Bacon Boy


That’s me!!   I’m proud of it too………….just because I also happen to love YOGURT at the moment doesn’t mean I love bacon any less.   Nosireeeeeeeee!    Mom got out the waffle machine this morning and made waffles AND bacon.  I passed on the waffles of course but bacon?  I was ALL over that!


I thought I’d share some photos of “Christmas Past” – stuff I have in my WordPress media file from old posts at Christmas time.  It’s fun to look back………….AND to look forward too (like I’m looking forward to seeing what Santa Paws brings me and puts in my stocking this year!!!!!).

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I know that we’re all thinking about the holidays right now – whatever holiday or occasion we celebrate because not everyone of course celebrates Christmas……….BUT, just a little reminder that on January 1st not only will everyone be recovering from New Year’s Eve (hic!) but it will be my FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY.   That’s right……and I’m trying to decide what kind of pawty to have.   A few years ago I had a slumber party………and I had a fancy dress formal dinner dance last year…… I’m just not sure WHAT to do this year.   Maybe I should ask you all to give me some ideas then do a poll?????

Decisions, decisions…………..and it’s Saturday – I shouldn’t have to make decisions on a Saturday………..I should eat bacon and sleep (in that order!).

Hugs, Sammy






78 responses »

  1. Can you believe that my human would choose WAFFLES over bacon?! And I’m not talking about our feline friend Waffles either – just those dumb things humans put butter and syrup on.


    • Same with my Mom Summer……she loves syrup on something – pancakes/waffles doesn’t matter. Of course if she fills up on THOSE then I have more of a chance of getting some additional bits of her bacon!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Good morning, Sammy!
    Hmmm…we’ll have to give your big birthday bash some thought and come up with something GRAND! January 1 is also my Motor Man’s birthday…
    Have a good Saturday!
    Love, Sundae


  3. Love the slideshow, S. My mom is obsessed with your sofa. She loves it! Looks like your mom gotcha with a ribbon. That’s funny! Thanks for sending me the Smilebox greeting. So sweet. Have a great BaconDay.

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake! Glad you liked my VERY LONG slideshow…..I have to watch out for Mom when she has a ribbon in her hand – she thinks it belongs around my neck….what’s with that? Glad you liked your SMILEBOX!

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. hahaha you were in a box and you wore a ribbon… that means you were your christmas gift for your pawrents? what a brilliant idea! that deserved an extra piece of bacon :o) Have a great caturday and stay warm&comfy :o)


  5. Hi Sammy,

    Mmmmmm, bacon!

    We really liked seeing the pictures of your house all decorated, it sure is pretty! Calvin especially liked the picture of the tree knocked over.

    We were thinking about your party, what about a theme party featuring all stuff from the year you were born…Y2K for example, and all the good stuff that happened that year, the best songs, movies, books etc. That’s our thought but we know whatever you plan, it will be pawsome as always!

    We wish you and your family a great Caturday.


  6. Thank you for sharing all those great photos. You have a beautiful home and Christmas tree. Your mom has a nice Santa collection too. Glad you got your bacon and Elfvis didn’t get into it. I am making some bacon wrapped breadsticks later today for a shower I am going to tomorrow-I’ll be thinking of you.


  7. Sammy, a wonderful way to begin the new year and celebrate your big day is an all day event with a winter wonderland theme. Snowman building, sledding and ice skating during the day and formal gala in the evening in an ice castle because you are the bacon king!


  8. Awesome decorations from years gone by and now. I have no idea about your birthday Sammy, I would have to think about it a bit. How about you in an Egyptian Sphinx costume….looking out on all your territories…like the Wildcats at Cat Scouts and your blog….get the idea.



  9. Your Christmas slideshow was such fun! We loved seeing the photos of you and your presents. The outside of your house with the snow and the lights was gorgeous!

    How about a bacon themed birthday party? We know there are TONS of bacon themed things out there 🙂

    The Florida Furkids


  10. Your Christmasfication of your house is spectacular Sammy and mes LOVES to see the pictures! Mes also loves the card yous sended mes and it is up on my Christmas Card page!


  11. Sammy, you have had some amazing Christmases! Love the pictures 🙂 AND I can’t believe you’re 15 next birthday!!!! That’s a very good reason to enjoy your bacon. I hope there is bacon on the menu on Jan 1st!!


    • Oh Austin we’ll have a bacon-o-rama on my 15th! One of the suggestions I had from someone for a party theme for that occasion was a “BACON” ……the mind boggles doesn’t it???

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Bet that bacon was tasty!!! We bet you will have one grand party no matter what you decide to do – 15 is magnificent!!!

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  13. Oh Sammy I adored your slideshow! I love you in your Santa hat…& the bow…precious boy! You are so handsome!
    Your home looks so Christmasy & cozy… made me 🙂
    Love love love, Sherri-Ellen & Angel Nylablue xxxx


  14. We loved the slide show of Christmas’ past. We liked it so much, we watched it twice. We will put our thinking caps on to see if we can come up with a cool idea for that all impawtant 15th b’day. Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  15. 😉 I bet she did like the slideshow Sammy as you were one of her fave kittyboys in the whole world.
    I have yet to see the ‘blue’ star as we have clouds every nite…..but I know Nylablue is up there twinkling!!
    Much love Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xxx


  16. I know Pam & Sammy. I am all right as long as I do NOT THINK about Nylablue being gone. I had a weepy last night. Today Housing is cutting down all the spruce & cedar trees at front of building. I thank my Higher Power Nylalbue is not here; she would have been so uspet seeing her cedar tree come down. It is like an entire part of my Life has been ‘taken’ from me…the nice patio; the Pine tree, Nylalbue & now the rest of the trees…it just sucks…..
    Love to all of you there, Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Why on earth are they taking all the trees down? Well that’s a shame – and it disrupts all the wildlife too….but as before when they redid the patios and took the other trees down, all Mom nature’s inhabitants will find their way back to you….they know they can get understanding and treats from Miss Sherri-Ellen’s house! I know how hard it must be not having Nylablue to enjoy everything with (or agonizing over with like the trees being taken!!!!)….she would be very upset about that I know. Sending special hugs…….

      Love, Sammy and Mom P.


  17. When we had the terrible wind storm on Nov. 24th & it knocked down the Spruce at the end of our line here the Property Manager ‘declared al the trees a hazard’…we are all stunned I can tell you. It was because of her & Housing the patios were ripped up & enlarged. They chopped roots that were above ground to enalrge patios & no one wanted a bigger patio. then they took the healthy pine tree down. Once the Spruce blew down (which is still on neighbor’s front lawn the tree guy was summoned & he took the other Spruce down & our cedar trees & the pther healthy pine tree…
    In all honesty I am relieved Nylablue was not here for this….she would have been so sad. So now we will have NO shade from the Sun during Summer & larger patios that will bake unshaded…so what was the purpose of all this??? **sighs**
    We all so hoped the wind would blow the stupid partitons down; no such luck.
    I am putting seed out on the ground & the Sparrows & Chickadees come jsut as dawn is breaking to eat….we miss them being close tho’.
    Love Sherri-Ellen x0x0x0


    • I remember in my apartment days that the management was always doing dumb things “for the residents” yet NEVER in OUR minds were those things really for us – it was to make THEIR life easier. Sad isn’t it. Well, you’re right of course that Nylablue would be sad about her trees but I feel good knowing that in Summerland I’m sure there are endless beautiful trees inhabited by endless squirrels and birds for her to watch. If little Darth comes to live with you he won’t know that there USED to be trees for him to enjoy in the view. He’ll just love all those sun puddles and watching the birds.

      Hugs, Pam (and Sammy)


  18. I agree Pam; in Summerland all is well for Nylablue & Mingflower & the others. Siddhartha does not know there was a tree our front so he wil not miss it. I still put seeds down on lawn & the Sparrows come b4 dawn to eat & he watches them from the pedestal bed in livingroom. The Pigeons arrive later & he has them to watch too.
    We ARE hoping we get new saplings in Spring but are not holding our collective breath 😉
    Love S-E. x0


  19. The fact we have no snow at this point there is no reason to not take the stumps out. The place looks like it has been ‘clear cut’! It is awful looking. One of the Seniors from next door almost fainted when she saw the front of our building. she was coming to mail Xmas cards; poor woman was very upset. We all are here.
    We will be lucky if they plant dandelions, lol 😉
    Love Sherri-Ellen x0x0


  20. Oh Sammy at this point I would welcome Pink Flamingoes!!!…Also weeds would be preferable to white barn door partitions & stumps sticking out of the ground!!! This place has gone to the dogs….nope no trees so where would the dogs ‘go’??? LOL.
    Love Sherri-Ellen x0x0


    • HAHAHA…..that’s true – with no trees I bet all the dogs in the neighborhood are missing them more than the humans are! HAHAHA I guess they can pee on a stump though. Seriously, let’s hope that the management realizes how truly UGLY it looks now and that they’ll do something about it – even shrubs would be better than NUTHIN’ !!

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Youa re right Pam & Sammy. The dogs are confused; the birds are confused & we that live here are confused.
        How they cannot see how UGLY it is now astonishes me! They would not live with their gardens or lawns like this.
        Our Custodian told me this place has gone crazy….I feel badly for him now.
        I was thinking Juniper bushes would be lovely; what are the chances??? HAHAHAHA!!!
        love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha x0x0x0


        • That’s what we thought – some juniper bushes or some other shrub that won’t get so huge they feel compelled to cut them all down………….a little greenery makes it more homey and I guess they’re just too cheap to see that!

          Hugs, Pam and Sam

          Liked by 1 person

  21. Too cheap 7 too mean spirited. Management used to be at least respectful of the tenants. Now we are after thoughts to them. Funny because w/out us they would be jobless but they do not see that. We are just losers to them even the Seniors are seen like that. It is not pleasant. Many of us will not even call anyone in Housing. We just do not need the aggro. I called yesterday to get new paperwork for Siddhartha & his Guardian (Dr Dave of course). No return call or papers brouhgt over; nothing. This is ridiculous & the holidays will be the ‘reason’….*la sigh*


  22. Oh Oam I hope you are right. We all feel pretty hopeless at this point. I feel really bad for people who have been here 20+ yrs. Everything has changed & not for the better. Next Jan will be the start of my 8th yr here.


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