Finally Friday


Alright!  It’s here!   Cleaning day/Friday!   No problem……..I can do it………..I handled strangers in my house yesterday so I can handle parents in my house today cleaning the place from top to bottom right?  Right!

The stranger came to unhook the old dishwasher so the guys can deliver it tomorrow (more strangers) and then today’s stranger will come back and hook up the new dishwasher.  Tomorrow will be STRANGER than today but I’m OK with it.   It will make OLD MOM happy.

So back to cleaning…………………here are my usual giggles:


Good to the last DROP!


Gotta have some giggles on cleaning day right?    I’m still freaked out about those shoes with the dusters on the ends though………I hope Mom doesn’t find those in any pet store!

I’m already concerned because the other day she found these online and thinks I’d look (her words) “ADORABLE” in them.   I say EEEEEEEK!


So can you see yourself in any of these?  Torture devices is what I say……….anyway, she wouldn’t DARE……..I prefer being naked – no sweaters, scarves, and certainly no shoes!   Gimme a break!

Anyway, I’d better get back to keeping an eye on these humans of mine.  If I quit watching them for one minute they get ideas……………it can be dangerous letting them get ideas – you know what I mean?


Hugs, Sammy

55 responses »

  1. Eek, no shoes!!! One of my Friday Flashbacks that mum has scheduled ahead (she usually does 3 weeks at a time) was when we had snow. I am glad she didn’t get shoes for me and Eric to wear when we went walking in it.


    • Oh Cupcake we saw some videos of animals who had to wear boots or shoes and that’s excactly how they were – their feet just came way up like they were trying to get OUT OUT OUT of whatever was holding their feet!!! I think they probably do keep your toesies from getting all icy in the winter time though. Maybe you’ll get used to them……….EVENTUALLY!

      Love, Sam


  2. my momma fears that moment when they remove a dishwasher, oven or a fridge. she always tries to hide in a mice hole when she sees how the floor and the wall looks after removing that thingies. although all kitchen-stuff guys said that’s totally normal and there is no reason to stand in their way with cleaning that places immeowdiately :o)


    • My Mom wasn’t sure WHAT was behind the old dishwasher but it turned out the answer was NOTHING….some little tiny scraps of the new hardwood floor and that’s that! We really lucked out – Mom was afraid there could be something ICKY bad there.

      Love, Sam


  3. I don’t think your Mom will be putting those shoes on you! I don’t think you would let her… 😀 I am befuddled… when is the new dishwasher in and ready to go? Have a great Friday, Sammy! We are planning on a great day… 🙂


    • Old dishwasher was disconnected YESTERDAY… dishwasher arrives TODAY…….we didn’t want the appliance people to install – we prefer our plumber (who knows what he’s doing!!!!!). HAHAHA

      Love, Sammy


  4. I love to dress my cats, but I am not even that stupid to attempt to put shoes on a cat 🙂 I love the photo with all the toys under the couch 🙂 Have a great weekend. My Sammy will see you on the train trip. XO


    • Yes – our first trip to Canada on a choo choo!!!!!! Your cats seem to love being in clothes……..I sit as still as a statue and make a horrible face OR I run like a tornado – neither works for my Mom!

      Hugs, Sam


  5. Oh cousin. Shoes – so funny. Mommy bought Houdini some mini boots to match her Uggs in his size. Hilarious I’m telling you. She is going to let him try them this weekend and video tape it. Trust me.. I will definitely share that videotape. Have a fantastic weekend cousin. XOXO – Bacon


  6. Hey Sammy!
    Wow, I hate it when strangers invade my territory! I also hate the dreaded vacula. Sure hope my Mom doesn’t see those dusting boots or she’ll try them on me. She sometimes threatens to tie a broom to my tail in hopes I’ll sweep up my own fur. BWAR HAR HAR NOT!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


    • We have it tough enough just looking as good as we do don’t you think Sarge? We can’t be responsible if we lose a hair here and there….we shouldn’t have to clean it up……they are “gifts” to our humans! I think I’ll have a tough time selling that theory to my Mom though.

      Hugs, sammy


  7. Yur so brave Uncle Sammy….just reememburr thee ‘strangerss’ are onlee there to do a job an then they are gone an you nevurr have to see ‘them’ again! 😉
    An those bootss are sorta cool (fur a doggie!)
    LadyMum wants to put a sweater or sumfing on mee….not happenin…butt mee will let her down gentully…..mew mew mew…
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


  8. Oh Sammy we liv da leopard shoes. We fink they wuld look pawsum on you. MOL Glad yous mommy be gettin’ a new dishwasher. mommy offen wishes we had one udder than her. MOL Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


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