Teaser Tell All



Tellin’ it like it IS!

OK everybody – I told you it would be a toughie and by golly it was right?   In fact, as of when I was slaving away on this blog post, NOBODY had guessed it.   NOBODY.   Which of course means:


TEE HEE!!!!!   BRAVO FOR ME!!!!    Actually it isn’t BRAVO for me as much as it is for my successful Guest Teaser who sent in the photo that fooled the universe – and that is my friend Raz from FRIENDSFUREVER…….. Thank you Raz for driving everyone nuts yesterday with your photo.    This is for you!

Thank you Raz for being my Guest Teaser!

Thank you Raz for being my Guest Teaser!

Here’s Raz’s WINNING Teaser photo!

TEASERFEB29-2016Where was the photo taken you might ask????????    It was snapped by Raz’s Mom and Dad on a trip to HALIFAX PUBLIC GARDENS, in HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA!    That’s right…….A lot of you knew it was a Botanical Gardens but not WHERE that botanical gardens was located.  

Now for the AWARDS – Suzie Q would you like to SHAKE it for our visitors before I announce the winners?????

Raz's Teaser Was a pleaser Nobody knew Or even had a clue!! BOO HOO HOO!

Raz’s Teaser
Was a pleaser
Nobody knew
Or even had a clue!!





Gee….that wipes out my Greenie badge stash – I’d better order a few more crates of those babies!

Before I go, I must tell those of you who knew that I’d entered a wacky contest on The Evil Squirrel’s blog – in the contest we all had to come up with a creative to “do away with” Buster the Possum who is one of Evil Squirrel’s cartoon characters on his blog.   Well, we didn’t win BUT we got a cool badge:

EVILSQUIRRELBADGEThe two winning entries were TOTALLY better than mine so I congratulate them and I will be returning to The Evil Squirrel’s blog for this contest next year you can BET ON IT!  


Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!


Hugs-n-Stuff, Sammy 


53 responses »

  1. Wow…..we really didn’t expect it to be that hard! ConCats to everyone who guessed….those Greenies are great (we know ’cause we have a HUGE selection of them!)

    Happy Dr Seuss day!

    The Florida Furkids


  2. Well, that WAS a toughie for the Tuesday; that’s for sure!
    Too bad you didn’t win the contest for eliminating Buster the Possum; better luck next year!
    And Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!
    Love, Sundae


    • Well, the winner in the contest was one of my followers anyway – and she did a splendid job with her entry so I’m VERY happy for her. It was Sharon of Gentle Stitches! Anyway, onward to celebrate Dr. Seuss Day!!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Beth Ann! Halifax Public Gardens is where this sight could be seen – my Mom and Dad have NEVER been there but Raz’s folks said it was a beautiful spot!

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Happy Dr. Seuss Day!


  3. You and Raz did a great job stumping everyone. Happy Dr. Seuss Day! You make a great Lorax 🙂
    I will vote for you in the squirrel contest.XO


    • Hi Miss Ellen! The Squirrel Contest is already over with – The Evil Squirrel himself chose the winners so it wasn’t a voting thing BUTTTTTT thanks for the “vote of confidence” !! It was a wacky contest though. Yes, Raz really sent in a whopper of a Teaser photo didn’t he? Hope I can find a good one for NEXT week!!!

      Love, Sammy


  4. Well, we are in good company today…Greenies all around! Sammy we cannot believe you didn’t win the contest. Your entry was so clever and super funny! Happy Read Across America/Dr. Seuss’s Birthday, Sammy. You are the finest Lorax we have ever seen. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Gang! It’s a big day isn’t it? So much going on……well I was disappointed not to win Evil Squirrel’s contest BUTTT at least someone I know won – she’s one of my followers and a VERY talented with her crochet. Her “scene” for the contest was with crochet characters – Sharon of Gentle Stitches. BRAVO FOR HER. Glad you like my Lorax outfit – I was a Lorax at Scouts last year – this year I’m a whole different character – one I’d never even heard of! SEE YOU LATER!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Way over in Halifax eh? Well, I’ll be a Canuck….at least I was in the right country and planet. Tricky one agent Sammykins. You have a nice day now. We are getting more snow flakes this morning, Gah! ❤ ❤ b


  6. Concats to Raz, and to you for beating everyone. My mum and dad have been to Halifax on a cruise, but she doesn’t think she went to those gardens. She probably wouldn’t have got it anyway because she thought it looked very British.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My parents have never been there but I think the benches and general “feel” of the place are British – so much for that though huh?!?!?! Oh well….there’s always next week my friend!

      Love, Sammy


  7. conga ratz raz… on foolin de lot oh uz…& sammy dood….ya look total lee kewl aza lorax !!!! happee seuss day two ewe; make sure ya eat lotz oh bacon two day coz it bee Dr Seuss’ fav o rite foodz !! 🙂 ♥♥♥


  8. Oh. My. Mouses. MOUSES! I miss the teaser and… IT’S FROM RIGHT HERE IN NOVA SCOTIA! Like I said, MOUSES!!!

    Of course, I’ve never been to the Public Gardens, myself, being a cat and all but the peep has. In fact, Peep #1 lived in Halifax way back when, when she was at university.

    Actually, I have a funny story to tell you ’bout those gardens. After the peep’s graduation ceremony, she and her mum went to the gardens to get some pictures of her in the robe and stuff with all the pretty spring flowers. Well the peep’s mum couldn’t use the peep’s camera on account of all the buttons and things and focusing stuff. So the peep’s mum used her own camera which was really easy to use. Many weeks later, the peep’s mum asked the peep, “How come the numbers keep advancing and I’m not running out of film?” The answer? NO FILM IN THE CAMERA! There was none in there the day of the graduation ceremony, either. MOUSES!



  9. Oh Meow Sammy you mean we ain’t da only ones who don’t have a clue? MOL Sorry yous didn’t win. better luck next time. Hey, you won yous contest instead. MOL Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  10. I like your Wilford Brimley mustache there, Sammy. I’d have never guessed Nova Scotia there since it’s so bright, and I always associate that province with the total eclipse of the sun in “You’re So Vain”…


  11. Hi, Sam (and Pam’s) fans. This is Dianna, Sundae’s mom – just wanted to let all of you know that Pam is having computer issues, and that’s why there’s no post today.


  12. Hey Sammy where are you? Can you hear me good buddy? Is your mom being a slacker today like mine?
    Hugs and missing your Madi your bffff


  13. Once again…me was WRONG!!!!
    Happy belated Dr Seuss Day! Mes did not vist anybody yesterday…wes had company, the pawrents of The Canadian Cats (Callie and Shoko’s), cane to my house to see ME!!!
    Me was so honored!
    Kisses Dear Sammy
    Your Nellie Bellie


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