Bacon and Box Day!



(Graphic by Ann of Zoolatry)

Boxes – we love ’em!   Combine that with bacon and it’s a double-treat day!

Welcome to Bacon Box day….huh?  Well I invented the occasion just for today since this year Box Day falls on MY day………if you can get your bacon served to you inside your favorite box today you are having an abundance of luck.   I myself will be separating the two – I don’t want any bacon grease inside my box although I must admit the smell would be nice for days to come.  Still, a grease spot inside a box isn’t very TIDY is it.    I’m a fan of boxes but mostly at Christmas time.   Christmas gift boxes are kind of “flimsy” cardboard – have you noticed?  Well that makes them easier to shape to your liking.  Stiff cardboard boxes are swell and secure but not as “moldable” as Christmas boxes………..

Crammed in a Christmas box!  A little "overhang" in the back.

Crammed in a Christmas box! A little “overhang” in the back.

Another boxtop in Sam's collection of boxes

OOPS….a little tear in the side? Just adding my personal touch!

I’ll be enjoying my bacon outside the box…………


Mom - are you makin' bacon?

Mom – are you makin’ bacon?

Of course she is…………a Saturday without bacon is no Saturday at all!

Happy Bacon and Box Day!   

Love, Sammy

53 responses »

  1. You’re so wise, S. I never realized the advantages and disadvantages of the 2 kinds of boxes. You have obviously studied this thoroughly. Enjoy your bacon on this doubly special day. BTW – if there was a grease spot on cardboard, I’d eat the cardboard. Just sayin’.

    Love and licks,


    • You, dear Cupcake, would not be the only grease-spot eating critter – that spot would be just too tempting for most – I, on the other hand, have the REAL thing to munch on today! WOOT!

      Love, Sammy


    • Doing anything for Dad’s Day? Mom is gonna do cheeseburgers for OLD DAD here……..and I got him a German Beer stein for a present – I think he’ll like it! He’d better…..cost me my whole allowance! HAHAHA

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


      • CH is picking his Mom up this morning and bringing her here and we are going to do CHEESEBURGERS! I’m not kidding you!!!! Happy Father’s Day to your Dad… I am not calling him OLD 😀 Enjoy your burgers and the day! I am sure he will love the beer stein!


        • Oh goodie! Just realized I had two posts from you and THIS ONE is all about today’s BIG EVENT – AND you’re gonna have CHEESEBURGERS TOO!!!!! We’ll be twins! YAY!!!!!! That’s wonderful……………..ENJOY!!

          Love, Sammy


  2. You are a clever boy Sammy, much better to have a box you can adjust. I agree that bacon grease in your box would not be tidy and now that the Broomhildas have gone missing, you don’t want to make any extra work for your folks. Have a great day!XO


    • I don’t play in boxes as much as I used to when I was younger but I do have a couple of favorite ones that I keep handy at all times……….Has Brody tried out a box yet? I bet he’s never seen one before!!!!

      HAPPY CAT DADDY DAY to your Pop!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Summer I have to think that at a great big Kitty Kat Convention like Blogpaws there WILL be bacon – if not, there should be a huge protest staged! I hope you and your human have a super duper good time (and that you DO in fact tell me that there was bacon on the menu!).

      Love, Sammy


  3. Now, that is a purrfect day. Bacon and a box.. Can’t get any better than that. We are going to see if we can get that done here. Thanks for the great idea. You all have a great day.


    • Hi Miss Marg! Bacon and boxes are a very good combination…..someone asked about getting bacon grease in the box and I say – that means every time I get in the box it will smell DELICIOUS! Enjoy your day!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Darn! Wes ate the last of the turkey bacon last week and Mommy did not buys more when she was down in Bellingham! Mes refused to either get into a box or let Mommy take a picture of mes when she unceremoniously dumped mes in one — so mes not pawticipating. Now mes a little miffed that mes missed it!
    PS Wes thinking we would come to Washington for the campaign on Thursday. Mes will email yous knows all the details Tuesday!


    • Hi Nellie! Sorry you didn’t get any bacon but Moms sometimes forget IMPAWTANT stuff like bacon! No wonder you weren’t cooperative on Box Day. I can’t blame you a BIT! I’m glad you might come to Washington for Smoke and Joe’s campaign trail visiting – after all, this is the place where everyone can be seen and heard!!!! I’m excited!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sammy, you are so adorable in your boxes. Mau wants to apologize for not making it to Scouts today. It was our humans’ fault. They went for a bike ride, broke the chain on the bike, had to walk home and then decided they needed to swim. Then she decided to take a break from the computer for the day. Pffft!. She sucks! Hope to see you for selfies tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Atsrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Kitties! Happy Father’s Day to your Dad……make sure and give him extra snuggles today. Our Dads are so good to us and they do mostly manage to keep our crazy Moms under control right? Right! As for yesterday’s Box Day – it was a busy day for everyone but I’m SORRY that your parents’ bike chain broke – walking home must not have been a lot of fun….no wonder they needed to take a dip in the pool when they got back. Have a terrific day. I’m about to load up my Selfie (or in this case my Dad’s selfie!) now for your Sunday Hop!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Mee-you Unccle Sammy mee missed Box Day! Mee missed Bacon Day…mee missed efurryfing!! Butt mee iss here now an want to say you look grate inn yur Katmass box an mee hopess you had sum bacon fur mee!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** yur luvvin neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Hi Young Man! I did have extra bacon so you’re covered…… mustn’t have too much or you’ll get sick so just a little bit. I’m glad you are doing well and I hope your Ladymum is better now too!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee nevurr had even a teeny bit of bacon with LadyMum runnin all over thee place this past weekend!! PHOOEY! Butt yur rite Unccle…too much wood hert mee system so mee MUST bee carefull…..
        LadyMum has been tippytop fur weekss now….then shee woke up with no voice today an achin an with fevurr…Aunty Judith was like this on Sunday….
        So now LadyMum has ‘IT’ all so… sighsss….
        ee iss on Purr-amedic duty yet again…. 😉
        **paw patsss** neffkitty xxx


        • UHOH….your Ladymum caught that from your Aunty Judith! I hope you have the energy to be nurse to your Ladymum yet again…..hang in there Purrrramedic Siddhartha!

          Hugs, Uncle Sammy


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