


Yes, today’s post is titled “VETeran” because by 9:30AM I will be one…..I will have been to my Vet for my 4-month checkup so that would make me a VETeran right?  Right!   Mom thinks she’s been able to sneak my harness and leash upstairs without me seeing it……she actually doesn’t know that I review the big desk calendar in the kitchen constantly to see if she’s put the word “VET” or “SAM” on there anywhere.   I’m smarter than she thinks I am apparently!


So, tomorrow is Teaser Tuesday and I’m still making my mind up on the photo – it MIGHT be a Guest Teaser but it MIGHT be a Mom Teaser……..tomorrow you’ll find out OK?   All I can tell you is that we’ll make it good.  Oh yeah – you can count on that.


I sort of had a good day yesterday……………Mom and Dad worked on the leaves in the yard but it only took a couple of hours so I just napped.   Then they came in and Mom wanted to rest and I popped up on her lap and took a snooze for a while.  She had to get up after about 30 minutes so THAT was THAT.   She came upstairs to work on the computer (probably to help me with this post!!!!)………and I did NOT like it one bit.  I yelled from the bottom of the stairs but I do that all the time, so Mom didn’t give it a thought – she just called me and said she’d be with me soon………so what did I do?   Well I horked of course.  Yep – in the foyer on the rug.  TWICE.   She’s learning the yard way that if she doesn’t do what I want her to do RIGHT THEN, there’s a possible hork in her future.    Actually it was because I’d been outside earlier and ate some grass…..but don’t tell HER that!

Hope you all had a great weekend………….we did…………… it’s onward to another busy week.   Would you believe Mom is already doing some of her Christmas shopping online?  YES!   I wonder if any of it is for ME ME ME?   Of course if it’s NOT for me…….I can always HORK to get her attention!!!    HAHA – just kidding (sort of).



55 responses »

    • You get to do FUN stuff when your harness comes out – I have to go to the doctor! Although I do wear it when Mom and I go for our walks in the dark – – – – too bad it’s not DARK out right now or I might be excited! HAHA

      Love, Sammy


  1. Good luck at the vet, Sammy! I’m sure you will have good results: you’ve been a good boy about taking your meds recently!
    Now, if you could only find a less messy way of getting your mom’s attention…..
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are probably back from the vet by now Sammy, and I hope everything went well for you.
    Mum was hoping to take me this week, but I have to have a fasting blood test and she is very limited this week with which days she can get me in early, and they don’t tally with the days my vet will be there early. He is on holiday next week, so it looks like I might get a 2 week reprieve.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well a two week reprieve is a good thing as long as you’re feeling good Flynn and you really do look GREAT these days. I’ll have a small report on the Teaser tomorrow about my visit today. Basically I’m doing great for an old man!!

      Love, Sammy


      • I am glad you are doing well Sammy!
        I don’t get my reprieve after all. My vet rang my mum and asked if she could get me in by 8am on wednesday. He is doing the tuesday night cover and will see me before he hands over in the morning. At least we should be back home around 9 so breakfast won’t be too late.


  3. Good luck, Sammy I hope by now you are safe home again!! I’m a VETeran too as I had to go on Friday and it was so traumatic I actually pooped in the PTU on the way home!! I was so embarrassed as I’d never done that before!! Luckily the vet said I was in good shape physically, but he and mum had a long chat about the fact I’m showing a lot of stress at the moment! I might have some calming medicine in my future!! It’s a bad time of year here for fireworks and all kinds of bad weather so it’s probably that!! xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mee-youUnccle Austin do you have Bach’s Rescue Remedy there?? It iss sold inn Healthy Food storess an it doess werk! Reememburr how much mee needed it??? An that all wayss helped mee calm down.
      Just a thott….mee not want you to end up on Hu’man calmin medss; they are not so grate 😉
      **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi there young NeffKitty, Yes mum thought of you! The vet has something called Pet Remedy which has valerian in it. He said they didn’t know too much about it, but reports had been good so they stock it. We’ve read the leaflet and think we will give it a try. Thanks Purrince Siddhartha and LadyMum xoxoxo

        Liked by 2 people

        • That soundss like a good diea Unccle Austin…..Valerian iss used fur calmin an sleepin…just a littul amount iss needed….
          Mee hopess yur Mumma can get you sum an it werkss well fur you Unccle.
          **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • Oh Austin……I’m glad your vet said you’re in good shape but if you’re under stress that is NOT good – hoping he can prescribe something for you to take when you need to be de-stressed……we kitties should be COOL AND CALM – (makes for better naps too!).

      Sending hugs,

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Sammy, see my answer to Siddhartha above!! I am calmer, but it has been going on for a while now! Mum is sure the bad weather and the hour going back and ALL the fireworks really upset me!! xxxx


  4. Sammy, good job on the working. Lisbeth and Mau are champions at that. It;’s because they inhale their food! That does sound like a great way to get Mom Pam’s attention. You should be home from the vet by now. Sure hope you got an A+. Mom has just about finished her shopping. Usually she is done by now. She has ordered a watercolor of the eight of us from Thomas Dalsgaard Clausen or Dad. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wow…….Thomas did an amazing job on the one of Mau and Allie – I imagine the Group KB one has to be totally AMAZING!!!!!! I’ll have a little bit about my vet visit on the Teaser tomorrow!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Mee-you Unccle Sammy you eated sum grass??? No wunder you horked….mee hopes yur OK now!! Mee eated grass thiss Summer an onlee horked once which reelly confused LadyMum. The Doc Melissa (who mee not like) said d not let ‘him’ (Mee has a name lady!) eatss grass…..
    So no more fur mee….Doc Ian (who mee DOESS like) says no grass until mee die-gestive system iss werkin rite. An that makess sense to mee….
    Iss grate thee leevess are all picked up an fingss neet an tidy there. Today was vacuumin (mee was out inn Condo) an litterbox cleenin an bathroom cleenin. LadyMum all so lit sum cherry Inn-cense an now mee iss so mell-oh mee iss goin fur a ‘happy nappy’…..
    Bee seein you, neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=
    Pee S.: Hope you do not mind mee replied to Unccle Austin here…..

    Liked by 1 person

      • Mee ‘happy nappy’ was luvley. Mee iss back out inn Condo today. it iss warmish butt there iss wind…..LadyMum said it could snow bye katurday!!! PPPPPFFFTTT to THAT rite Unccle Sammy???
        An mee knowss mee not aloud to have grass. It doess not die-gest well inn mee tummy…..
        **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  6. Oh Sammy you didn’t? MOL Well guess dat got hers ‘tention, huh? MOL Sowry yous had to go to da VET again and so offen. Weez hope all is well. Stay warm and have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  7. All the best for a good report and well done for employing operation HORK! You gotta keep your staff alert and responsive to your needs! HaHaHa! 😀


  8. Sammy! Long time, no visit. My Human is hopeless. Do you know what? Yesterday, the Human found TWO–count ’em, TWO–mummified hairballs in unlikely & out-of-the-way corners! Score! It totally grossed her out, Buddy. Best to hork things in out of the way spots and just WAIT for the cries of dismay weeks or months later. More fun than should be legal.

    Hope the v-e-t trip was not too bad and that you’re home and chilling by now. XOXOXO


    • Oh Spitty you’re a man after my own heart – the “hidden hork” is one of my specialties – good for you! Isn’t it fun watching them cleaning the house and finding an old “GIFT” from the depths of our tummies waiting for them???? I love it. Maybe we should start a “SECRET HORK” club? Still waiting to hear what the results of my bloodwork yesterday at the vet were……turns out I’d lost a whole pound in four months since last checkup but the vet said I am in “remarkable” shape for practically 16! WOOT!

      Love, Sammy


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