Blue Moon Selfie


We’re pawticipating in The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop………………..this Sunday in honor of the Blue Moon, I have a rather BLUE selfie !!


Wanna see other Selfies??  Click below!


Happy Sunday (blue or otherwise) 


65 responses »

    • HA! Mom was humming that old tune all weekend (and she hums off key!)…………I did get to see the “Blue Moon” both days it was totally full and it was AMAZING (although more GRAYISH than BLUEISH). Next year you’ll see it – I’m sure!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. You look great Sammy, but I hope we see you more than once in a blue moon! Mum has got an earworm now, but that’s okay as long as she doesn’t start singing out loud.


  2. Sammy, we didn’t even recognize you in blue. When we arrived here we were very surprised. Today you are an official member of Kitties Blue. Thanks for being part of our blog hop each week and for being our dear friend. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  3. Most excellent selfie Sammy! And the full blue moon was gorgeous!
    PS Tomorrow wes celebrating our 5th blogoversary! Please stops by for the pawty!


  4. Blue on you too my friend! You were a very young cat when this pic was taken. You have grown into your face Sammy. Now you have to quit growing into your face or you’ll need to go on that dieing event. MOL



  5. Good one, Sammy!
    We have tagged you in the “8 Photos of Happiness” tag game. We ask that you post 8 photos of happiness as well if you’d like to. You can see all the rules in our blog post today…hope you’ll join in the fun!


    • Hi Gang……….we were so lucky because we’d had tons of foggy/hazy/hot nights and couldn’t even SEE the moon, then the night of the Blue Moon – WHAMMO – clear as a bell (a blue bell….haha).

      Hugs, Sammy


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