Gone Skiing


Today is the day I’m heading to the slopes……………..Cat Scouts is having a “Winter Wonderland” so I hope you’ll excuse me if I cut this short……………after all, I have to shove as much bacon inside before I head down to the local regional airport where a fellow Scout is picking me up in his Dad’s plane to take me (it’s a small jet not a puddle jumper like my Dad has!!!) to the location for our event!   I think if I eat this, I should get plenty of bacon for energy right?   Ignore the bottle of Wild Turkey behind the sammich – that’s not mine…….no way!



I’ll share some photos from our trip on my blog either Sunday or Monday…………………..can’t wait!!!

I hope a little bacon comes your  way today – you know SATURDAYS ARE FOR BACON………….you do know that by now I’m sure………………and if by some strange quirk of fate you don’t eat or like bacon then whatever your “substance of choice” might be – I hope you get some!

Hugs, Sammy the Ski Bunny


89 responses »

  1. My human and I are going to the San Diego cat show next weekend – keep your paws crossed that the Holiday Inn Express includes bacon in its breakfast! The last place only had sausage, and I certainly didn’t get any of that!


    • Oh I hope they include bacon – it’s high time you had that little treat Summer! Let’s just hope that there are no crickets…..!!!!!! Sausage is a bit too spicy for me – I tried it once and was (urrrrp) sorry!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. that wild turkey is a good balance holder for the ski run…. you can make a jager tea what has magic power, because it brings even the clumsiest ski bunny to the finish line (sometimes as a torrent hehehe).


    • YES! I had plenty of bacon before we started out and they had bacon cheeseburgers at the resort and I’m having bacon appetizers around the hot tub later…………it’s been a grand BACON day!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Have fun at scouts cousin. I have a big day planned as well. It involves SLEEP and lots of it. I have the entire house to myself and trust me, I am taking *FULL* advantage of it. Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


    • Oh boy! I bet that was yummy Flynn…..and I’m glad you ate it and enjoyed it too. How are you feeling buddy? I hope you continue to grab some sun puddles out in the greenhouse and maybe have had a walk in the fields???

      Always thinking of you….
      Hugs, Your Friend Sammy


      • I am feeling much better thanks Sammy. My poops are much lighter now and no squirts. I am eating about 4 tins of food a day which is about 12 ounces. I haven’t put on any weight, but at least I haven’t lost any more either. I am going for short walks with my mum in the field outside the garden and will probably have that for my Mancat Monday tomorrow.


  4. Go Unncle GO!!!!!
    Mee hopess yur skiin trip iss allot of fun an that you stay warm inn all thee snow!
    Mee had sum Beef, Liver an Bacon wet food. So far NO REEL bacon has shown up…or tuna eether.
    Doc Dave told LadyMum mee hass to eat chick-hen an turkey an beef an liver an a bit of ocean whitefish an nuffin else….
    Mee iss still gonna try fur bacon 😉 Aftur all wee ISS reelated!
    Luv Neffkitty Siddhartha ❤ ❤


      • Mee-yow Unccle Sammy mee so agreess with you! Now LadyMum hass a questshun fur you an Lady Pam so here shee iss:
        Hi Sammy, say can you microwave regular bacon or do I have to buy the special kind? I am looking to avoid the ‘mess’ of greasey bacon. Thank you for your assistance. I will put bacon on the grocery list. Bye for now, S-E.
        Mee-you Unccle Sammy do mee beeleevess mee eyess?? LadyMum askin a bacon questshun; bee still mee beetin heart ❤
        Thiss ISS good!
        Luv Siddhartha =^..^=


        • OH WOW!!!!!! Bacon?? WOW I hope your Ladymum gets some………….**Pam here** YES you can microwave regular bacon….put on microwave safe plate, cover with paper towel (important to keep splatters down!) and cook until crispy! DELISH and easy! Let me know how Siddhartha likes it!

          Hugs from Sammy and Mom Pam

          Liked by 1 person

  5. From everything you did yesterday, that bacon seems to have fueled you quite well. A Saturday without bacon is just a day…blah and boring for sure. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


      • Yep Sammy it wuz pawsum.

        Usually it tells me dat meez comment went fwu, but me wuz behind and there wuz a kupple on yous bloggy dat didn’t say anyfin’. but me had dat happen wiff Nissy afur and so me just kep commentin’ and hims ended up wiff like 8 comments on 1 posty fwum us. MOL Needless to say we don’t do dat anymore. We just hope it went fwu and comment on da nex posty.

        Luv ya’



        • We do that too………Nissy is one of the ones we’re never sure it’s gone through and I’ve told him about that just so he knows I “tried” to comment. That only happens with BlogSpot blogs for me though!

          Hugs, Sammy


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