A Mighty Fine Day



OK – it wasn’t THIS hot yesterday but it was CLOSE!!!

It was AMAZING even at 8AM!

It was AMAZING even at 8AM!

That’s right – we had a gift from Mother Nature yesterday – our high was 83 degrees!!!   Can you believe it?   Well we had a tough time believing it but it happened and I’ve got witnesses to prove it – right Mom?   YES Sammy – it was an amazing day!

We’re not sure WHY we got the gift of summer in the middle of March but we’re not complaining.   It was great………….I got my sunpuddle fix OUTSIDE instead of inside in the warmth of the heated house.  No heat on yesterday for sure…….windows open…….It was just yummy.

Sam Sun Fun 3

These days the sun on my furs feels delicious – all my arthritis aches and pains just disappear!   It’s still EARLY here but we think it will be a “carbon copy” of yesterday.   I can handle that!

I'll just pretend my front yard grass is sand....and the wind noise is the sound of the surf!!

I’ll just pretend my front yard grass is sand….and the wind noise is the sound of the surf!!

I hope you’re going to have a pretty Thursday too!

Hugs, Sam the Beach Bum


On a sad note…………we must say farewell to one of our friends who left for the Bridge – dear Lexi of Dezi’sWorld.   Our hearts are broken for Lexi’s sister Dezi and her Mom Audra.   We hope time will heal the sadness in their hearts…………..


77 responses »

  1. I’m happy you got outside yesterday to enjoy the sunshine, S. For me, it was a ride in the baby swing kind of day. And I also got to sit on the slide, rest under the park bench, pose on a big rock and ride in the car. Today, Mom might bring me to breakfast with her.

    Love and licks,


  2. Wow! 83 degrees! Mother nature is indeed confused. But it must have been nice! Unfortunately there have been no sunpuddles here for the whole week, and Samantha is sad about that, but Puppydoc likes rain so she doesn’t mind it too much. Well I hope you have a wonderful thursday as well! Hugs and licks! ❤ ❤

    -puppy and samantha 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh boy Sammy do we agree! It was 77 here yesterday and they are predicting 81 today which will break a record. I hope Mother Nature doesn’t drop her heaviest boot on us before March is over. MOL MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Awww, so sad about Lexi… beautiful kitty. We have been having cloudy days, humidity, wind, rain, AND worker dudes in the house. I think we get a break from worker dudes till later this afternoon but no break from the crummy weather. Hoping to see sun on Monday! Glad you had a beautiful day, you deserved it!!!! As soon as these worker dudes get out of here, no idea how many more days we are stuck here with them… I am going to have a CHEESEBURGER at Smashburger! We deserve it… 😀


    • Worker dudes are usually noisy – are you remodeling??? Nosy, aren’t I ?! HAHA Maybe they will be finished soon? We have temps in the 60s so far this morning and a promised high of 78 so we’re getting WEIRD stuff for March. Mom says next week we’ll go back to normal…..I’m kinda liking ABNORMAL! CHEESEBURGERS today?????????????? You lucky ducky – wish I had one for breakfast – maybe with a bit of bacon on it?????

      Love, Sammy


      • We had to have some foundation work done (because of 5 years of drought) in February and they went in from the basement floor. Basement is finished so carpeting had to come up and two walls had to come down and two feet of ceiling… stripped to the concrete. Now it all has to go back up and the carpet has to go back down. The good news… we are sitting on solid rock 14 feet down! CH could of told them that, we have a quarry a mile down the road and we can’t even plant a dang petunia without hitting a rock shelf.


        • EEEEEK……sounds like it’s finally fixed though so it’s all over but the “putting things back” stage and I just bet you’ll be happy when things are back to normal (whatever THAT is!). We have tons of rocks here too – piles of them – and when you live on a hill, all that nice soil erodes and over time all those BIG ROCKS pop up in the yard and poor Dad has to dig them up. They look little at first but the more he digs the BIGGER the rocks get!!! Mom says she thinks our yard is a quarry….

          Hugs, Sammy


  5. Oh no! Lexi traveled to the Bridge? We are so sorry. That Bridge is experiencing too much travel. Thanks for letting us know. We are having March Madness too…even though Washington DC stole our ACC Tournamemt. In am getting plenty of walks. Gotta exercise Mama…she is so darn old……


    • Hi Skyler…….yes, Lexi didn’t want to go but just HAD to…..I know Mom Audra and sister Dezi will appreciate it if you stop by and give them a hug. Meanwhile – I apologize on behalf of Washington, DC (an hour away from me!) for stealing your ACC but I bet you can find your OWN brand of March Madness like we’re having here with warm weather! Enjoy the walk – keeping our humans in shape isn’t always easy!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • If I could send you a bag, box, or basket full of WARM I would my friend – we are a bit surprised to have this kind of weather here in March but we’re not going to fight it – just ENJOY it! I think my Mom is right – we will pay the price for this nice weather with some “REAL” March weather next week!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  6. LOVE the picture of your beautiful home “by the sea”!
    Our sympathy to Lexi’s family and furriends….such sad news. But she’s now enjoying warm, beautiful days over the bridge.
    Love, Sundae


  7. Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about Lexi. I’ll be sure to visit their bloggy – thanks for letting us know cousin. And this great weather is wonderful. I’m loving it beyond my little piggy self right now! XOXO – Bacon


  8. dood…….get de grill out, we will bee bye with two dayz catch……perch…..we hope yur weatherz continuez like thiz for ya…. just sew long az when joo lie getz heer…. yur knot have 562 degreez in de shade !! 🙂 happee thurzday ♥♥♥


  9. 83 degrees! WOW! Must have been a wonderful day. But then, isn’t it somewhat weird, too, to have such temperatures this early in the year?
    Here in the Texas Hill Country we’re haveing a cooler spell with some rain. Much needed rain, so we’re happy about that. We’re still praying for more.
    Have a great time, and enjoy the sun puddles,


  10. Pass the lemonade, extra ice please! Over 80F? Banana’s in March right? Good Grief! Must stay hydrated! I adore the open windows though, with a crisp breeze is best for us northerners. I had my bedroom window open yesterday AM and the birds where chirping like mad. I think they were saying, “hello, hello, we’re happy, hello” or at least that’s what it sounded like.
    Someone told me, if you dust with baby powder before you go to the beach, the sand won’t stick to you. ?? I’ve never tried it but I’m thinking, any kitty that smells like a baby would be even MORE irresistible. xo K


    • Oh I never heard about baby powder and sand BUT what a fab idea! I think my Mom would just HAVE to give me tons of extra hugs if I smelled like a real human baby! Yes it’s crazy weather – today it’s 80 although not sunny. So strange and I’m SURE it will snow next week – the weather people probably just don’t want to TELL us that but hey – it’s MARCH!!!!

      Take care Miss Boomdee……….
      Love and Kisses, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there! Nice to meet you Billy!!!! Good for you sneaking out to grab some sun yesterday – feels good on the bones doesn’t it? We have no sun today but it’s 80 degrees so THAT still feels delicious. I know this won’t last here either but while it’s warm, I’m LOVIN’ it!

      Hugs and Welcome, Sammy


    • It’s amazing how many kitties talk about sunpuddles – but somehow we all seem to have a bit of “radar” workin’ for us to find the right spot to enjoy one!!! I have one chair in the house I like to get on top of and it’s in the shade…..but otherwise you’ll find me “hunting the sun”.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • You’re right girls – Mom sees me all spread out on the stair and rather than disturb me (!) she’ll go BACK up and wait for me to move…..I have her well-trained – something you two are doing a good job of with Girl-Woman and Boy-Man!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. March has been totally bizarre here too. Our forsythias are all in bloom and it is very early for that here. The temps are such that Mom doesn’t need her jacket and the windows in the house are open!!! Just crazy!!!

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  12. Enjoy all that sun, Sammy! 83 is very hot and we don’t get that even in the middle of summer. It has been a nice sunny day here too and around 50 which is pleasantly warm for us at this time of the year.


  13. We are hoping winter is over! We got close to 70 degrees yesterday, it was so nice! Today is still warm but it’s raining so we can’t open the windows or get outside to enjoy it (me and the dogs were outside for a bit playing in the rain this morning though….and we didn’t even get cold!). Enjoy, Sammy, and maybe we can will Old Man Winter to stay away for good now!


  14. Nice weather always makes a day better. Wes had HORRIBLE weather here the last few days, its been nice that Mommy’s sick, because she is is quite entertaining to watch when she’s sick.


    • Oh Nellie! Your Mom is keeping you entertained with her sniffing, nose blowing, coughing, napping???? Well, she’s at least got YOU to keep her happy and warm (and entertained!). Rainy weather is perfect for being SICK!

      Love, Sammy


  15. So excited that you got some early summer Sammy! We had nice weather too! It was the high 60’s 🙂 We we so very sad to hear about Lexi leaving for the Bridge, it breaks our hearts.
    Marty and the Gang


    • I know that Dezi and her Mom are feeling the loss SOOOOO much. It’s hard for Dezi to do everything to help her Mom without Lexi’s help. Hopefully they will get another service kitty to help very soon. Enjoy your nice weather!!!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Uncle Sammy yur weather iss furabuluss!!! Wee not made 50 F deegreess here….thee snow melted butt there are BIG piless still left in parkin lotss an inn fieldss!
    Mee mite just join you on yur beech…..that wood bee so luvley…
    An wee saw on FB that Lexi had gone to Pure Land an went rite over to leeve message fur Dezi an Lady Audra. Mee Aunty’ss Nylablue an Mingflower will watch over her……
    Run free sweet Lexi gurl ❤
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • OH MY! It took forever for all the piles of our big snow to leave too but they are finally gone – it’s been nice here BUT Mom says she’s suspicious of trusting the spring stuff because it’s too early. She’s afraid we might have more snow! EEEK! As for Lexi I knew that your Aunties would be meeting her at the Bridge to welcome her……and that’s why I’m not scared of going to the Bridge myself because I have SOOOOOOOOOOOO many friends there and I know they will welcome me.

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • LadyMum iss wunderin here if Snow will reetern when wee are not lookin!!! It iss not berry warm today again an berry cloudy! PHOOEY!!! Our front yard lookss like it has ‘rot’ on it…eeeewwww….it iss icky lookin!!! Am the garden….oh Unccle there iss nuffin left….all thee rose bushes are trampled inn to thee ground…there iss onlee a bit of Ivy an the Hydrangea bush…not even sure it will flower again……..
        As fur Pure Land aka thee Bridge you KNOE Aunty Nylablue will bee there when you crossover an then you will bee ree-united an will meet Aunty Mingflower an all yur furendss….
        Butt do not go thee for a while longer ok Unccle????
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


  17. Sammy, we too are enjoying this crazy summer weather. It’s now Saturday and much cooler and cloudy with some rain. Mom worked in the yard four days in a row and is quite proud of her progress. But even though she was very careful, she now has poison ivy on her face, chin and neck….the only places that were not totally covered by clothing. We’re hoping she doesn’t plan to going anywhere looking disfigured like that. It’s an embarrassment. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • OH NOOOOO!!!!!! Poison ivy is SUPER miserable – poor Mom Janet. I hope you all will take special care of her because she’s probably incredibly uncomfortable and itchy! Mom gets that sometimes and it takes forever to dry up and go away. Give her a hug from me and Mom……but be careful you don’t get poison ivy!!!!

      Love, Sammy


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