


I think that might be the way people in Maine would say “monster” don’t you?  Maybe?   Anyway, it’s MONSTA day.   I’m ready.  I have TWO plans for how to deal with it.  One involves being brave (not likely but possible) and the other involves being a wienie (more likely and probable).


My doctor says I should do what makes me FEEL good when it comes to the MONSTA.

What would make me feel good is if the Monsta lived in the closet and never made another appearance but that’s not gonna happen SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO……… out dust bunnies and old ginger kitty cat!


Once things quiet down I’ll be back out being a pest – I’ll admit it – the last few days I’ve not had much of my medication even though Mom has spoiled me even more than my usual “spoil” with ham and ham gravy baby food, chicken and sweet potato baby food, and turkey and turkey gravy baby food……..even my old FORMER favorite, strawberry yogurt.  I’ve turned my nose up at ALL of it.  I can tell she’s hiding that dingy dangy pill in there SOMEWHERE.    Anyway,  when I haven’t had my meds in a few days I get RESTLESS………..I scream more……….I pop up in Mom’s lap (at my insistence in the first place that she sit down IMMEDIATELY) and stay for approximately 2 minutes and 23 second before I pop back off and head somewhere ELSE to scream for something.  Pest?  Yeah I think that just about describes me.   I know – I know – I hear you lecturing me already…..”you have to take your pills Sammy”………”please take your pill Sammy”……..honest, I am trying to cooperate but…………………SO Mom will talk to the vet guy about transdermal meds – I’ll have to go to the vet in the next couple of weeks for my 4 month thyroid check anyway.

I’m such a little devil aren’t I ??????

Anywho…………after cleaning today not sure what my parents are gonna do……….hopefully it won’t disturb my nap.   Snoopervising cleaning is exhausting.

Yes Mom....we know how you feel about it all.....

Yes Mom….we know how you feel about it all…..

Hugs, Sammy

76 responses »

  1. do you think we could call the ghost busters? or are monsta’s not their business? I hope you can solve that pill-problem, sometimes nothing works with that pills… not even cheese or lobster :o)


    • Gosh, Mom hasn’t tried lobster yet but she loves lobster and I’m SURE I would too. Maybe I can talk her into that……….wish me luck. Meanwhile the monsta is about to come out of the closet and tear up my house and my peace and quiet! I don’t think ghost busters messes with dust bunnies – maybe they’re too smart to take on those big bad bunnies!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sparkle was actually easier to pill than to give her her meds transdermally! And can you believe that Binga is easier to dose by injection than by pilling? We kitties all have our preferences – I hope the transdermal works better for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I cannot believe you’re being stubborn and pesty, buddy. Transdermal sounds pretty foolproof, so maybe that’s the answer. For me ANY of those baby food or the yogurt would be an AMAZING answer!!

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t know how they would say it in Maine but my wife grew up in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and sometimes she removes Rs at the end of one word and places them at the end of another word that doesn’t have an R.

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  5. Hmmm.. it will be interesting if the transdermal meds work, Sammy. I use them for my ticker and it is all good. We just want you to take you meds some way some how! I know it would be a great relief to your Mom. It is not suppose to rain today so CH and I are going to jump in our vehicle and take a day trip… yay! Just head for your couch in the basement, hopefully your Mom has a tent for you to slip under and before you know it, the vakoom will be over and done and back in the closet! Hugs and scritches!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hope you have a wonderful weekend Sammy. My kitties are not looking forward to the fireworks. Hope the vet can figure out a different way to give your meds.
    Sue B


  7. I totally get the pill-thing. My Checkers was a picky eater and it was difficult to get her to eat her pills. Luckily Miss D is a piggie and swallows everything so fast she doesn’t notice the powdery capsule center 🙂 Stay safe from the MONSTA. Just think, BACON is coming soon


  8. I think my mum must have forgotten it’s Friday because no Monsta yet! She says she has lost track of the days since she went on holiday.
    Can you have your pill crushed and mixed with a little water? I am good for taking pills but mum started doing it like that to make it easier for my holiday aunties to just put it in my mouth with a syringe. She is going to keep doing it like that because it is so much easier. I know your pills are slow release and mine aren’t, but it might be better than no pill.
    I had my first heart and kidney protection pill today and when mum crushed it she said it smelled like malt. She gave it mixed with the pred in a syringe and I was looking for more! It was really tasty.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’ve never done a syringe…..I’m a very squirmy guy but Mom is thinking she may have to go that route…..My pill is quite “stinky” and it’s tough to hide it even in the food that I love (baby food!). We’ll keep trying…..we’re just so happy that you’re OK with your pills and feeling better – THAT makes us happy!!
      Love, Sammy


  9. Sammy
    Monster Day was yesterday here. My sis and BIL will be arriving shortly so we had to suck up all the madi furs yesterday.
    Please take your pill sweet boy.
    We’ll be MIA most of the weekend
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Maybe you could make a deal with Mom, no vacuuming for a day and you will take your meds:)

    Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


  11. Yes, Sammy, we’d all like to ENCOURAGE you to take your meds. Sounds like your Mom is tempting you with all sorts of goodies!
    And our friend’s little grandson loves Monster Trucks, which he calls: “Monsta trucks”!
    Happy 4th to you and your pawrents, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


  12. Sammy, please take your meds. You are lucky your Mom doesn’t jam them down your throat and blow on your nose like I do to MIllie. Luckily, Spooky and Polar Bear will eat them in a piece of meat. Would you eat them wrapped in bacon?


    • Mom tried bacon (funny you should ask!)………I’m just being a pain in the tushie that’s all. Last night she got a half a pill down me with some yogurt. Sometimes I love all this stuff and sometimes I don’t want ANYTHING.

      Thanks for worrying about me though! That’s sweet!

      Love, Sammy


  13. Unccle Sammy mee iss worried when you not take yur meddycayshun…
    Have you tried blueberry yogurt?? Oh it ISS so taste!!! It iss mee new favorite flavurr now….
    That baby food sounds kinda good too…
    Maybee you just need a big STEAK!!! Mew mew mew….
    LadyMum vacuumed on Monday; efurry week shee vacuums on a different day…mee not scared of it; just wish it was not so NOISY!!!!
    Wishin you a GRATE 4th of July….hope the firewerkss do not bother you. They did not even uppyset mee an mee watched them frum thee pedestal bed…..(LadyMum was sirprized mee can tell you!) 😉
    ***nose bumpss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • Hi Siddhartha! I know – I’ve been really bad about my pill lately. I won’t eat yogurt or baby food – but once in a while Mom can get a PART of a pill down me. We’ll see if a PART keeps me in good range on my blood work – I will be going to the vet soon. Meanwhile, I like your idea of a STEAK of my very own! HAHAHAHA I have a plan for the fireworks – under the bed! I also am kind of glad my hearing isn’t so good any more….that helps a LOT with noise!

      Love you!
      Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Say do you like Beef Pate kat food?? Maybee yur Mumma could buy you sum an sneek thee pill inn it??
        Or else grill you a nice steak on thee BarBQ mew mew mew…..
        Hopefully thee firewerkss do not scare you much…maybe not at all Unccle Sammy…UTB iss allwayss a safe place rite????
        ***paw patss*** an Happy 4th of July!
        Luv yur neffkitty Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤ ❤


        • Sadly I’m not really a meat eater although I do love ham with ham gravy baby food a bit. Mom’s tried just about everything…..I’m being a pain in the tushie which is something I hope you NEVER are with your Ladymum!!!!

          Love and tons of hugs, Uncle Sam

          Liked by 1 person

          • MMMMMM that ham baby food sounds purrty tastey……
            Mee wishes there was sumfing else you wood like to eat Unccle Sammy….
            Do you likes fishess? Tuna or salmon or whitefish?? There has to bee sumfing fur you!!!
            Mee iss purrty good with takin mee Lysine Gel an thee Co Q 10 powder iss inn mee wet food…no taste to it tho’.
            Mee iss goin try to bee a good kittie boy beecause wee all knowss how ruff Aunty Nylablue made Ladymum’ss life when it came to takin meddycayshun!! 😉
            ~~~head rubss~~~ neffkitty Siddhartha Henry~~


          • You’re such a VERY good boy Siddhartha……you are so wonderful for your Ladymum and you keep her company and make her smile and that’s our job……….you’re doing it well. I’m very proud of you. I have been trying to take my medicine but honestly I just don’t like it even hidden in my food……I’m an old man and pretty set in my ways……but I try for my Mom’s sake to take some of my pill some days.

            Love and Hugs, Uncle Sam

            Liked by 1 person

  14. Oh no! Not the monsta! Cinco and Manna are not fond of the monsta either. I hope you find a nice place to hide while it does its thing. Very sneaky on the pill thing by the way!


  15. Apparently you and our Samantha have been trading notes…because she’s been a brat about taking her pills lately too! She’s good about her morning one, but not so good about the afternoon. You both need to straighten out! 🙂


    • I know Miss Jan… Mom is getting a little bit MIFFED at my being so stubborn. She’s thinking of renaming my blog “ONE STUBBORN OLD CAT”….HAHAHAHA Tell Samantha I know how she feels though…….tee hee

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. Oh Sammy weez hate to hear yous not takin’ yous meds like you shuld. has yous mommy twied da old fashioned method of da pill push? It sounds howwible, but it’s over afur yous know it and yous on to bigger and better fings.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  17. Mee-you doess thee pill have a taste to it?? Mee Cuss-innss Allura an Jetsia tooked the pill crushed inn their Fancy Feest no problem….
    Mee iss takin mee Lysone an CoQ10 so mee can stay well. mee doess not want to bee sicklee again like mee was as a kitt!!
    Mee poor Brofur Tyerrone has a bladder infection!! That iss NO WAY to sellybrate a birthday iss it???? Mee wunderss what Tangerine mee Sisfur will bee doin tomorrow???
    **nose bumpss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


    • The pill taste terrible (the vet told me it would!)……..and Mom does a good job mixing it in with my baby food but I can still taste it. Some days I eat it all up and others NO. Sorry your brother has a bladder infection – that is a truly NOT FUN problem to have. Let’s hope he’s better soon AND let’s hope your birthday today is TONS AND TONS OF FUN!

      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  18. HUH an mee Cuss-innss Allura an Jetsia eated their food with crushed pill no problem…maybe they not have yur taste buds…
    Mee Brofur iss doin much better; altho hee must now eatss propurr kibbull an food like mee!! hee was eatin Whiskas of all fingss!!! EEEWWWW!!!
    Inn fact all thee katss at thee farm are goin get propurr food frum now on!!Yippee!
    **nose bumpsss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • I’m happy to hear that everyone is eating well these days including you my little man!!! I even cooperated with Mom this morning and ate my pill in my ham with ham gravy baby food like a REAL CHAMP!

      Love and Happy Monday
      Uncle Sammy

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  19. That Whiskas iss turribull fur christallss an UTI’ss butt lady Mary Ellen did not fink it wood matter…now shee knows so efurryone gonna bee on Performatrim like mee!!!
    Yippee fur you takin yur pill like thee Camp you are!!!!
    ***Hi-5’SS*** Unccle frum yur adorin neffkitty Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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