Bacon Dreaming




is that BACON I smell?  


“Mr. Sleepy Head!  You’d better come get your bacon……..your Dad is eating all of it!!!!”………….

Oh no he isn’t!  I’m on my way……………….lickety split!   

Happy Bacon Saturday To All!

Sammy, the Baconator Boy

63 responses »

    • Dad is very good about sharing…..Mom too….they know if I don’t get my bacon on Saturdays there will be a lot of SCREAMING going on from the ginger guy……I am purrrfectly capable of expressing my DISAPPOINTMENT and will resort to drastic measures (accidentally missing the litter box for instance) if I have to!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Sammy, we are absolutely pawsitive that your Dad saved you some of that yummy bacon – enjoy!!!

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  2. OMC Sammy, yous almost slep fwu bacon? Dat”s not wight, just not wight at all. By da way, mommy got a kupple cans of da baconated noms and OMC They awe wunnewful. Hav a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


      • Hope yous like ’em Sammy. Mommy wusn’t sure whedder or not we wuld eat ’em eevew, but sis Lexi luvved da ocean whitefish one and da turkey one. She didn’t like da chicken as much, but she dusn’t weally like many chicken foods in da furst place. Those wuz all da flavors mommy bought cuz she wusn’t sure, but she sed she’s gunna twy a foo mowe next time she gets da chance to get sum and da munny to buy ’em. Enjoy.

        Luv ya’

        Dezi and Lexi


  3. Did you get to try that bacon pie Nellie left for you? We could smell it all the way at our house. We know you would never sleep through bacon day. XOCK. Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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