The Day of LUV!


♥♥Happy Valentine’s Day!♥♥

Are you waking up this morning to a bouquet of roses?   A special card from your significant other?   A soft paw touching your cheek saying “Mommy(Daddy) time to get up and FEED ME!!!!!” ???   Well, I’m WAKIN’ to BACON myself but you already knew that right?


However, I did get my Dad a Valentine’s Card and my parents exchanged cards.   They already HAD their Valentine’s celebration when they deserted me on Wednesday overnight to go to an Inn in West Virginia.   Today they’ll just stay home and be all cuddily-wuddily (if you believe that I’ve got a bridge I wanna sell ya!).

Part of the Inn they went to......

Part of the Inn they went to……

This is the building at the Inn that my Mom and Dad stayed in!

This is the building at the Inn that my Mom and Dad stayed in!

I have a BIG all day Cat Scouts event today – this is the poster with the details – and I’ll be ready to greet everyone as they arrive this morning for the first event – BREAKFAST.    Later in the evening we have a dance and my girlcatfriend Sundae will be accompanying me for this formal event – I thought you’d like to see us all “gussied up” too!


Me in my informal clothes at Valentine's breakfast!

Me in my informal clothes at Valentine’s breakfast!

Sundae and me all jazzed up!

Sundae and me all jazzed up!

Are you doing anything special for this DAY OF LUV?   How about your humans?  Any plans for them?   I say LET THE LOVING BEGIN!!!!!


Happy Valentines Day to all my blog friends – thanks for making my blog all about love because it truly is………..the love of one kitty for his Mom, Dad and all his many friends.   You made me what I am today………ONE *OLD* SPOILED CAT !

Love, Sammy

96 responses »

    • Hi Sundae! Happy Valentine’s Day… look so beautiful in your elegant gown – thanks for coming to the Sadie Hawkins Dance at the Tabby Cat Club AND to the Scouts Valentine’s Party. I’ll get you home at a decent hour and I hope we’ll remember this day forever and ever.

      Love, Sammy


  1. what a great idea, to spend some time at such cool place. it looks a little like europe wih the wooden framework :o) it’s storaged now in my teaser location folder lol. have a great day full of love and hugs and treats!


    • Hi Easy! Loved your Valentine’s outfit to visit all the parties and see your buddy Goose for his BIG 15!!! You make a handsome couple of dudes visiting all the ladies and breaking hearts along the way. Breaking a heart is better than breaking a hell-bow which reminds me – please give your Mom a Valentine’s Hug from me and my Mom OK????? See you “around” – we’ll be at some of the pawties too!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sammy Happy Valentines day!! and what a gorgeous Inn…I am glad you had a blast with Sundae you both look super! and I am sure bacon is also a great look as well for you this morning 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx


    • Hi Fozziemum! Happy Valentine’s Day to ALL of you “Down Under”………..I hope you have a wonderful celebration of LUV today and my wish for you is that you get some nice, soaking, rain to cool things off AND give you back your beautiful lawn and flowers!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Happy Valentines Day Sammy (and to your Mom and Dad too). We’re looking forward to all of the Valentines Day parties today too. Mom says the best Valentines gift is having our Dad home and heart healthy!!

    The Florida Furkids


    • I know….it’s a MOST special Valentine’s Day around your house! We’re celebrating that he’s home and well too believe me……….see you at the PAWTY at Scouts (and Sadie Hawkins!).

      Love, Sammy


  4. Very cool Inn! Happy Valentine’s Day Sam and Family. We don’t really do Valentine’s Day (I have never been a fan of V Day) but we are going to lunch today and run some errands and get a White Chocolate Mocha to share at Starbucks. Enjoy your bacon Sammy!


    • I do think you should plan on a Valentine’s Day CHEESEBURGER even if you don’t normally do anything for V Day!!! Pretend it’s from me and Mom – maybe that will be like a “non-Valentine’s Day card” from us! Enjoy your Starbucks and lunch and being with each other because that’s actually what it’s about – LUV!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Sammy it was very kind of you to ‘allow’ your peeps a night away! Mol
    OMCs you and Sundae make a most handsome couple. See ya on the dance floor!
    Madi your bffff


    • Hi Madi! I thought it was very big of me to not make a scene when my peeps walked out the door with their suitcases too…….I was brave…….sort of…….anyway, they’re home now and we’re all celebrating Valentine’s Day together. Hope to see you at the PAWTY later! Breakfast is already a big hit at Scouts!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your family! That looks like a nice Inn that your folks stayed at. You look so handsome in your tux. I hope I can get my Sammy into his tux 🙂


    • Oh what a WONDERFUL bit of “blog art” !!!! Love the sleeping kitty and heart… are SOOOOOOOOOOOO clever!!!! Hope your Valentine’s Day was snuggly, happy, and full of lots of love!

      Hugs, Sammy and Mom Pam


  7. Happy Valentines Day to you and your pawrents Sammy. That Inn looks really beautiful. We told mom to take a good look in case those pictures turn up as a Tuesday Teaser. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


  8. Happy Valentines Day dear Furrends! Mes sure mes will sees yous throughout the da! Loves yous and your Family lots and lots!
    Nellie and Family
    PS give a Valentines Kiss to your Mommy from me


    • Dearest Nellie – I just know that you must have had a magical Valentine’s Day because you’re so full of love, everyone wants just a bit of it!!!! Hope all of you enjoy your EASY Sunday!

      Love always, Sammy (and Mom)


  9. Happy Love Day Sammy! Wow, every holiday is a good excuse for bacon. BOL/MOL OMD you look most handsome. Have fun at your dance!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish


  10. Here the day started with bacon too and then my dad-person printed out the papers you need to get married in Sweden and put them on the dining room table and put one of the pigs with wings on top of them and waited for that the mom-person should see them. She saw them and the pig , but it took a while before she got it 😀

    It’s still a secret to their friends and family ,
    so don’t say anything about it on my blog !



    • Charlie my friend that is what I would call a MAGICAL Valentine’s Day gift to your Mom-person!!! I am SOOOOO happy for them (my Mom says “WOO HOO”!!!!!)………..I won’t say a word on your blog but I’m sure your whole family on both sides will be thrilled to hear about their plans. That’s THE most romantic gift EVER!!!

      Love and Hugs to EVERYONE,
      Sammy (and Mom!)


  11. ‘OLD’ mee furry backsid… paw Unccle Sammy!! Yur one dancin mankat an mee saw itt with mee own eyess yesturday!
    Hope you an Sundae have a ‘fun day’ today 😉
    Mee snuggled LadyMum thiss mornin an wee looked into each other’ss eyess…
    Shee iss mee ‘other’ Valentine 😉
    Wee played sum toyss an mee had treetss an wee napped together…
    Now wee iss watchin thee blizzerd blowin round us! It iss scarey an mee iss glad mee iss innside with LadyMum!!
    Happy ❤ 'ss Day to you an Lady Pam an Pappaw ❤
    Luv Neffkitty Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum ❤


    • Hi Little Guy! I’m glad you’re all snuggled in with Ladymum – this cold is amazing…..we had snow last night and BIG BIG winds – it’s just eleven degrees this morning and the wind is still howling. I’m staying INSIDE with my Mom too!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Uncle Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thee blizzerd last nite wass scarey Unccle Sammy! Thee wind howled an snow blew efurrywhere! LadyMum had flashylite an candless an lightur at thee ready! Wee did not lose power fankfullee!
        Today thee Sun iss shining but it is -24 Sellseeus with windychill of -36 Sellseeus….which iss -32 Fairenhite mee finkss…it iss FURRIGID!!!
        Mee gonna stay innside till Spring…maybee Summer at thiss rate 😉
        **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum XxXxXx


        • I’m so glad you all were safe last night – it’s like that here with wind but not snow fortunately. I’m just glad you’re in a nice warm house – imagine how AWFUL it is for homeless animals!!

          Stay warm!
          Love, Uncle Sammy

          Liked by 1 person

          • There mite bee a bazillion stewpid fingss wrong with thee buildin butt thee one GRATE fing iss GOOD HEET! LadyMum sayss thee furnace iss allways taken care of…
            fank KATGOD beecause it iss furrigid! Wee are reeleeved you do not have thee snow. Wee saw Boston gotted dumped on sumfing feerce an other placess…thiss Winter iss pawfull. Just fink you hass lived thru 14 more than mee has…how do you do it Unccle Sammy??
            Luv Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤


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