Telling It Like It Is!


It’s TELL ALL Time!!!


Who wins what – that’s what Wednesdays are all about right Teaser Fans????

First of all, let’s thank my wonderful Guest Teaser for the photos.   These came to me from my friend Raz at and what super photos they are.   Everybody said all day yesterday that they wished they were there NOW.    Where is this?   Well, it’s two photos from the obviously gorgeous Rockhouse Hotel at Negril Beach, Jamaica.   (I wonder if they allow pets?!!)     This badge is for you Raz!

Thank you Raz and Friends Furever for the Teaser Photos of 2/19/16

Thank you Raz and Friends Furever for the Teaser Photos of 2/19/16

Here are the photos again of the Rockhouse Hotel:


Now let’s tell the universe who our FIRST COMMENTER(s) were yesterday – because we had a TRIPLE tie for “first”………………between Miss Csilla (kolytyi), Raz at Friends Furever (our Guest Teaser!), and my Facebook buddies Oliver and Calvin!   All of you get one of these!

First Commenter on Sammy's Teaser of 4/19/16

First Commenter on Sammy’s Teaser of 4/19/16

The first to guess CORRECTLY that the photos were from the Rockhouse Hotel in Negril, Jamaica was our buddy EASY from !   The KING OF TEASE strikes again!    This is for you Easy!

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam's Teaser on 2/19/16

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on Sam’s Teaser on 2/19/16

AND, there were a couple of you who jumped on Easy’s bandwagon and also guessed Negril, Jamaica, and you get this!

I wasn't FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 4/19/16

I wasn’t FIRST but I was RIGHT on the Teaser of 4/19/16

Then of course we had a bunch of you who didn’t know or guessed incorrectly and we love you too – even those who don’t know come away with the BIG GREENIE!

I didn't have a CLUE on Sam's Teaser of 4/19/16!

I didn’t have a CLUE on Sam’s Teaser of 4/19/16!

Don’t be sad if you didn’t win this week – remember we go through this pain and agony (ha) every single Tuesday so there’s always NEXT WEEK!!!!    Study up!!!!

You heard what Sammy said - study up!

You heard what Sammy said – study up!


Teaser Hugs, Professor Sam


48 responses »

  1. Mom searched for just that type of thing, but couldn’t find any results that looked like this. Yippee, another Greenie. Wish those things had a monetary value. MOL! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  2. !! Jamaica man? I was way off eh? (Newfie speak) How the Sammykins does Easy get these with the basic ol’ pics of ocean and rock? Must be some crystal ball of sorts. Congrats to all. Squeeze yah for the Tease yah xoxo B Oh and I loved the rah rah by Kitty-Cheer-Cat yesterday, crack me up as always ❤


  3. Easy strikes again!! Good going my Woofie friend. Susie Q is getting so bold….glad she’s coming out of her shell. Her cheers are very amusing….mom has had many a laugh over them. As for the Teaser, we didn’t have a clue. Great pictures Raz.



    • SuzieQ is now helping out at some functions at Scouts……..she was at a party last night at the Arrowhead Lodge and will be at Anya’s induction on Sunday evening!! She’s quite a wacky young gal!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh I’m sure it sounds delicious with those waves hitting the rocks. Mom and Dad go to a place in Maine like that…….The Cliffside Inn in Ogunquit – you can hear the waves crashing on the rocks all night long Mom says. NICE!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Concats to Easy! My mum has only been to the port of Ochos Rios and said it was not a good experience. They walked along a footpath from the ship to some shops because she wanted to buy some Blue Mountain coffee. They looked around and there were 8-10 locals following them and they kept trying to sell them drugs. They got to the shop they wanted and the lady working there told them to wait until they had gone. She told them a safer way to get back to the ship. Mum says it is the only time she has really felt unsafe in all the places they have been to.


    • We have heard stories from others who have been to Jamaica and had the same experience……isn’t that just plain sad really. But it’s a beautiful place – and my Mom said maybe the all-inclusive resorts at least offer a bit more “protection” from those things but then you don’t get to see the sights as much!


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