Sunday Selfie


We’re hopping again this Sunday – with The Cat on My Head’s Selfie Blog Hop!    This week Mom couldn’t resist using a photo of ME asleep (as usual) which she particularly loves… freckled lips and my freckled paw were more than she could resist when it came to finding a photo to use for today’s post.   You will forgive her I hope – she’s a woman possessed these days with her flashy box – taking photo after photo of yours truly.   Oh well – she’s a Mom – Moms do that right?

SAMSELFIEPAWIf you’d like to visit The Cat On My Head to see some other fabulous Selfies just click their badge below – in fact, if you wanna join up on the HOP, go there and enter your Selfie – we wanna see it!!!



Love, Sammy

77 responses »

    • Think so??? Well, I hate to disappoint you BUTTTTTTTTT far as I know, Maine, USA is NOT gonna be on the Teaser………however, you never know what my Mom is liable to do!!!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh I might be playing an air violin…….I love classical music……if Mom has it on in her studio I sit close to the speakers – it’s either because I’m hard of hearing (!) or because I love the music and want to be CLOSE to it!! Maybe I played violin in one of my previous lives????

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Funny you should say that – she was thinking she should load that one up on Walgreen’s website and have it done on a canvas board. $29 on an 8×10 and $39 on an 11×14……..decisions, decisions!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. My mum recently got a smart phone and Snapchat account. I now have very little phone memory and can confirm that yes… Taking copious amounts of cat photos is most certainly a Mum thing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is one of my favorite selfies of yours. We get to see those great toesies and your cute little face. I don’t blame your Mom at all, I would do the same if you were mine 🙂 I am always trying to take photos of my cats, but they immediately stop whatever they are doing when I get the camera out. XO


    • HAHA….maybe that’s why most of my Mom’s photos of me are when I’m asleep – I don’t look away and don’t wiggle out of pose if I’m asleep! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  3. Hansum selfie purr usual…..
    An Unccle Sammy yur paw lookss like a littul fist because of yur speshell paw!
    Yur so speshell to mee….
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


  4. Sammy, this is such a cute photo. You appear to be sucking your “thumb.” We love the arty look that Mom Pam added. It enhanced your gorgeous orange furs purrfectly. Thanks for hopping and being such a great friend! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • You know me…..I wouldn’t miss the hop unless I HAD to! The Selfie Hop is so much fun and such a great way to visit all our friends…….is it still raining down there???? It finally stopped for a bit here.

      Love, Sammy


  5. Sammy you look so cute!!! The Staff is just the same! I think it is because they love us so much! Happy May Day!!! xxx


    • Hi Austin!!!! I’m so happy to hear from you my friend…………I miss you. I hope you and your family are doing alright………I’m sending you a BIG HUG……..

      Love, Sammy


  6. Yep Sammy mommy’s do like takin’ those fotos. Specially as we get older. You know when sis Lexi got sick, mommy purromissed at least 1 new foto everyday. Even ifin she was doin’ da same thing in every one of them. Now she’s glad she did it. Just lay back, relax and enjoy it. they are our mommies and they luv us so much.

    Luv ya’



  7. Sweet Sammy we are happy that your mom is obsessed with using that flashy box to take all the great pictures of you….we love this one. We think you weren’t really asleep and you posed for that nice shot. Hugs and nose kisses, Mumsy, Pooh and Chancy


  8. Sammy, we don’t think you had any trouble getting your Easy on today – great shot and it shows your beautiful fur colors so well.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Mom says once in a while I cry in my sleep……not sure what that’s all about! Maybe it’s talking – baby talk……..we kitties look so adorables when we sleep – humans look horrid!

      Love, Sammy


  9. Yo Sammy, my furiend: You is so handsome the rest of us will nefur catch up. The Humans just can’t take the squee we cause when we have the seepies. *They* don’t look like much when they nod off, though, do they?


    • Spitty you are wise…humans are a “hot mess” when they are asleep – all tangled up in covers, snoring away, hair in every direction – while we look magnificent ALL THE TIME. Ain’t life great? thanks for stopping by my friend.

      Love, Sammy


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