Tag Archives: skiing

Gone Skiing


Today is the day I’m heading to the slopes……………..Cat Scouts is having a “Winter Wonderland” so I hope you’ll excuse me if I cut this short……………after all, I have to shove as much bacon inside before I head down to the local regional airport where a fellow Scout is picking me up in his Dad’s plane to take me (it’s a small jet not a puddle jumper like my Dad has!!!) to the location for our event!   I think if I eat this, I should get plenty of bacon for energy right?   Ignore the bottle of Wild Turkey behind the sammich – that’s not mine…….no way!



I’ll share some photos from our trip on my blog either Sunday or Monday…………………..can’t wait!!!

I hope a little bacon comes your  way today – you know SATURDAYS ARE FOR BACON………….you do know that by now I’m sure………………and if by some strange quirk of fate you don’t eat or like bacon then whatever your “substance of choice” might be – I hope you get some!

Hugs, Sammy the Ski Bunny
