Quiet Friday


Yep – the day after a holiday (especially the ones that fall on a Thursday) is usually VERY quiet……………….unless of course you work in a department store where things are INSANE.   Fortunately my Mom and Dad are due back from their Thanksgiving feasting in W. Virginia this afternoon so I will not be watching Mom gathering up her “shopping equipment” to head out the door early this morning to SHOP TIL SHE DROPS.

For all of you who DO that – and can’t wait for those after-holiday sales………..BON VOYAGE!    Here’s what I’ll be doing:


Now doesn’t THAT look more reasonable than fighting for a parking space at the Mall, arguing with other customers fighting over the last purple sweater in your/their size, standing in line with lots of tired people and screaming kids just to buy that purple sweater you JUST HAD TO HAVE, fighting traffic from the shoppers AND the coming back from Thanksgiving people on the roads????   Why yes it does…………….so if you’ll excuse me I’ll go back to doing what I do best!

Sam napping in the guest room


Hope you have delightful

turkey leftovers tonight

like I’m gonna have!



75 responses »

    • Hi Rumble! My Mom brought me some leftovers from the BIG eat yesterday but as far as the sales go, Mom says “no thanks” to standing in lines and bargain hunting. Smart Mom……HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sam


  1. Sammy, I’m with you! And so is my human. She has never been much of a shopper. She was thrilled when she could buy things online – before that, she used catalogs and phoned in orders, all to avoid malls and crowds.


    • That’s exactly what my Mom does Summer………as long as she can phone or keyboard in her orders she’s not EVER in a store (except the grocery store of course!!!!). But even that can be phoned in these days and be delivered. Mom loves grocery shopping though – for some weird reason!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sammy these shopping events you have sound like warfare! I hate sales…with a passion…I see them on our tv when Myer has a sale..peeps pressed like hams against glass doors..crushing each other in their haste to buy 20 of something they will never use because it is cheap..even though after buying 20 they have spent more than if they were even going to buy one…??? Yikes…move over gingerbread man…I am joining you! much loves Fozziemum xx


    • HAHAHA…..funny you should say that……when they were bringing in all the stuff from the car the FIRST thing Mom did was put the “Sammy bag” on the floor……I had my nose in it before they could blink an eye!

      Hugs, Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope your mom finds a truckload of bargains today and specially some fabulous things for you! The days after a how-i-day are mostly like a howl-i-day too, because you need a howl-i-day to recover from the howl-i-day… :o)


    • It’s true……….a day of recovery is impawtant after a holiday…….the weird thing with humans is that the day after they eat like piggies they do it all over again with leftovers! What’s with that? *burp*


  4. You’ve got yourself a great plan, S. My mom is not a Black Friday shopper. Her cousins are Middle of the Night Black Friday Shoppers, so Mom will meet them for breakfast at 9:30 AFTER they’re finished shopping. Enjoy your relaxing day and yummy leftovers!

    Love and licks,


  5. Sammy you just put a smile on my face! First time this week…you are a treasure!!!
    I agree with you; napping is the best on ‘Black Friday’…I can’t imagine going to the Mall here even as we now have these insane sale days…
    I shall wash the floors & do some more chores & read blogs & remember our Sweet Feet…..maybe I can pop over for a nap later???
    Love ya sweetie, Sherri-Ellen x0x0x0


    • Hi Miss Sherri-Ellen………keep smiling – Nylablue would want you to and remember the fun times (like reading together 😉 ). I did a lot of napping the past 24 hours since Mom and Dad were gone but now that they’re home I am helping Mom catch up on my blog THEN I’ll be snoozing……first things first!!!!

      Love, Sam and Mom

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi sweet Sammy you are right…I am doing a bit better today. I did some more cleaning & wshed the floors. At one point I felt like I was washing away the ‘traces’ of Nylablue but I have to disinfect & remove the Herpes Virus…so it is NOT HER I am removing. I spoke to Nylablue’s Human Dad Jon & a couple of friends…it is good to have support.
        I will have a nap later & i will think of Nylablue (& cry a bit) but I will think of the good times….reading was one of the best things for sure!
        Wishing you a peaceful weekend dear boy.
        Much love Sherri-Ellen ❤ ❤


        • It’s important to grieve as you need to (so says my Mom!!)…..so just be kind to yourself and do what you need to do – I know it’s important to do the cleaning and disinfecting – especially before you bring in that kitty that Nylablue and Mingflower are trying to find for you!!! (wink wink) I know it must be lonely at your house right now…but Nylablue is there in the IMPORTANT way – she’s in your heart and soul.

          Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom


    • My Auntie Carol lives in Hedgesville which is like 15 miles from Martinsburg!! My Mom and Dad visit her and my Dad’s brother who lives up near Aunt Carol for Thanksgiving every year………..!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I hope you got to spend the day with your Mom today Marty…………I was happy when my parents got home from their Thanksgiving trip to the mountains. Now it’s time for ME to have Mom’s lap!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Hey Sammy
    Bad news is I got no turkey yesterday because my peeps ate elsewhere…but good news is they came home w LEFTOVERS,
    Madi your bfff


    • Hi Shoko! My parents got home from their turkey celebrations this afternoon and I’ve already had some leftovers – YUM! See you later at the fish fry and pea shooting event??? HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Have a great day Sammy. Sleeping does sound good. We had our busy Friday morning of cleaning and baths so I am pooped out. LOL. Have to check in with vet later next week to let her know how it’s going. Hopefully it will go away soon.


    • I know how exhausting it must be there at your house – hopefully soon things will be back to normal! You’re doing great keeping up though and let’s hope it’s the last time EVER you have to deal with something like that!!!! Hope you get a good report from the vet! Lots to be thankful for…..including that you may be waving BYE BYE to the trouble very soon!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy and Mom


  8. Sammy, I should have done like you did and napped all day. My mom and I went out shopping at 7 am. My Sammy can’t wait for the Cat Scouts food fight, I told him he can bring all the leftover turnip ( ick) to toss.


    • The food fight was something wasn’t it? I wasn’t there for much of it because Mom and Dad insisted on having dinner together (imagine that?!) and then watched a movie they wanted to see….but I stopped by this morning to clean things up a bit AND I decorated the Wildcats Cabin for the holidays!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. No shopping for us or the mom today! We don’t want to get in the middle of all that craziness! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and enjoy your leftovers!


    • It was pretty wacky at the Malls but out here in our little town it was peaceful and quiet (at least until people got outside to clean up the leaves with their noisy machinery!!!!). We had a GRAND Thanksgiving and hope you all did as well!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHAHA…..Well, Mom and Dad were only gone for one night but it seemed like FOREVER!!!! I hope you’re staying nice and warm beautiful Nellie – did you see I added my fabulous badge you made for me to my Holiday Header???? YAY!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  10. It’s a Christmas kinda festive on Sammy’s blog!!!!!!!! No shopping on this day… ever. It was so nice today we washed two vehicles! No naps either.. I feel the sleepies coming on. The Wes Man wore us out yesterday.. 😀 Glad you have your Mom and Dad back home Sam!


    • I had a feeling Wes Man would keep you hopping but that’s a FUN kind of “tired out” isn’t it?!?! We just relaxed yesterday and I was very happy to have my Mom’s lap back……how dare she deprive this old cat of his favorite nap spot??????

      Sending Hugs…….
      Love, Sammy


  11. First, we hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. And next, yup, that’s a lot more reasonable to all of us – including Mumsy. That’s how we spent our day, and how we intend to continue right on through Saturday at least!


    • Hi Kwees! It’s so wonderful seeing you again – here AND at Scouts. The food fight was fun last night and I spent the morning decorating the Wildcats Headquarters for the season too. Bring an ornament and decorate the tree!!! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving….we sure did!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Yep Sammy weez kinda took da day off and chilled. Altho’ mommy had to clean up fwum yesfrday she did take a lot of bweaks. MOL Hope yous enjoyed da leftovers. Weez did. 🙂

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi


  13. Mom says, “Just say, ‘NO,’ to Black Friday,” unless it is a black cat named Friday. Glad you were able to have a nice rest, Sammy, before your humans got home. Hope those turkey leftovers were delish! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Humans who run around like crazy people on Black Friday are NUTS. We had a restful and quiet Friday while the rest of the world stood in lines and hunted for parking spaces and in general acted nuts!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Mom has had a lot of fun shopping…..I think she’s going back out today for a while in fact. I know that my stocking is hung by the mantel with care (haha) so hopefully some goodies will soon be there!!!!!! (I’m a poet)

      Love, Sam


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