Time For A Re-Check!

Innocently enjoying a sun puddle on the stairs when I hear Mom say the word "VET" !!!

Innocently enjoying a sun puddle on the stairs when I hear Mom say the word “VET” !!!

Howdy Doody!!   It’s that time again……….time for me to head off to the vet to get my bloods checked – make sure my thyroid medicine is still doing its’ magic.  It’s been four months since my last checkup at which time I was doing OK and was “within range”.   I’ve been just a bit persnickety lately about my pills though………I have to admit it…….I’ll confess – some days I just plain do NOT want to take it.   Mom will try a maximum of THREE times a day (that’s three sometimes wasted pills!) to give it to me.


Anyway, I’ve mostly been good so I’m thinking I’ll “ace” this test tomorrow.   I’m feeling good too – been a little more perky than I used to – and having some great lap naps which makes my Mom happy as she loves it when I fall asleep up on her legs when she’s in the recliner.

Sam Settling in for a Nap

Your warm legs are making me sleeeeeepy.

I’ve talked about my vet before – he’s great and his whole staff spoil me rotten……….what’s not to like then?  It’s the danged CAR RIDE……..that’s my only problem.  Once I’m there I’m dandy – but I really HATE being in the car.  I know – I’m a big baby aren’t I?  You’d think that after 15 years of heading off to the vet in the car I’d remember that it’s NO BIG DEAL wouldn’t you?

If this guy was my doctor I think he'd really UNDERSTAND me!

If this guy was my doctor I think he’d really UNDERSTAND me!


I’ll just hope as always that we get in and out without encountering any hostile animals.   My vet is a dog and cat clinic – I have no problem with other cats but some of the dogs are big enough to be miniature horses and they are rowdy and leaping around and barking LOUD and neither my Mom nor this ginger boy like that hoopla.   We’re the FIRST appointment in the morning though so hoping it will be QUIET.   I’m a QUIET kinda guy – know what I mean?

So are you “good” when you go to the vet or do you dread it??

Happy Fursday!

Sammy the Vet-Bound Boy!

94 responses »

  1. Good luck, buddy. I predict that your bloods will be awesome! I am always happy and excited at the vet. I am the center of attention and get lots of treats. Mom won’t let me play with any other pets when we’re there. She also won’t let me sit or lie down on the floor. She thinks everything there is “sick” so I hop around on the chairs and jump on and off Mom’s lap. And eat treats and get love.

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake! Your Mom is probably right that it’s not always safe to sniff other visitors to a doctor’s office – who knows what kinds of SICKIES they might have! Mom always watches them clean off the exam table between patients to make sure no SICKIES are on them before I get put there…..better to be safe than SICK right? I hope you’re right about my bloods…..I was a bad boy again this morning and wouldn’t take my pill. Mom gets upset…!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I’m hoping I get an all clear too Raz………..I didn’t take my pill again this morning – I made Mom sad and I don’t like to do that but I just haven’t WANTED that icky pill!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Yes – Mom knows that just because the pill goes in, doesn’t mean I can’t spit it up when she’s not looking! Grinding it up has worked for months and months and I love yogurt so that was what she’d mix the pill in. The past few days I’m turning up my pink nose at that though……

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ll be thinking of you buddy and hope all is tickety boo! I hope you don’t meet any big dogs! Last time I went I literally came face to face with a huge monster dog. Iffin I hadn’t been in the PTU, I reckon I would have clocked him one right on the nose good and proper! MOL 😉


    • Hi Austin! Thanks for the good thoughts…….this morning I made Mom a bit upset by refusing my pill AGAIN……we’ll be talking to my doctor about that tomorrow. I’ve been so good so Mom’s confused why I’m refusing the past few days but hey – I do like to keep the old girl on her toes!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yep – we’ve tried all manner of calming things to make the car ride better BUT thank heavens it’s only about ten minutes away and I sit in Mom’s lap with my head stuck in her armpit so I can’t see anything and that helps! Mom thinks it’s the motion of the car and the stuff flying past that bothers me – she might be right!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. good luck Sammy! Oh dear don’t even get my mom started on pilling me.
    Over the last week and a half I’ve had some tummy issues…requiring a pill a day.
    In all my 13 years I’ve never had a pill…I had no idea why my dad way holding me too tight and my mom was poking a stick down my throat. She also tried pill pockets. I ate the pill pocket and spit the pill out. The vet suggested hiding it in butter..that worked once. And I agree about the wolfies at the vet they are loud
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 2 people

    • Madi I think you and I feel the same about pills……I love butter but that didn’t work after the first try…..I adore yogurt but I’m getting tired of that too…..now what? We’ll see what my vet says tomorrow! Hugs, Sammy


  4. Aww Sammy..I hope you ace your test ….. paws crossed for you buddy. My sib furs and I are all very afraid of “dawgs”. We are all street rescues and those furry mammoths scare the fur off us. That is why mom & dad have chosen to take us to a CATS ONLY vet. The car ride is still scary though and always has us singing the songs of our people.
    Good Luck
    C S Charles

    Liked by 1 person

    • Know what? There is a cats only clinic in our town and Mom has thought about switching but my vet has known me for 15 years so we kinda feel good about him – know what I mean? I do HATE being in the car though – just plain HATE it. Oh well – a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do right? Thanks for the good thoughts and crossed paws though Charles!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Fingers crossed but I am sure all will be well! When I used to take the Z Catter to the vet I left her in the car until it was her turn and then when they called for her I ran to the car to get her. She was terrified in the waiting room with all the barking dogs and dogs that were let out to “visit” on long leads. I think you have been a good sport about the pills Sammy and your Mom is the best getting you to take them!


    • Hi Miss Pix! I am a very good boy at the vet even when there are strange sounds…..it’s just that car ride that stinks! I just HATE being in the car PERIOD. Oh well…..what’s a guy gonna do huh? I’ll just suck it up and be BRAVE!

      Love, Sammy


  6. Sammy, my friend, you and I will both be getting stuck, prodded and pushed on tomorrow. And that cartoon of the kitty trying to get put in the PTU? Motor Mommy says that is EXACTLY what I do. Well, what does she expect???
    Anyway, we’re all wishing that your numbers will be GREAT tomorrow, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  7. PS Sammy we meant to say our Vet has a Cat door and a Dog door. The waiting rooms are divided by reception area. So I only hear the dogs. BUT OMCs Toodles the resident greeter is gonna get his tush kicked if I ever get my paws on him. He rubs all over moms legs and OMCs she brings those smells home
    Hugs Madi your bfff


    • HAHAHA…….there should be separate entrances I think……but this is a very small vet’s office – they will at least put me in an exam room right away – I may have to wait a while but at least I’m there only with my Mom!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Sammy I bet you do fine..with your bloods..the car trip..well…you might just have to sing along to the radio…and yes do not go starfish when mum snaps you up to go in the PTU…makes everyone feel worse 🙂 goodluck sweetie! loves Fozziemum xx


  9. I hope all goes well for you at the vet. They should have separate sitting areas for dogs and cats, they do at Tufts. I bet you are better at car travel than Millie and Spooky- they always poop in the carrier.


    • I don’t poop but I can see why Millie and Spooky do – it’s an upsetting thing knowing you’re headed to the VET! I agree about the sitting areas but this is a tiny little small town vet and they actually WILL put me in an exam room the minute I get there so I won’t see woofies or get scared. They’re great – Thanks for the happy thoughts!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I know – that thermometer thing is just plain RUDE isn’t it Easy? It’s the only part of the whole thing that’s terrible in fact! Maybe if they warmed it up first??? HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Good luck, Sammy! I LOVE visiting the vet’s office. Everyone makes all over me, but even better is that there’s so much to SEE! So many observations to make… it can be a little overwhelming. But I’m always up to the task!

    I hope all goes well and please give us an update when you get your results!!


    • Hi Carol! I’m going to be brave……….actually Mom says I’m a perfect gentleman at the vet – it’s just GETTING THERE and COMING HOME when I’m upset. I hate the car PERIOD. I’ll be sure and update with my results – thanks for the HAPPY THOUGHTS!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can’t say that I blame you, Sammy. The car ride is the least fun part to me, too. Ethel told me to tell you that, for her, singing at the top of her lungs helps the ride go faster. (Of course that’s her answer for everything.) I think my moms would disagree, but who knows! Be brave and hang in there!


        • Tell Ethel that I do my own version of kitty opera as soon as Mom opens the door into the pet clinic. They yell out to me from reception and say “HI SAMMY!” because they recognize my magnificent singing. (hahaha)

          I’m gonna be brave…..I promise.
          Hugs, Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

  11. Wait a minute – PTU – oh dear piggy heavens – I love that! I’m rolling and snorting here cousin. That’s the greatest thing I’ve heard all day. I’ll have to remember that with mom. I’m keeping my hooves crossed for you that everything goes remarkably well for you today and that the car ride goes quickly. Love you little buddy! XOXO – Bacon


  12. We are not so good about going to the Vet as that means something is wrong. Next week, our sweet Dr. Neel comes to the house for our yearly round-up. Each of us has to get two shots this year! Sending purrs and prayers that your trip was uneventful Sammy and that your numbers are just what they should be. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Thanks KB crew…..I’ll be there bright and early at 9AM tomorrow (even though we are to have some snow!)………..I hope all of you do alright – two shots – ick!!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  13. Sammy,
    Sing the warrior song of our peoples to keeps your courage up!
    Sharpen your claws and use them on the evils at the vet
    And knows that wes will be with yous (in our hearts)
    Stay strong Sammy, Stay strong!!!


  14. Good luck with your test, Sammy – we sure hope it all goes well. And tell Mom to wrap that pill in bacon:)

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • Hi WOOS!! We tried bacon FIRST when I started taking the pill. I smelled it right away on my BELOVED bacon. At least in yogurt I don’t smell it!

      Thanks for the good luck………….I can use it!
      Hugs, Sammy


  15. I hope you get good results with your blood test Sammy. I don’t like the journey to the vet either. I sing my warrior songs all the way there and back again.
    Our vet has separate waiting rooms for dogs and cats so I only see dogs on the way in or out for a few seconds. Can you have the methimazole as a transdermal gel? Mum said it was so easy to rub it into the inside tips of my ears. It was just a pity I couldn’t tolerate that either.


    • Mom is going to talk to the vet tomorrow about the transdermal. He originally said there were no pharmacies in our area that could compound but since then there is one so if I have to do that I will. You’re right – you couldn’t do it because of the medication PERIOD – no matter what form it’s in but I’ve been fortunate and am tolerating the methimazole. I’ll let you know what happens dear friend!!! How are you feeling?????

      Hugs, Sammy


        • Oh Flynn…….My Mom says she’ll look forward to hearing from your Mum but I want to send you some POTP so I will…..I have down days too but for the most part I’m better than I was before the meds.

          Love you lots, Sammy


  16. We hope your vet visit goes well and your blood work is right where it should be. Being first appointment of the day is a really good idea. Some of the scariness of the V-E-T is that you can see, hear and smell other dogs and cats. Since you have first appointment it might cut down on a lot of the noises, sights and smells. We hope you sing the song of our people at the top of your lungs so your mom gets the idea that you don’t like it. We love the picture of the kitty getting put in the PTU. We spread our paws out and put up a big fight too. Our vets say they love kitties but would they really stick a thermometer there if they loved us? MOL Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • I agree about that thermometer thing. If they really loved us they’d come up with some other way to do THAT! We hoped that first appointment would mean we’d get in and out before any noise happens……AND we’re supposed to have a bit of snow so that might keep some peeps from coming in too!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  17. dood….st francis’ blessings two ewe…..we hope yur journee two de place oh eevil iz a quik trip, smooth sailin N yur test ree sults all come bak grate….N drive yur self buddy….itz way diffrunt when yur a passenger….ewe will haza blast drivin momz car …she can bee de passenger N chillaxin by reedin a book ore sum thing !! ♥♥


    • Thanks doods………..I sure appreciate the St. Francis’ blessing…..I wish I could drive myself but Dad insists on driving with me and Mom in the back seat and me hanging on for dear life. Then he waits in the car while Mom and I trudge inside the vet’s office and let them poke me and prod me and do all that STUFF to me! Sigh. What a life huh?

      Hugs, Sammy


  18. I feel you will be doing well Sammy. It is rough when we get pills all the time. I hardly get any so mom can surprise me and pop them in my mouth. Kali has had lots over the last few years…especially. She is pretty good but she gets ticked off too, specially when they taste bad. Mom takes pills too and doesn’t like it. I guess we all don’t like pills but like it when they fix up the problem.

    You hit the nail on the head Sammy. It’s not so much the vet as the car ride and being crammed into that small cage or box……yuck….we all hate that.




  19. Hoping everything is good with your bloodwork. Maybe you could check into the gel you put on your ear. No pill that way. Hope your having a splendid day otherwise.
    Sue B


  20. I bet you’re gonna ace that test, for sure. Me? I’m off the little pink pills now and onto the blue. Never thought I’d see the day when I was takin’ little blue pills but that day has come. What IS a kitty to do? MOUSES!



    • Nissy I think we just have to go along with the plan when it comes to meds…..Blue pills sound colorful – do they taste better than the pinkies? The pink AND white ones are gross…….sigh………I guess we just have to do what our humans want us to do or there will be arguments and we HATE that right?

      Love, Sam


  21. Good luck at your appointment, Sammy. We know you will ace the test!!! As for our vet visits, we all do pretty well actually. Sophie doesn’t like riding in the car much, but the rest of us don’t mind. It’s actually the carrier that we hate. If we could just be out in the car it would be no problem, but Mom always says we have to ride in the carrier for our “safety.” Laaaaame.


  22. Mee-ohmmmm mee-ohmmmm mee-ohmmmmm Unccle Sammy just breathe ok???
    Yur stressed out cartoon kitty lookss allot like my Aunty Mingflwoer used to look LadyMum sayss 😉
    Wee are purrin an purrayin fur you to get a good reeport frum thee Vet….
    ~~~head rubss~~~ an ❤ LUV ❤ Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxx


  23. NO ONE here likes going to the vet! Luke is the only one that doesn’t mind the ride either! It sounds like you are doing well, Sammy (other than not taking your pills!) so we hope you will get a very good report from the vet!


    • Thanks for the positive thoughts Miss Jan! Good for Luke – Mom had hoped in time I’d come around to liking the car but after 15 years of a HATE relationship with the car I don’t think that’s gonna happen!!!!

      Hugs, sammy


  24. Sweet Sammy we are so sorry you have to take that awful car ride to go see your nice vet to have your bloods checked. We hope the test comes back showing you are doing very well sweetie. That is so sweet that you crawl upon your mom’s legs and rest. We bet you get some good naps there. Purrs and prayers that all is well. Hugs and nose kisses


  25. Good luck with the Vet and I hope you get good results back. My critters are good going to the vet EXCEPT JACK! Believe me, you don’t want to know. Think “small white Bunny in Monty Python Holy Grail! ” 😀


  26. Aaaaw Sammy, so sowry yous hav to go in fur a wecheck, but those fings hav to be dun. weez of course like widin’ in da caw cuz usually good fings happen when we do. Tweats at da udder end and furiendly peeps. So when we do turn up at da Vets, it’s a big shockawoo. MOL Lexi be better at da Vets than me, but we do purretty well there too. Weez’ll be purrayin’ fur ya’ dat all goes well. Has yous mommy twied givin’ yous pill in butter?

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


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