Meteoric Friday


So did you get to see the Perseids yet?  Actually the peak days HERE were yesterday and today but Mom and I have seen meteors in the early morning sky (4AM) for the past four days.  Not as many today as yesterday but still we’ve seen them!

When Mom and I go out for our early morning walk at 4AM, I’m on my harness and leash and Mom has a flashlight.   If she’s sky-watching, I just kind of pull her along – like a tractor pulling a dead tree (hahahaha…sorry Mom) but she lets ME guide her while she’s staring at the stars.   She has favorite constellations she likes to look for but the Perseids have been fun.   Whenever there’s a Perseid event we’re all over it.

Stevie the feral visitor was out there waiting to join us to see the meteors.

Stevie the feral visitor was out there waiting to join us to see the meteors.

Now this is NOT my Mom’s photo but it’s EXACTLY what we saw yesterday morning………………most of the meteors we’d seen were fairly small in size with “short tails” – this one was a goodie!


There were some clouds in yesterday’s morning sky so peeking in between them was interesting while meteor-watching!

This is my Mom’s FAVORITE constellation.  Why?  She just loves the shape and the number of stars – it’s easy to find…..




Is there one named after Bacon I wonder???????

HUGS, Sammy the Skywatcher

75 responses »

  1. Yey we are the first to comment! If only it were a Tuesday! You’re very lucky to see the comets Sammy. We had a huge electrical thunder storm in Holland last night so we watched that with the humans. Our girl-woman’s favourite constellation is the plough but I think it’s called something different where you live – the dipper maybe? And wow do you guys get up early! X


    • The Big Dipper and Little Dipper (plough) are also favorites of ours……we live on top of a hill out in the country where there are no street lights so it gets DARK! I’m so very very happy that Esme is alright and that she’s enjoying her “box of resting” !! We were SOOOOOOOOO worried !!! Have a super duper Friday and weekend……..

      Love, Sammy and Mom Pam (who does get up at a ridiculous time of the morning!)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh wow – how lovely! Our humans used to live on a small island off the coast of Africa – there was hardly any light pollution and they always talk about how dark it got there and how they could really see the stars. It’s not so easy to see stars here. Thank you for your kind words. Love Esme and Bella x


        • The only problem we now have even though we’re up on a hill out in the country is that we have lots of BIG HUGE trees all around and as they’ve grown BIGGER they are blocking some of our sky…….but we wouldn’t trade the trees for sky………..they’re wonderful and keep a lot of our yard nice and shady! I’m sure being on an island was PERFECT for sky-watching AND I bet it was nice and quiet there too!!!

          Love and Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  2. We can’t see any shooting stars from our apartment. There are too many street lights and floodlights and safety lights outside. Mom has seen the Perseid Meteor Shower lots of times at her old house. It was darker there.

    Love and licks,


    • It’s pretty dark out here in the country – no street lights but in the early morning we have lights on inside the house…..Mom carries a flashlight when we’re out on our walks but she turned it off so it was as dark as possible and we could see some meteors……!

      Love, Sam


    • Oh yes Stevie still stops by but just long enough for a snack then she disappears! Usually we see her in the dark (early AM or PM) but sometimes she’ll appear during the day. She’s got a home now and just visits because she WANTS to, not because she needs food. Our other visitors live next door – Tina and Ginger Guy (we don’t know EITHER of their “real” names but that’s what WE call them!). Ginger Guy is VERY VERY shy. Mom is trying to make friends with him………Tina is VERY friendly and sweet and often naps on our front porch or our back deck!

      Love, Sam


  3. My pawrents have been out on the deck the past couple of nights, too, Sammy. Last night, I stood just inside the (full storm door) and MEOWED at them until they came in. I was saying: “What are you two crazy fools doing out there on the deck in the darK??? You’re supposed to be in here with ME!”.
    They also saw one meteor like the one in your picture. They were very impressed.
    Happy Bacon Eve, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sundae! Well that was very good of you to try and coax your Mom and Dad back inside when they were obviously NOT inside paying attention to YOU! Humans are such funny creatures sometimes. Some of those meteors were BIG and BRIGHT !

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy, Mom has really wanted to get up every morning to see the meteors; though, she has seen them before. She has just been way to tired. So happy you have been seeing them. Nice to see Stevie as well. Lily got her little piece of bacon and one of egg this morning. This is a new thing for her, but she does gobble the bacon right up. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB Kids! Honestly if my Mom wasn’t insane enough (hahaha) to be an early riser at 4AM every morning SHE wouldn’t have seen the Perseids this time around either!!! We’ve seen them before too but something about them draws Mom (and Dad) back every time they can to see them again. They remind us of how TINY we are here on Earth and how vast the universe really is.

      Love and Hugs and Happy BACON to Lily Olivia!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. WOWZER! That’s so cool. We went out one night but were unable to see anything. I think we were too close to the city lights at that time. I love looking up at the night sky though – so relaxing. XOXO – Bacon


  6. How fun, Sammy! You’re so lucky getting to go on walks with your mom!! I don’t have a favorite constellation, but my brother, Walter, loves Orion. He claims Orion was a strong hunter, so the constellation reminds him to be brave. I don’t know about the brave part (Walter’s still a neurotic mess WITH the Prozac), but every time he chases me around the house I see the inspiration of the hunter in him!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Sammy, and get to enjoy lots of outside time with your mom and dad!!!


    • Hi Carol! Hope all is well in the Creekview Castle!!!! I was pretty excited to get to see the meteors…..Orion is a cool constellation too….there are a lot of interesting ones. I hope one day there’s one named Sam. HAHA

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Do you believe they are nutty enough to be looking up in the sky at all hours. We haven’t seen nothing yet
    Lily & Edward


  8. Because we live right in the middle of the big city, it’s harder to see the meteor showers because it’s always so bright around here! Sometimes if my human climbs up the hill from our house it is dark enough where she can see a few.


    • Oh yes….the more light around the tougher it is to see anything. I was happy to see the ones that we saw for sure……….these events are always super wonderful to see no matter how many times we’ve seen them!

      Love and Happy Weekend!


  9. dood….we thought de shower waz over N we missed it on wednesday now we missed it again on thurzday….cranbereez….thanx for sharin theeze…..N ~~~~~ waves two stevie ~~~~~~~~

    R fav o ritez wood HAFTA ta bee de constellation frum de zodiac…..wait for it….. 🙂 leo de lion…… [ bet ya thinked we wuz gonna say Pisces huh ~~~~ }

    heerz two an icefish inanga kinda week oh end ~~ ♥♥♥


    • Ah ha!!! I like Leo too but he’s a little more difficult to find up in the sky than some…….My Mom has a star chart but it doesn’t always help. Anyway, I hope you Tabbies have a whole lotta fun fishin’ this weekend. I may stop by for whatever you have on the grill!

      Love, Sammy


  10. That feral is cute- do you want a brother? DO you feed him? I saw 18 last night from 12:30-1:30. We enjoy watching The Pleiades (7 sisters) moving up as we are out looking for meteors. That is sweet that you and Mom have you walks together.


    • Stevie has been “around” for about 10 years. Mom gained her trust then she practically claimed the front porch for her own. She’d sleep in the rockers out there and Mom has ALWAYS fed her and kept water for her outside. Two years ago we bought a heated outdoor cat house for the porch and she would sleep in it during the cold months. THEN someone took her in…….we never could because she would attack me even though I tried to make friends with her! But she DID find a home in our neighborhood. Last winter we put the heated house out but only found her in it twice during the whole winter because she has a place to sleep now – just comes here for “vacations” !!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Yes I think because we have no street lights and houses are far apart so no lights makes it easier for us to see things. When Mom and Dad lived in their old house there were street lights everywhere and the city lights were bright too. Country skies are clear and dark and perfect for “sky events” !!

      Love, Sammy


  11. LadyMum luvss Casseopeia also Unccle Sammy an shee took mee out to show mee! Shee has not seen thee meteor shower butt mee has earlee inn thee morning…Mee wanted to wake her up butt shee needss her beeutee sleep, mew mew mew….
    Maybee tonite shee will see sum befur shee goess to bed!
    Nice to meet you Stevie…mee herd lotss about you….
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Hi Siddhartha! So your Ladymum likes the same constellation my Mom does? We saw it again this morning – shining bright……Mom almost tripped over me looking for meteors again but we didn’t see any today.

      Love and hugs, Uncle Sammy


  12. We haven’t seen anything because it’s been so cloudy!! But sometimes we can see Venus and Jupiter (I think) I hope you don’t let your mom trip up when you’re out in the dark, Sammy!!!! xoxox


    • Funny you should say that Austin…..Mom once in a while DOES trip on the spot where the driveway meets the lawn…..I try to warn her but she’s usually staring up in the sky and doesn’t heed my WARNING!

      Love, Sam


  13. Very nice of Stevie to join you and Mom for the fun show in the sky!!! We may just have to wake Mom tomorrow to see if we can spot some of those meteors too:)

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Funny you should mention skunks…….we often see them down in our front yard in the morning……….but they stay away from us and we stay away from them – Mom carries a bright flashlight so we can AVOID each other!!!!

      Love, Sammy


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