


Today is MY day…….it sure is – and Mom won’t let me down because already I can smell that DELISH smell wafting up from the kitchen.  I’m not down there snoopervising her because she does not need any snoopervising – Mom is the Queen of Bacon!

I'd beg like this but my arthritic knees couldn't take it!  HAHA

I’d beg like this but my arthritic knees couldn’t take it! HAHA

This is definitely MY kind of recipe!

This is definitely MY kind of recipe!

You know I love to find new ways to make you smile on my BACON day?  Ready?


And then there’s this one…………….


SO – are you gonna join my Bacon Club (no pun intended) or are you still “on the fence” about loving bacon like I do????


Happy Caturday (or Bacon Day – whichever you prefurrrrr!)

Love, Sammy the Baconator (BaconEATER)

58 responses »

  1. I’m in the club. Even though Mom only eats restaurant bacon. Maybe someday, she’ll bring me a piece. For now I have to settle for bacon flavored dog treats.

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake, bacon treats are ALMOST as yummers as THE REAL THING…….one of these days I bet your Mom will remember to sneak a bit of bacon home from a restaurant for you!!!!!! There’s always HOPE!

      Love, Sam


  2. Happy Bacon Day, Sammy! Motor Mommy saw a sign in a shop the other day: “I could be a vegetarian except for bacon”. She sorta feels that way, too.
    Love, Sundae


    • Well you all should give your Mom a break since she’s taking care of your Dad while he’s incarcerated in the hospital (hahaha). Hopefully he will be home VERY SOON though and THEN she’ll have time for bacon I bet!

      Love, Sammy


    • Gosh Easy……my Mom and I both love bacon AND beef…..so we might both be baconbeefeaters???!!!! Hope everything is better for your paw and claw……..I worry about you but with Nurse Nellie on duty maybe you’ll mend soon!

      Love, Sammy


  3. Bacon! Yes, we love our bacon, even if we only get it once and awhile which makes the bacon even more tasty! I really could do the vegetarian thing if it wasn’t for those pesky CHEESEBURGERS! Enjoy your Saturday… storming here… again.


    • Hi Miss Pix! Funny how many people have said similar things about being a vegetarian………the biggest stumbling block is they love STEAK or they just HAVE to have a cheeseburger! SMART PEOPLE!!!!!! 😉

      Love, Sammy


  4. I like that one about vegetarians- I tried to be one once, but I gave in because I love cheeseburgers. 🙂 Enjoy that bacon.


  5. We like the vegetarian sign. We hadn’t seen that one before. Happy you got your bacon today, Sammy. We know it’s your favorite thing. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  6. Sammy i used to love me some Bacon..but for the last month or so i have taken to only fish or dare i say Tofu…and the Fakin Bacon just looks wrong hahahaah 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Fozziemum! So nice to see you…..we miss you around here! Mom has never tried tofu but people SWEAR that it can be super tasty – kind of “absorbs” the flavor of other things it’s cooked with. I say GIMME THE REAL THING!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaah Sammy i have been suprised indeed by the tofu..made some quite yummy things..funny i still find myself about to order meat and have to stop..it has really made me eat a bit healthier ..but hey Bacon does taste darn good! and i have missed you too Sammy and it is super to be back 🙂 Loves Fozziemum xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  7. “Stop the violence”, LOL You’re too cute. Happy Bacon day Sammykins. I have just discovered a place that makes BLT’s for vegetarians. It’s made from coconut and is really really yummy. Honest! Ok, I see I’ll never convince you 😀 Enjoy!!
    xo B


  8. We’ve still never tried bacon, Sammy. Can you believe it?!? What an outrage!!!! Our mom is a vegetarian… and our dad pretty much is one too. But we aren’t! You’d think they could at least get US some bacon!!! Maybe one day…


  9. I love bacon too, but I don’t often get it. Sammy, don’t worry if I suddenly disappear. We have been getting awful internet problems. It went down Thursday night and came back midday today. Then went down most of this evening again. Mum is tearing her hair out!


    • Oh Flynn I was just at your bloggy (love Eric’s selfies!) and saw that you’re having internet problems! That’s a shame – but let’s hope whatever is causing it is OK now and you’ll be in touch with all of your fans and friends like ME ME ME ME ME ME!

      Love, Sammy


    • Oh I’m always happy to fill in for someone who might not otherwise have their bacon quota due to traveling. It was my PLEASURE (believe me!) to have a bit of bacon for you!

      Love, Sam


  10. Mee declared mee luv of bacon a long time ago..
    Say where ISS thee bacon??? It has been a hole week here…maybe longer…
    Mee bettur follow-up on thiss Unccle Sammy! 😉
    yur Mumma iss thee bEST!
    **paw patsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


    • Siddhartha sounds like your Ladymum has forgotten to give you your bacon treat! Remember she hurt her back – she may have forgotten about your bacon……….give her “THE LOOK” – it might work!

      Love, Uncle Sammy


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