Bizzy Monday


Tee Hee…………..Bizzy Bee……….I’ve just been busy lately – what with all the parties and activities and holidays and trees and decorations and it just seems like there’s always SOMETHING to do.   Well this time around, I’ve been so busy I haven’t made my new/improved/for the new year Teaser Badges but I’m hoping to premiere them tomorrow on my Tuesday Teaser.    So stay tuned.

Speaking of the Tuesday Teaser this week it’s going to be a Guest Teaser AND also something “different”………….it isn’t a “landscape” – it will be totally different and will really test your skills at observation and probably googling (hahaha).   You’ll find out tomorrow what it is…………..I think it will be VERY tough!    You’ll know WHAT it is, but the issue will be WHERE it is!   Had enough teasing?  Oh no you haven’t……………that will happen tomorrow – I’m just “whetting your appetite” now!



Here’s a little “warm-up” for the Teaser…………..a couple of “flashback Teasers”…………….this won’t be for any badges, BUT wanna take a guess where these old Teasers turned out to be taken????

TeaserAugust5 Teaser2TwoPhoto  Two different places in the world!!!  But where????

Yesterday we pawticipated in The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfies as many of you do, but Mom thought this was a particularly “menacing” photo of me………laser eyes in FULL BEAM…….this was my selfie.   Does it scare you?   Naaaa…….I’m just a pussycat after all!   HAHAHA


See you tomorrow for the Teaser


Hugs, Sammy


73 responses »

  1. We’re not scared of your laser eyes, Sammy! We are impressed, and in a good way. That teaser place looks like it’s gonna be a…..ummmmm….city place thing, maybe. Yup. So, do we win? hee-hee!


    • Well, those photos were from OLD Teasers – just a warm up for tomorrow…….the actual Teaser tomorrow is going to be REALLY TOUGH……..and it’s not a place – it will be a THING!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Again Sammy….I am lost…I need a compass hahahaha I am excited to get on the Tuesday teaser train in 2015..always a hoot 🙂 and the one coming up sounds very curious..i am laughing at Easy’s comment as I could almost here him saying Salamanders ass hahhahaah 🙂 we all know each other TOO well 😉 loves and hugs Fozziemum xxx


  3. Good morning, Sammy! We probably won’t have a clue about the Teaser tomorrow, but we’re looking forward to it – and seeing everyone’s guesses!
    Love, Sundae


  4. Pace yourself and the peeps today…remember you are all retired. MOL MOL
    We took down our tree yesterday…the peeps were so funny it is artificial and you should seen them trying to pull the thing apart.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Indeed……..we like being retired (and tired). HAHAHAHAHAHA My peeps are hilarious when they’re putting UP the fake tree – it’s in three parts but you’d think it was some kind of Chinese Puzzle!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Well Nissy it won’t be a landscape – I usually do have some kind of landscape or landmark but this time it will be a THING….actually it’s a THING that’s part of a building and I will be asking WHERE you would see this thing! Interested? Good!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • The party was fabulous…..this was the longest birthday I ever had…..from New Year’s Eve until yesterday! WOW! The old Teaser photos are (a) Quebec City and The Forbidden City in China!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHAHAHA…..well, sadly there just isn’t a way to train……you just have to search hard for clues (sometimes there are some but most times not) and be able to use your imagination!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Kismet! Those are oldie Teasers of mine and they’re kind of tough……..the first one (the double picture) are photos in Quebec City, Canada and the second one is the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. EEEEK! Tomorrow is a confusing Teaser…’s just a picture of a THING but you have to tell me WHERE the thing is located!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I’ve wondered about doing Google Earth teasers but so far so many people send me their photos to use I haven’t had to resort to Google……………glad you like my selfie CK……I look pretty scary don’t I ??

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Maybe we’ll do better with something different for the TT. Hope we can get here tomorrow early enough to guess. XOCK, Kitties Blue


  6. Now you’ve scared me two days running with those lasers Sammy.
    I am intrigued about tomorrow’s teaser, but it sounds like mum’s travels won’t be any help to me.


    • Flynn, I’m not sure but I kinda think your Mom’s travels might NOT help – it’s a very specific THING in the photo and it’s in a very specific PLACE so who knows?! I loved seeing you all snugged up on your Mom’s robe with your tummy “up” ! I hope you continue to eat and get your strength back my friend…………….

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  7. Looking forward to seeing your new badges tomorrow, Sammy! And, as usual, looking forward to losing at the Teaser! MOL! Oh well — we will keep on trying!!!


  8. Mes will not gets to guess…Mommy says wes leaving earl to gets back to Calgary and NO COMPUTer before wes leaves the Motel….sigh


    • I am just so happy that you’re alright so far on your long trip back to Calgary Nellie…….be careful on the roads and I’ll be so happy when you and your Mommy are back here SAFE AND SOUND! Sending an angel to watch over you!!!

      Love, Sammy


  9. Does your laser beam stare scare me? ummmmm, maybe a little. It’s late and I’m up all alone. As long as you are behind my sofa, LOL

    Now, I’m going to guess the photo of the cobble stone street and canopy is Paris because it looks an awful lot like this place ! ah Ha!

    Then again, it can be any canopy any where in Europe…LOL see you tomorrow
    PS. Oh, the second one is Chicago 😀 hey? Did I get it?


    • Hi Miss Boomdee! You know what? Those photos were from old Teasers of the past and your guess on that first one wasn’t far off……it was a photo Mom took in Quebec City which is VERY VERY French so YAY for you. The other one was the Forbidden City in China. So NICE TRY!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

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