Anipal Appreciation, Etc.




The very first annual Anipal Appreciation Day.    A day created by everybody’s favorite pig, Bacon  for the purpose of celebrating our friends in the blogosphere and spreading the word about them to our fellow pet bloggers!

I am the FIRST to admit that I follow a lot of blogs – I follow them because I love them, but I also know there are HUNDREDS of blogs out there and many of them I really do NOT know a thing about.   So to celebrate today, I thought I’d just share THREE of the newest ones I’m following with you.

Bella and Esme of KittiesCare are two adorable kittens who are about to turn one year old and who totally turn their household upside down with their fun and antics as only kittens can do.   They are ALWAYS into something………usually something they shouldn’t be into!    They live in The Havre with their “girl-woman” and “boy-man” and I know without a doubt whenever they have a new blog post I will LOVE IT.    Even when these two get into BIG trouble, I come away after reading their blog with a smile on my face……


Photo of Bella and Esma STOLEN from their blog (oops – sorry girls)

Next is another new one for me anyway – that’s the wonderful, beautiful, and super caring lady known as Puppydoc – otherwise actually known as Doctor Phoebe from PhoebeMD.   What can I say about Dr. Phoebe other than she is an amazing physician who has been to many places around the world helping people who need help and doing what she seems to do best – medical care with a CARING HEART.    Not only that, but Phoebe has a beautiful big black/white kitty named Samantha – she’s gorgeous – so is Dr. Phoebe, and if you haven’t found them yet in the world of blogging, take a peek.   Dr. Phoebe writes amazing poetry and posts gorgeous artwork too………it’s a WIN/WIN!


Photo of Dr. Phoebe and Samantha STOLEN from their blog (oops…..I did it again!)

The third of my new blog friends is a Scottie pup who is probably already known to many of you but I JUST met him recently.   He was a friend of Stuart the Scottie who many of you also knew who is now residing across the Rainbow Bridge.  Skyler Braveheart seems to have his humans wrapped around his paw and while I’m still learning about this guy, I think I’m going to truly enjoy reading about his adventures!


Photo of Skyler STOLEN from his blog (sorry Skyler…hope you don’t mind!)

Those are just THREE of so very many blogs that I am newly following.   There are so many that I keep track of and visit every day.   There’s nothing greater than this wonderful world of caring folks that we all know in the world of Pet Blogging………………humans and critters alike – every day is an adventure.   I’m so happy to be part of it!

Thank you to EVERYONE who follows me………………and thank you to everyone who spends time crafting fun, informative, and HAPPY blogs about their pets and families – – – because of all of you, MY family has grown to epic proportions – it’s worldwide – it’s huge – and I have Cousins, Aunts, and Uncles ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL over the world!


Bacon, my friend and Cousin, you had a brilliant idea with ANIPAL APPRECIATION DAY…..I will look forward to it every single year………….and I thank you for letting me be a part of it by using the BADGE I created just for this occasion.   I’m “wearing it with pride” today and it will move to my sidebar now where it will await the passing of a year when I will be back (I hope) to share more pet blogs and fun with all of you!


Happy Pet Blogging!!!!



Hugs, Sammy

P.S.   Don’t forget – tomorrow is the TEASER!!!!!!   Watch your computers/ipads/phones, etc. for it to pop up and be FIRST COMMENTER, FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER or WRONG (hahaha)…………see you tomorrow at a RANDOM time!!!!!


84 responses »

  1. Pingback: Kitty Kitty Who Got the Boule? | Pet Blogging in Middle-Earth

  2. Wonderful post today, Sammy! We are going to visit the blogs you featured today, because they’re all new to us.
    Motor Mommy has a post today that she thinks you and your mom will like. 😉
    Love, Sundae


    • We loved your post………it was sweet of you to use US to blog about on Anipal Appreciation Day….this is a wonderful world we’re in – pet bloggers and those who are “around” that in anyway with a blog are so very creative and genuinely sweet and kind people. What a nice way to star our day too – catching up with NICE PEOPLE on their blogs!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Aww! Thanks Sammy! You’re AWESOME. 😀 Samantha and I will surely visit your new anipal friends!

    We are so glad we have you as our buddy…both you and your mommy. Why…it must have been fate…fate I tell ya! 😉

    Big hugs and licks! – Puppydoc and Samantha ❤ ❤ ❤


    • We hope we sent some new friends your way too – as if you needed more people to keep up with (!) – but we love your blog and we love ALL our friends and today is a great new celebration of that!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy (and Pam)


  4. What a fun post! Coming over from These Days of Mine and adding you to my blog feed because …well….I am cat obsessed. I have two that make appearances on my own blog at times –Buddy and Holly. There is nothing much better than a lap of cat, is there? Thanks for another fun blog to read!


    • Love the names you gave your cats…….Buddy Holly was a favorite of my hubby’s too! Cat obsessed is a wonderful way to be if you ask us – – – and I’m glad you found US and we found YOU thanks to Anipal Appreciation Day and Dianna!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Thanks! We lived in Mason City, IA when I got them and that is where the airport is that he flew out of when the plane crashed so it is a big deal around there and it seemed like the right names. Officially following you now and love your blog as well!


        • I have always loved hearing how pets get their names….my Mom says when she adopted me from the shelter they asked if she would rename me “Hemingway” because I am a polydactyl and they said “everyone” who has a kitty with extra toes names their boy cats Hemingway and girlcats Polly. HA! My Mom said “no way!”………and let my Dad choose a name for me. He said “he looks like a Sammy to me” and that was THAT!

          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I will be checking out the blogs you have mentioned because I do so enjoy the pet blogs! I already visit Puppy Doc. So a visit to your other two picks will happen today. Great idea this Anipal Appreciation Day! I have met the nicest, kindest people and their pets through the pet blogs! Hugs to you Sammy, and to your Mom!


    • The pet blogging world is truly full of amazingly nice, kind, fun, and very creative people – AND those who visit us even if they don’t have a blog at this point in time (wink) are MORE than wonderful for being our friends. Mom and I can’t imagine our world without YOU in it……..we love you………from the bottom of my furry toes (and Mom’s non-furry ones) to the top of my slowly balding ginger cranium (and Mom’s slowly balding brownish gray cranium) thanks for being part of the blogosphere…

      Love, Sammy (and Mom)


  6. Thank you Sammy. Bella and Esme always make me laugh. I didn’t know about all of these though so I will check them out. Your Mom did a wonderful jon making the graphic. XO


  7. Pingback: Animal Appreciation Day 15 februari 2016 | angelswhisper2011

  8. aaww what a blast is this coming out to be cousin! I’m loving meeting so many new people and showing appreciation across the blogville world. It’s totally awesome! Off to meet some of your new peeps now. Love you cousin! XOXO – Bacon


  9. Wow, thanks for the photo and plug Sammy! Mama is going to work on our blog pretty soon….as soon as my nap is finished and I get off her lap that is. We have made some amazing new pals too ( including you), and always interested in making more! Bacon is ALWAYS thinking of interesting new products…did you read Bacon’s interview of Speedy The Rex Rabbit ? Animalizer Prize quality!
    Your Pal, Skyler Braveheart


  10. Pawsum bloggie Unccle Sammy! Fankss fur beein mee mentor an Unccle an guiding mee along mee path!! Mee toe-tally apurrsheatess you so-o much!!!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ an **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~~


    • Dearest Nephew… are growing up to be a delightful and happy young boycat and I’m very proud of you. Your road so far for one so young has not been ideal – lots of ups and downs and health challenges, but you are hanging in there and I know you are doing your BEST. I hope there’s nothing but bright happy days ahead for you and your LAdymum………always.

      Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Fank you Unccle fur yur support an kind werdss an guidance! You have helped mee to grow into thee mankat mee all most iss….
        Mee still has sum ruff edges butt mee iss getting smoother as time goess on!!!! An yur rite that mee has had sum hurdless to jump with mee health an such an mee iss reeleeved that mee iss feelin so much better!!!
        ~~~head rubsss~~~ an **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx


        • It’s hard to be a young cat……then add health issues on top of that and it’s very difficult trying to get settled down to begin leading a fun, happy and healthy life. You and Ladymum have managed to find your way – and that makes me VERY VERY happy!

          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yur so wise Unccle Sammy an what you say iss true…plus add a LadyMum with health issuess… it was not easy fur either of us!!! Mee iss doin better beehaveeur wise an so iss LadyMum, mew mew mew….
            Shee iss all so calmer so that helps both of us.
            An wee understand each other better now that wee have been together fur so long…
            Whew it sure took a long time to get to this place 😉
            ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


          • Sometimes it does take a while – kind of like a new marriage….adjusting schedules, accepting differences, finding likes and dislikes and learning to live with them……but you two are a match made in heaven and I know that you both know that now!!!! I’m just happy for you two………and happy that life is better. We’re really not in this life for so very long so we need to be as happy and content as we can while we’re here!

            Love, Uncle Sammy

            Liked by 1 person

    • We thought Bacon’s idea was brilliant when he told us about it and indeed it turned into a very FUN day all around the blogosphere. It’s not always easy keeping up with blogs we love but we do when we can…….and learning about NEW ones is always fun!!!! Thanks for visiting me – – – and thanks too for pawticipating in Anipal Appreciation Day!

      Love, Sammy


  11. This is a pawsum day Sammy. As spected we furgot. Mommy had so much on hers mind this weekend and was so tires, she just didn’t think to look at da calendar. 😦 Maybe next year we’ll do better. have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


    • Thanks for pawticipating in the new special day in the blogosphere. I know Bacon was pleased about that………….You will love Bella and Esme if you visit them – one year old kittens who are ALWAYS getting into trouble and keeping their humans BUSY. HAHA

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Flynn! Thanks for the compliments on the badge we did for Bacon… was a BIG DAY in the blogosphere wasn’t it? I’m so happy that so many pawticipated. I hope you’re feeling good these days my friend? I’m hanging in there – still have two or three day periods when I’m sick…..Mom is going to discuss this with my doc next month when I have my next checkup. She’s not really sure the medication is DOING anything – if you’re taking meds for something, they should eliminate or relieve the symptoms she thinks and I still have the symptoms!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Dawn and Lola! Anipal Appreciation Day was a lot of fun and I know Bacon was happy to have so many bloggers pawticipate – next year it will be even BIGGER I bet! I love your blog too although some days Mom never gets me around to EVERYONE to visit but I always read when I can……Hope we will be friends for a long time!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. What a great badge! Sammy, yous and your Mommy is the bestest!!!!
    Mes is so disappointed with my Mommy because she has ONCE AGAIN, failed to helps mes blog about a event!!! Quite frankly, mes is thinking about looking for a new assistant or staging a intervention for my Work-a-holic Mommy! She has, told mes that she will be helping me post and visit my furrends a little more often than once a month…Mes will believes it when mes sees it

    Anyway, thanks yous and a wonderful post!
    Wes only has met Bella and Esme, mes should goes and see Skyler and Dr Phoebe and Samantha!
    Kisses dear furrend
    Your Nellie Bellie


    • Dearest Nellie…..don’t you worry your pretty little head about visiting everybody because we are ALWAYS closely connected through our hearts – all of us! I think about you and wonder if you’re still OK as do ALL of your friends ALL THE TIME….I know you’re warm and happy with your Mommy and that’s the best feeling in the world. You visit when you can………and post when you can…… me – we understand what it’s like to have a busy Mom!!!!!

      Sending you WARM hugs……
      Love, Sammy


  13. We were happy to have the opportunity in the first annual Animal Appreciation Day. Thanks for introducing us to new blogs. We’d heard of the second and third but had never visited, but we didn’t know about the first one you mentioned. We will pay them all a visit. Sammy, you were one of our first friends. We appreciate your love and support and send you and Mom Pam all our love. XOCK Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Mom Janet


    • I’m so happy you pawticipated in Anipal Appreciation Day……I know Bacon was very excited to have so many bloggers involved in the first celebration of friendship in the blogosphere……I learned about a LOT of new blogs yesterday too! You will LOVE Bella and Esme especially – they are the one year old kittens who live in The Hague, Holland. They are so cute and full of mischief. Dr. Phoebe is a sweet lady with a pretty cat and a big talent for poetry…..and Skyler is just a cutie pie Scottie that “discovered” us after we had posted on Stuart’s blog. I am so happy to include you all in my list of FRIENDS…..and I know it will be FOREVER too.

      Love, Sammy


  14. Mee-you Unccle yur so wise!!! Mee an LadyMum nevurr thott of this. Wee meowed about what you said an wee toe-tally agree!
    LadyMum sayss wee are like “Thee Honeymoonerss’ sum dayss; fussin an hollering butt wee all wayss make up 😉
    An yes mee had to leern not to bee so-o bossy an Ladymum had to leern how to take propurr care of mee. An wee had to leern each other’s language all so. That REELLY ISS a lot fur a littul kittyboy an a Hu’man to leern. Fankss fur guiding mee Unccle……yur *pawtastick*!
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Dear boy you found your OWN way on this – with your Ladymum’s help and a lot of patience from everyone…..eventually what was wrong was figured out and now things are popping up in the RIGHT column instead of the wrong. Sometimes we want things to be right from the very first moment but it often takes time for things to become the way they should be. Especially with growing, active kitties who have a health issue! You’re definitely doing MUCH better now and I think it will be smooth sailing for you and Ladymum as long as you are patient with each other!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Fankss Unccle Sammy fur yur support an guidance. An yur rite it had ALOT to do with payshuntss. An sumtimess mee or LadyMum iss NOT payshunt an that iss when fingss get ruff. Butt wee all ways *kiss* an make up!
    An with thee bad Homeopathy medss makin mee so-o sick maybe that was a good fing so wee could bond more?
    Mee iss so gratefull Aunty Sheila tooked us to Doc Lang an hee helped mee with mee foodabullss an bowel trubble. Now mee iss a much happier kittyboy! 😉
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxxx


    • Sadly we’ve never heard of too many homeopathic meds that actually work….but that Dr. Lang is a real WINNER. I think he’s definitely a keeper so always be a very good boy when you visit him and do just what he says!!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Mee knows Unccle. LadyMum was all ways skepteecal about Homeopathy xcept fur thee Bach’ss Rescue Remedy….
    Shee says shee will NEVURR try Homeopathy again.
    Docktur Lang iss so poe-lite an so smart…..mee promises mee will bee good anytime mee goess to see him 😉
    ~~head rubsss~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


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