Friday Fill-Ins



Hi Peeps!    This is a new blog hop that my friends 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader are co-hosting now………….my Mom thought she’d give it a whirl……………you just fill in some sentences and share your answers with the universe!   Interesting to see how everyone completes the sentences.   This week’s sentences ARE:

1.Everyone should read _________________________.

2. My first ________________________ was a _____________________.

3. My favourite time of the day is ____________________,because___________________

4. I think dreams ______________________________.


Mom’s “fill-ins” are:

  1.  Everyone should read (I think the fill-in should end right there with a PERIOD after “read”……….it’s important to read – and ANYTHING goes!)
  2.  My first date was a drive-in movie (I miss drive-ins – they were a lot of fun…….!)
  3.  My favorite time of the day is early mornings before everyone else is up, because it’s MY time with Sammy.
  4.  I think dreams very often contain MESSAGES and we should pay attention to them.

That was fun!   I’ll look forward to next week – maybe next week instead of Mom answering, I’ll answer for ME ME ME!

Friday Hugs, Sammy



53 responses »

    • It’s a cute and brand new hop – we’ll continue with it – maybe Mom and I will trade off week to week filling in the blanks!!!!

      We have SUN – I hope it stays!
      Love, Sammy


    • That’s only the second hop we have joined – The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfies and now this one. This one is cute and it’s fun to “fill-in” !!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!

      Love, Sammy


  1. Thank you for joining the fill-ins, you are very sweet. Great answers, especially #1. There was a drive-in one town over when I was a teenager, it closed after I graduated from high school, there is one about 40 minutes away, but that seems to far to go at night. I am sure that Sammy’s favorite time of day is morning. 🙂 XO


    • The Fill-Ins hop is cute…! Seems to me I’ve been told there’s a drive-in around here somewhere but not close enough to go……..I just LOVED going to the drive-in and it wasn’t just because I was dating a cute guy (!) it was because it was just plain FUN to be comfy in a car watching a movie with the cool night breeze blowing through the windows…sort of an adventure (no I’m not talking about the cute guy again either!).

      Hugs, Pam (and sleeping Sam)


  2. What fun ! I think this is a great bloggie hop..will get myself sorted and join in..been too awol these past 8 months…i agree drive ins were fun..we still have 2 in Melbourne but both too far away..the last thing i saw at the drive in was Rocky !!! Haha Loves Fozziemum xxxx


    • I honestly can’t REMEMBER what the last thing I saw at a drive-in was……but I do remember how exciting it was to go – just something different and fun……….This is a cute blog hop – I think Sammy and I will switch off every week filling in the blanks!

      Hugs from both of us!
      Pam and Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Fun to read these, Pam… learn a little more about you 🙂 This is a fun blog hop. Can we play in your comment section?
    Everyone should read your book, The Mystery of David’s Bridge. It is a fun mystery.
    My first horse was a black gelding and I named him Sugarfoot.
    My favorite time of day is afternoon because I am not a morning person.
    I think dreams, daydreams, are the best!


    • It’s a cute hop! Ellen told me about it but I forgot to do it on my blog last week and just answered in her comments but this week I thought I’d do it up RIGHT!

      Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam


  4. 1.Everyone should read the US Constitution. It’s in English and you don’t need a clown to interpret it for you.

    2. My first flight was a crash landing, like most birds.

    3. My favourite time of the day is when the peeps bring me fresh food.

    4. I think dreams are better than real life.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pam….stroll down memory lane; I miss drive ins as well,….. and root beer stands !! 🙂 ♥♥♥ da tabbies say ta tell de bacon ater…. heerz two a gulf menhaden { this ree lee IZ a fish !! } kinda week oh end ♥♥♥


    • Gulf Menhaden sounds like some rich guy with a big yacht…..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA……Happy Bacon Caturday! As for all those cool things from the past – well – who knows…..”what goes around, comes around” and I think both drive-in movies AND drive-in restaurants would be super popular again.

      Love and Hugs, Pam and Sam


  6. I agree, the dreams we have can have much deeper meanings. Drive in movies, a fun blast from the past. We talked my mom into buying a station wagon when we were kids so we could put the seats down and lie down and watch the movie. So fun to connect.


    • There’s a lot we can learn from our dreams I think….I don’t always remember my dreams but the VIVID ones I do and they always seem to stick with me for a reason. Drive-ins (both movie and restaurant – remember those trays hooked to the windows??) such fun times. The families who had station wagons at the drive-in movies were the luckiest – you could wear your jammies to the movie, take pillows and blankets and fall asleep if you got tired of watching the movie!

      Hugs, Pam (and Sammy)


    • My Mom has ALWAYS been a big reader and so has my Dad. Everybody should be (a) able to read and (b) do as much of it as they have time for – it’s not just entertaining, it keeps the old brain ticking along!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. We are so happy that Mom Ellen and Mom Annie restarted the Friday Fill-ins. It’s a great way to get to know our fellow bloggers. We’ll be excited to see what the fill-ins are next week and what you have to say, Sammy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Lucky you having a close-by drive-in…….Mom says those were “the good old days” (whatever THAT means!). Thanks for saying I’m adorable….at my age that’s not an easy thing to be! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Wow that was fun! I think YOUR answers will be better though 😉 The Human says (because she can’t resist) Everyone should read Madame Bovary and Sula and The Great Gatsby and Lolita and The Handmaid’s Tale and Hamlet. And 1000 more that she’ll try to keep for later, ha ha meow. XOXOXOXO to you and your Mom, Sammy.


    • Hi Spitty! Thanks for popping by my crib. There are SOOOOOO many good reads – my Mom especially loved The Handmaid’s Tale. My Mom has what she calls an “upstairs book” and a “downstairs” book going at all times – depending on where she is she’s got a good book to read. HAHAHA I hope you and your human have a perfectly fab Sunday my friend!

      Hugs, Sammy


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