


Wait a minute………….that was rude……… about “GIMME PLEASE” ??????   That’s better isn’t it.   Well, however its’ said I would like to request some bacon purrrrrlease Mom.

There’s no mistakin’

the smell of bacon!


I was extra lucky this week – Mom and Dad had big fat BLTs for dinner one night this week……………so of course I got a bit of bacon by giving Mom “the look” very politely and quietly.   That works every time.  Mom calls it a “SILENT BEG”…..hahaha……whatever you call it, it seems to work like a charm (don’t tell Mom I said that though!).

Don't have to say a word......just practice THE LOOK!

Don’t have to say a word……just practice THE LOOK!


This kitty has THE LOOK but I think she’s right – if it lands on the floor you don’t even HAVE to beg – it’s yours by default!



If you understand this then you are ready for membership in my Bacon Club!  


Wear it with pride on your blog…….we “Baconators” have to stick together, right?






53 responses »

  1. Maybe if I am lucky, someone at the cat show this weekend will let me have some of their bacon – they sell breakfast in the show hall. I know my human won’t be having anything other than her usual energy drink and nuts, but most of the exhibitors there have way more sense than she does!


  2. Your favorite day of the week, Sammy! It’s nice that it falls immediately after your least favorite day (Monster Day). Bacon Caturday is kind of like a reward for enduring the monster! Enjoy!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are so polite to beg with just a look. How nice you got to have bacon twice in the same week. I love your collection of bacon photos. Have a great day 🙂


  4. What do I get? Asparagus, Pears…..yeesh. I think I’ve had bacon one or two times. Mama only bought it for her greens, cornbread and black eyed peas for New Years Day this year. My groomer gives me treats that look like bacon, but that’s only once a month….would you invite me over one Caturday?


    • I should have a BACON BREAKFAST BUFFET one Saturday and have all my friends over…….wouldn’t that be fun? Maybe I’ll do that on my blog one of these days – of course on the blog is NOT as yummy as IN PERSON!

      Love, Sam


  5. Sigh! I have still to taste my first piece of bacon. M says she can’t give it to me because I have no toothies to chew it with. I’m so deprived.


    • Well I can see her point – no toofies makes it just a bit TOUGH to eat bacon……but if she mixed it in something SOFT – like baby food – just little pieces of it – I bet you’d love it!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy purrsonally I think bacon is a health(y) food and should be #1 on the food pyramid. Sammy I hope it post this time we created a new WP password
    Hugs madi your bfff


  7. Our mom has been going to make you a special bacon meme, Sammy. She hasn’t gotten to it yet, but we are going to make her do it this week for sure. Hope it was super nommy today! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  8. An may thee bacon bee with you Unccle Sammy!!!!
    Mee tried to order LadyMum to give mee sum tuna an boy did mee get a leckture….so mee isss goin to bee xtra poe-lite tonite 😉 Mannerss are so imawtent aren’t they Unccle???
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Hi Siddhartha! When we are polite, we get a LOT further than if we’re demanding and a pain in the neck! You’re right – manners are very important and we get a lot more treats if we just wait for them to come our way rather than INSIST on them!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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