, like next Saturday:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • You had it GOOD while your human brother and his family were there – you’d think your Mom and Dad would remember how much you ENJOYED THE BACON and continue with the cooking of it on weekends! Not fair!

      Love, Sammy


    • Well how insulting to let you be tortured with the delightful smell of bacon cooking only to have your hopes dashed by NOT SHARING! This is punishable – think of something!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Sammy, I really want to thank you for another great trip.That Paws Up Resort was “paw”some. Mom wants some of those bacon fries. Yesterday (Saturday) the day this post came out was Bacon Appreciation Day here. If Dad had been in town, Mom says she would have gone and looked for some of those fries. Sending lots of love, your friend Mau


    • Oh Mau I’m so happy you enjoyed Paws Up! What a wonderful place that is – and I think we just might make it an ANNUAL trip for Scouts – it also was an “easy” trip to do – no real rigid schedule and lots of things to do. I had fun……Mom was tired early on Friday night so I wasn’t at the campfire long but it was STILL a whole lot of fun! THank you for bringing your beautiful bride – the two of you are so darling together!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Oh! My Cod! Mommy started to drool when she saw the Chocolate covered bacon! Mes has not had bacon for weeks! B|ut Mommy did stop on the way home (after leaving me alone ALL DAY) yesterday and buyed mes some KFC! The Chicken was heavenly!


    • Oh Nellie you got some KFC? That’s as good as chocolate covered bacon any old day……My Mom and I are SO HAPPY for your Mommy (and for you too getting more snooze time while she’s at work!)…………we want to hear all about your Mommy’s job when she can tell us!

      Love and snuggles, Sammy


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