Monsters and Plants


Howdy!   Today is dust bunny roundup time………….you know how much I love that (not) but it’s gotta be done – so says my Mom.    I know you all probably think I’m the boss around these parts BUTTT I’m not – it’s the Mom – the one who feeds me, walks me, soothes me when I’m upset, cheers me up when I’m sad, feeds me (whoops….I said that twice huh?) and most of all LOVES ME!

Thankful for my Mom

Thankful for my Mom

So, I’ll put up with the monster and the dust flying every which way – after all, it only lasts an hour or so – my parents are “whirling dervishes” when it comes to housecleaning.  They get through this place like a hurricane.

My thoughts on cleaning......

My thoughts on cleaning……

I’m ALMOST ready to show you pix of my plants…………….I’ve kind of decided that when (and if….no…’s WHEN not if) Mom decorates my porch with more flowers I’ll update the photos but Mom will be taking photos of all the progress to date and sharing them this weekend.

Our dwarf red maple is GORGEOUS!

Our dwarf red maple is GORGEOUS!

Other than these two items of earth-shattering news, I have nothing………….nothing else worth reporting………..I spent my day yesterday napping, napping, and napping so there’s ZIP exciting about that.   Just doing what I do best.   I did get to go outside several times though –  had some  grass to chew, some squirrels to watch, and some RUDE bluejays who screamed at me when they saw me out in what they think is THEIR yard.

Early morning bird watching

Yeah bluejay I see ya…..go ahead and screech….I can ignore you!

So you see, after a boring day like yesterday was, monster day just might be a little exciting to this old guy after all……………………….HAVE AT IT MOM AND DAD – I’m psyched!!!

Hugs, Sammy

60 responses »

  1. A nap is always a good plan. I’m on board with that idea, S. Your flower pictures will be fabulous WHEN they get done. Your mom has an eye for that sort of stuff. It’s the artist in her….

    Love and licks,


    • Mom says “thanks for the compliment” Cupcake……..she does try to use her “creative side of her brain” for garden stuff………most of the time her brain has other ideas than her wallet though – if she had unlimited moola at hand, our yard would look AMAZING.

      Love, Sammy


  2. “Dust bunny roundup time”: that’s a good one, Sammy! It’s amazing how those things accumulate, isn’t it?? They don’t bother me at all, but Motor Mommy doesn’t like them…must be a girl thing, huh?
    Can’t wait to see pictures of your flowers. Ours are getting LOTS of rain today!
    Love, Sundae


    • The rain is perfect – Mom got almost the last of the stuff planted yesterday – just some petunias left to plant but they’re out in the rain anyway. Now if they’d just get some LANTANA at the nursery Mom’s yard stuff would be done and we could concentrate on my porch!

      Love, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The Jays have been all squawky around here too! Hope the super sucker monster gets shut back up in the closet fast! I napped yesterday too. All that potting and planting has worn me out! Enjoy your Friday Sammy!


    • We had a nice day once the rain stopped and tomorrow is supposed to be spectacular – sunny and in the 70s! Mom’s going (wait for it……………..) PLANT SHOPPING AGAIN! WOOT!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Mom has some plants to put in pots today for our deck and a few things to plant in the garden then I think she is done for a while. Looking forward to your photos. I love the pretty flowers!


  5. Glad the monster is back in his cage and you are safe&sound :o) guess what? my momma read “some rude blueJEANS”…Sammy, I hope she gets glasses before tuesday… :o)…please keep me informed as soon as you see rude pants in your garden :o)


    • Easy I’m on the lookout for some MEANJEANS in my yard now! Mom says hers get mean when they rip if she bends over too far (HAHAHA)….. Yes – your Mom will need some properly functioning eyeballs for next Tuesday!!! You need to get your KING OF TEASERS crown back!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Sammy I think while you pretend to be napping you are bunking up funny crack me up..psyched for cleaning you say!?
    Madi your bffff


    • Hi Madi! I do some of my best plotting and scheming when I’m napping………and when I wake up I put some of those “plans” into action!!!! Mom can tell I’m working on something BIG when my paws and legs and tail start jigging around while I’m asleep!!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Dust bunnies are super sneaky Sammy..i find them even after cleaning…they hide under my island bench..what a life for a dust bunny hey! Mums dwarf maple is maple looks decidedly confused…red leaves..dead leaves.(almost sounded like a Dr Seuss book )..we have had no rain and i am really worried i am still hand watering and the dam is incredibly low..i may come visit you i think.maybe i could take you and your little red cart to the nursery 🙂 loves Fozziemum xxx


    • I sure do wish that you would get like several days of a NICE soaking rain………….I think all the wildlife AND plants would enjoy that……!!!!

      Garden update on Saturday blog!
      Love, Sammy


  8. Tee Hee, Our dust bunnies chases us! However Mommy does try to catch them on a weekly basis when she is home here in Midway. And mes looking forward to the updates of your garden and flowers.


  9. How nice that you got some outside time, Sammy! My human has been too busy this week to take me outside. I hope to get some of that this weekend.


  10. Well Sammy, those birds will just have to learn who’s yard is it! Your yard is coming along just great!


  11. Dust bunnies – are those the same things as our flying furs? Mom says she has to clean up after those almost every day, and sometimes twice a day:)

    Happy weekend, and have fun planting.

    Woos – Ciara and Lightning


    • Dust bunnies are made up of flying furs and hairs not to mention PEOPLE “droppings” too!!! We all contribute to those bunnies…..but Mom cleans them up while I watch! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Hey Sammy! Don’t you think that those there dust bunnies should be cut some slack? MOL Every time they gather to shoot the breeze, that monster thing comes along and busts them!! I went to the v-e-t today, but I’m too traumatised to talk about it AND it’s my birthday too!! *sigh*


  13. We are way behind here in PG. I love the Black Eyed Susan vine myself but I wouldn’t dare plant the transplant until June, otherwise the weather will kill it. We do our seed planting on the 24th of May long weekend and our baskets etc. go in in June..usually the first week. Parts of town are still getting snow.



  14. Mee-you mee got to bee outside inn thee 2 level Condo thee past 4 dayss inn a row!!! mee iss startin to REELLY like it….
    Mee iss so happy you got to go outside fur a rambull an sniff thee air!! That Winter was UGLEEEEE!! 😉
    Yur mini Mapull iss gorgeeuss! Our garden iss pawfull…there iss onlee wild flowerss rampant inn it an LadyMum sayss shee iss NOT doin a fing beecause of Housin’ss bad kattitude! Iss a good fin mee not a gardener issn’t it Unccle??? Mew mew mew…..
    LadyMum vacuumed today while mee was outside so mee not bothered bye thee noise butt nee fink sum dustybunnieess got away 😉
    ***paw patss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxx


    • Hi Siddhartha! I’m so happy that you’re learning to enjoy that wonderful condo you have…………outside and getting nice fresh air!! I agree that we ALL were ready to say BYE BYE to the icky winter and now things are looking bright and beautiful again. We’ll be in the 80s today!!!

      Happy Sunday Little Nephew!
      Love, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  15. 😉 mee allso Unccle Sammy! It iss so neet to bee outside an sniff thee air an see peeple an doggiess an birdiess.
    Oh yess thee Winter was just too pawfull fur werdss. Thiss iss mee ferst Spring an NOW mee likess itt allot.
    It iss in thee 70’ss here allso.
    **nose bumpss** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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