The Monday Before Tuesday


DUH……………YES I know Mondays always are before Tuesdays but remember that I promised this Tuesday we’d have an EASY Teaser – at least easier than they have been so are you all warmed up for tomorrow?  Are you????


Tomorrow – Teaser Tuesday!

My ancient Mom and Dad bravely faced the leaves in the front and back yard yesterday – they’re real champs!   Dad was at the bottom of the yard where the big leaf pile is – holding his rake and sitting in his yard chair waiting for Mom to complete the tractor/leaf machine operation in the back yard……..she thought it might take a couple of “runs” but amazingly enough with all the leaves that were down, they all were sucked up and ground up and put into the big container behind the tractor in ONE run!    Mom drove down to the bottom of the yard and she and Dad emptied the container and Mom started on the front…………….only took TWO times riding around and around the front yard to clear it.   Things are shaping up – they figure we’re about 50 done for this season.     WOO WOO WOO…………..let’s hear it for the Landscape Team of Kimmell and Kimmell !!!

More fall leaves for Sam to play in!

these are ALLLLL gone now! YAY Mom and Dad!

That huge pile of leaves will break down over the next year or so and become the following Spring’s mulch for all the gardens…… that’s way cool.

I shall be having a busy week along with my Office Coordinator/Typist (aka Mom) with the Cat Scouts Jamboree – first one EVER.   We will report on the activities as we go along but we hope one thing that we report a LOT about is FUN FUN FUN and more FUN.    Prior Scout gatherings have been more work and more pressure but this is promising to be more FUN and less pain!   YAY!


What’s up for you this week?   I’m actually looking forward to going to the vet to get my blood work done – I’m ready for some GOOD NEWS…………please please please please please tell me that my one pill a day is working Dr. Rethman????  PULEEEEEEZE?

Wake me when we have GOOD news!

Wake me when we have GOOD news!

Hugs, Sammy


75 responses »

    • Mom and Dad are thinking this might be the last year they do it themselves too…’s time to call in the BIG GUYS (and younger guys!) to do it. Thanks for the good vibes…I’m hoping to hear good stuff from the vet too!

      Hugs, sammy


  1. Bravo mum and dad Sammy..well done to get those crunchy crispy pesky leaves all done and dusted! as for your tests my sweet I really hope you get some good results so you can be less bothered by those icky meds! sounds like Scouts has a great jamboree planned and I am SURE you will shine as always …have a fab day Sammy 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx


    • Thanks for the happy thoughts Fozziemum. I’ll be happy if the doc says one pill works and we don’t have to do two from now on. Mom will be too since she’s the one who has to bribe/tempt/strongly suggest (!) that I have the one pill a day. Leaves are up but there’s tons more that will be falling this week. Poor Mom and Dad. But then seeing how hard you and Mr. Fozzie are working – well – my parents shouldn’t be complaining!

      Hugs, Sammy


      • Oh Sammy those pills can be..well pills! I am sure if we all send enough good vibes your way it will work 🙂 and leaves can be a right pain…we used to battle them ALL the time at our old it is just gum leaves and if we started we would never stop! I think your folks have enough stuff to do when winter comes..we don’t get the snow that causes work! all that shovelling and battling the freeze..yikes!! Hugs Fozziemum xx


        • Well, the weather dudes have said this will be a “wetter than average” winter….whatever that means….I don’t mind WET but the WHITE WET we aren’t too crazy about!!!! Rest up…..take it easy……that outside work will wait while you gather your strength (and get your wounds healed!).

          Love, Sammy


          • Sammy I will..all these strong fellas can take over…I will stick to tending my veggies 🙂 and yes the white stuff causes problems of it’s own..we have had fires already and some states on catastrophic fire warnings…yikes!!! Loves Fozziemum xxx


    • GOOD LUCK tomorrow! I’ve already got the blog post done for Teaser……….I believe it’s easier than they have been but I’ve thought that before!!!!!! THanks for the paws crossed for vet stuff – Mom’s making the appointment this morning so I suspect it will be off to the vets tomorrow or Wednesday!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. You’re such a busy kitty, Sammy! Your pawrents must be glad the leaf work went quickly.
    Add me to those sending you good vibes for a good report from the doc. (Actually, you can put my name at the TOP of that list!)
    Love, Sundae


  3. Sammy I cross my paws for good news from Dr. Rethman. It always means ONE pill, ONE beer or ONE apple per day, so I think you will be save :o) I will read all my catalogs tonight and I’m ready for swiss bavarians who wander in kilts from maine to bermudas :o)


    • HAHAHAHA on the Teaser Easy! I do think this one will be EASY………honest……now don’t let me down by NOT guessing right OK? I’ll have to “eat my words” if nobody gets it and I don’t think I could STAND that!!!!! What about French Hawaiians who wander in grass skirts from the North Pole to Australia – do you have a brochure for that????? HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. We pray you get good news from the vet. Good job to mom and dad for cleaning that yard. Do your folks save the grass clippings too? That breaks down great for the garden. My Sammy is excited about the jamboree.


  5. Well well Sammy, I just read the landscape/leaf sucking report to CH just now because yesterday afternoon we were talking about your Mom and Dad and the technique they used for the leaf sucker. CH enjoyed your report. I pretty much did what your Dad did… the sitting in the yard chair part 😀 I did tell CH at one point that he didn’t get the back door closed and leaves were blowing out the back end! So yes, I snoopervised. CH wanted me to tell you that we do 22 complete full loads to finish our yard.. yes he keeps track each year of how many loads. We think your yard looks pretty up there! If the Teaser is going to be easy I will just guess now.. The Arch!!!!!

    Fingers crossed for a good report on your blood test Sammy!


    • HAHA on the Arch!!! One of these days I might recycle that one…..I bet you get it right!!! Twenty two loads for the WHOLE yard over the WHOLE leaf season is pretty danged good. Our average is maybe four or five to do the whole yard but that’s with it totally covered in leaves. Dad always wants to put the leaf machine AWAY before Mom does……and Dad ALWAYS wins that battle. So Mom says “FINE! You just have to use the backpack blower for all the REST then!!!!” and Mom ALWAYS wins that battle….tee hee. They probably will be out there this next weekend thrashing away at the leaves yet again………unless they’re covered with snow of course!!

      Sending Hugs – tomorrow the vet will steal my bloods at 2PM….then we probably have to wait for results! Thanks for the crossed fingers……….I appreciate that! 😉

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Congratulations on get 50% done on the yard work!@ And Sammy, mes going to congratulate yous NOW on your SUCCESSFUL vet visit!!!
    Kisses Dear Furrend
    PS Sammy, me thinks the teaser would be easy if it was a picture of my house in Midway, otherwise all bets are off that mes would gets it!!!


    • Hi Nellie! You make me feel much better and more confident about my vet visit!! I go tomorrow at 2PM EST so if you send me a special vibe right about then, it would be appreciated!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


    • Well to be honest, I love my vet guy – he’s really super nice and gentle and talks quiet to me and all his helpers are great too. Mom’s the nervous wreck – not me. HAHAHA But I will be happy to have this visit over with so I know if I can just keep taking one pill or have to go through this yogurt/chase thing TWICE a day instead of ONCE!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Your parents are super hard workers. Our dad always waits until all the leaves are down before he does anything. Bet you napped the entire time they are working. Hope we remember to get here early enough to have a real go at the Teaser tomorrow. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  8. aaww cousin – I’m keeping my hooves crossed for your doctor’s appointment that all is so much better! We are trying to have a quiet week here at the Hotel Thompson. Mom and dad have that icky cold that is going around. It’s nasty so all of us anipals are keeping away from them so we don’t get them. That means I have Houdini patrol. thrills. really. Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  9. My goodness, yes you would need a tractor gadget for all those leaves and your football field size of yard. I bet it’s fun watching mum and dad zooming around too. We got a blast of winter with snow this weekend. It’s really cold today and all week too. The Arctic is blowing down her nasty nasty coldness….eeeeek. My fingers are crossed, way tight for good news at your visit to the v.e.t. I know mum is giving you the bestess loving care ever. Big Hugs Boomdee


    • Hi Miss Boomdee!! THanks for the crossed fingers – I go tomorrow at 2PM but I’m sure they won’t have my blood results for a while…..I’ll have to WAIT! We know there’s some Arctic blasts coming down from where you are – but we hope by the time it gets here, there’s no snow – not yet – I’m not MENTALLY prepared!!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m thinking it should all be snowed out by the time it rolls into your neighbourhood. Or at least I hope so. I’m never mentally prepared and do a far bit of pouting until spring again. My fingers are still crossed. xoxox


    • Hi Brian! I was happy to read your blog today and SEE you – you look good kiddo and we’re SO happy that your ultrasound was clear… you need to concentrate all your energy on growing back your tummy hair to keep you WARM!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Our lawn tractor USED to keep up with the leaves but now that we’re surrounded by huge trees there’s too many leaves for the mulcher to mulch! The leaf machine does a fine job though……

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. Good luck with your blood test Sammy. I had mine stolen today and now I have a shaved throat again. Mum is hoping that my one tablet a day is enough too. I should have my results on Wednesday.
    Your mum and dad have worked hard to pick up all those leaves.


    • Thanks Flynn…..2PM today…..I read on your blog that you’d gone for another check – I hope that the fact your Mom and Dad think you’re looking and acting more like yourself is a GOOD SIGN that you’re doing just fine!!! I was sick all day yesterday….better today though. My Mom and Dad really do work hard every Fall – thank heavens they have machinery to help!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Kimmel n Kimmel landscapin did a fine job dere! Can we rent yer Pawentz to come cleen up da mess what iz in out front yard? Ya wuud neber know it waz dun….
    We iz lookin forwerd to da Teezer…Mum haz her ‘thinkin kat’ on 😉
    Pawz together n iz purrayin fer guud newz….n purrin…fingz will bee okayz,,,trust me Sammy!!
    **Paw kissez** Nylablue ❤ ❤


    • Good luck with the Teaser today – it’s going live soon………….as for renting out my elderly parents – trust me – you wouldn’t want them taking care of your front yard! HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


    • They are efficient when the “patient” cooperates and takes them! I’m a “haphazard” kind of patient – some days Mom can’t MAKE me eat it and other days no big deal. I’m a royal pain.

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. OMG, Sammy, when I first read the sentence “My ancient Mom and Dad bravely faced the leaves in the front and back yard yesterday”, I saw your pawrents staring at the leaves in your garden with a dauntless countenance. Do you think I’m ready for your teaser today?


  13. Hi Pam and Sam sorry not been around much lately as you know I have lots keeping me busy :-). Trip is all booked, Party in January all sorted and now packing for weekend with Leo … sounds dirty LOL 🙂


    • HAHAHA…..can’t wait to hear how Leo does in the race AND how much fun you all have together……Mom is jealous……BIG TIME…….I know how busy you are but happy to hear the trip is all booked! We’re excited about that!

      Love, Pam and Sam

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Wow Sammy yous mom and dad awe sumfin’ els. Dat’s a lot of leaves they got cleaned up. We fink yous pawents must be super hewoes. Meez lookin’ so furward to da Jamboree at Cat Scouts this week. Me suwe hopes it’s not as stwessful or hawd as quests past. MOL And we can’t wait to hear dat yous be duin’ good on yous medicine.

    Luv ya’



  15. MOL me Mum sorta rakez fignz a bit…butt we haz had so much wind eberyfing seemz to blow back!!! Mum haz a BIG potted Mum plant what iz dyin now. How she iz gonna get dat to da garbage iz beeyond me….
    As fer da Teezer not guud Sammy! Mum waz CLUELESS…totallee…me iz so ash-aimed!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


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