Rainy Thursday


Hi Peeps!   So it’s another rainy day here in my part of Virginia…….it was dreary yesterday but that was OK because Mom wasn’t home much of the morning/early afternoon since she was at the dentist.  Dad and I were on our own.  He spent the whole morning in the library reading and I was in the basement in a comfy chair snoring snoozing.  When Mom got home we “resumed our regular programming” and I followed her up the basement steps and popped up on her lap for some quality Mom time.

zzzzz.....snoozin' on Mom's leg....zzzzz

Next week I have to go to the vet to get my bloods checked again – it will have been 3 months since I started taking my medicine for hyperthyroidism and he’ll want to see if one pill a day has me within normal range.  I was WAY over when I had my last checkup.  We’re ALL hoping one pill is enough because Mom is having a fit getting the one pill down me (tee hee) – she crushes it into smithereens and mixes it with yogurt as a treat – I love that yogurt but I can taste that medicine most times.   I’m getting smart about it too but once in a while she fools me and I get MOST of the pill down.  Anyway, Mom’s going to talk to the vet about transdermal medication.   There are places where you can have the medicine compounded with a cream and then it’s just rubbed in our little ears and we absorb the medication through our skin!!!   Amazing?  I think so and Mom figures THAT will be easier than the pill crushing/yogurt hiding thing anyway.  So wish us luck on that one!

Catnapping on the couch

Don’t wave that yogurt around in front of me and expect me to slurp it up! I know what’s hidden in there!!!!!!

What else is going on?   Well today is sheet changing day – that’s always exciting.  In my younger days I’d help Mom with that (well I called it help but she called it distracting tactics) but I don’t do that leaping about any more – I’m a senior guy who tries to behave in a dignified manner at all times (giggle giggle).   Mom will also do some other laundry perhaps…….that means an empty laundry basket and once in a while I get a ride in the laundry basket courtesy of Dad.  He attaches a rope and pulls me around on the wall to wall carpet in the laundry basket – now THAT’s fun!!!

Sam making himself comfy while I'm TRYING to put fresh sheets on the bed!

Aw gee Mom….do you HAVE to put the bedspread back on the bed? This fleece blankie is so NICE!

What’s up for you today?  Anything exiting?   Just about ANYTHING you do today will be more exciting than MY day that’s for sure.


Mr. Excitement



85 responses »

  1. It’s raining here too… So we’re gonna snooze the day away… MOL 😆 Good luck for the visit to the vets next week! We’re keeping our paws crossed that everything will be fine! ❤ Love, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  2. Sammy, when Sparkle was sick, my human discovered there are a bunch of different ways humans have created to give kitties their medicine! She actually dealt with the pills better than the transdermal application – maybe it will be different for you.


    • Thanks Summer for the encouragement……Mom had hoped the fact I adore yogurt as a treat would be the “key” to getting my medicine down…..and I do have days of TOTAL cooperation in that regard but then I’ll go for a day or two when I run like the wind to get away from the evil yogurt. Mom will talk to my doc next week. He’s a good guy so might have an idea or two up his sleeve!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. I’ll be alone and lonely most of the day, S. Mom will be out (in the rain) with a friend. When I help Mom change sheets, I go around her feet so she trips over me and swears I’m trying to kill her. You should try it, Sammy. It’s lots of fun!

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHA Cupcake…..that makes my Mom giggle too because I used to do that same thing…..Mom would be trying to put on the sheets and I’d be wrapping myself around her legs getting in her way ON PURPOSE. We pretend to be innocent but we aren’t – are we???!!!! Tee Hee

      Love, Sammy


  4. Good thing you cannot chew your ears to avoid getting the medicine.
    Doggy is dumb when it comes to medicine, the few times he’s been sick I use a syringe, he opens his mouth and just drinks it. I started giving him plain water with it and he thought it was fun, then medicine and then water again. Poor thing.


  5. Aaaaw Sammy, yous lookin’ so cute. Glad all went well wiff yous mommy and da dentist. And glad yous got sum good lap time in. Yous know mommy puts a fleece blanky or at least a fwo on da bed ovew da bed spwead cuz we like it so much. Hope all goes well wiff yous vet visit. Weez’ll be purrayin’ fur ya’.

    Luv ya’



  6. Well, Sammy, we’ll all be hoping for the best with your blood tests! And if you like your ears massaged, sounds like that compounding option might be easier on efurryone!
    Love, Sundae


  7. We’re really hoping the VET will be able to prescribe a compound med for you…Mom says it’s sooo much easier…just a little extra snuggle time with your Mom and you’re done! No rain here today but a possibility for the weekend!

    The Florida Furkids


    • Our rain slowed WAY down and now has stopped – YAY! Hope that happens for Gracie’s Mom too on her drive…………..we’re anxious to hear what the vet says next week about my meds!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. That would be amazing to have a cream medicine cousin. I hope that works out better for you and your mom. Us here at the Hotel Thompson today – we are doing the usual. Chasing each other, snorting, purring, barking and driving dad crazy. It’s what we do! Snorts. XOXO – Bacon


  9. oh sheet changing days are the best! 🙂 I tried hiding Jack’s thyroid meds in baby food but they were so bitter that he kept drooling. I am fortunate he is pretty easy to pill so I just made it up to him with lots of baby food afterwards.. 🙂 I’ve heard a lot of people have success with the trans-dermal..


    • Thanks Kyla…..Mom has tried every food in the universe (well……almost) and yogurt which I adore is the only thing that’s working – so far anyway. So have you had transdermal meds before???? Some of our buddies who have their meds this way say it works for them. We’re gonna talk to my doc next week….! Thanks though – I love to hear from others about their experiences with EVERYTHING!

      Love, Sam


      • Nope-no experience there. I am taking a ton of pills and it has to be encased in my fave wet dog food. The worse the pill, the more dog food needed to bribe me.


        • Bless your heart…..I imagine you are taking a ton of pills and I do hope the “bribes” are working and you’re taking the meds like the trooper I’m sure you are!!! Have been thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing……………I send purrs your way every single day!

          Hugs, Sammy



    hugs madi your bfff


    • My Mom says she can’t bring herself to do the pill popper thing. Besides, I may be old and arthritic but if I have to get out of the way quickly I can do it!!!! HAHAHA Today I was a very good boy and Mom got all of my pill down me…..she just divided it up into three little doses and each time I got a yogurt treat there was a pile of pill powder in each lickity!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. dood…it bee rainin heer two day two …N we can see fishin werms on de paddy oh……faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…we canna get two em tho… coz they iz out… N we iz in ….N de food gurl iz at wer….k sneekin round blogland !! 🙂 ♥ heerz two a bacon samich kinda day


    • Hi guys! I love when we have rain and the wormies come out to swim in the puddles. I like to give them a good poke when they move in the puddles – they squirm more when they’re poked! They would be grand for fishing though you’re right……..however given a choice between going fishing and having a bacon sammich – I’d take the sammich ANY time!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. This is the first we have heard about this cool laundry basket game with you and your dad. We’d be begging for that everyday. We really hope that you pass your blood work “exam.” Medicine in the form of ear rubs sounds wonderpurr. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I’ve done the laundry basket thing since I was teeny……I’d pop into the empty basket and peek out the holes in the side…….Dad got a bit of rope and put it through the holes and pulled me around – it’s fabulous!!!! I also like getting in a box (or even just the top) and Dad will pull me around. GIVE IT A TRY!!!! Thanks for the good wishes on my blood work……..I sure hope I don’t have to have TWO pills a day. Mom will talk to the doc about the transdermal route. Sounds like a winner to me AND we found out we do have a compounding pharmacy here in Warrenton!!!! They have to make the cream stuff.

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Cody……I appreciate that and guess what – I’m praying too because I’d sure hate for the doc to say “TWO PILLS A DAY” instead of one! EEEEEK! Thanks for the prayers……I mean that!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Pills!! I have watched Kali having to take a pill and she is better with mom than anyone else. The best plan of attack is when she is drowsing in her basket. Mom gets it in her mouth and swallowed before Kali realizes what has happened. However, a daily pill would be different as Kali would catch on to this plan of attack. Mom has tried pills in treats….no go. Usually mom tries to get everything in liquid form so she can shoot it into Kali’s mouth and down the hatch. This transdermal stuff sounds fantastic.



    • YEah we have high hopes for the transdermal stuff….Mom looked up “compounding pharmacy” here in our town and hallelujah, we have one that does that so IF (big IF) we can do that with my meds, we’ll see about giving that a try. Then there’s days like today when I let Mom give me my yogurt with the meds in it and ate it like a champ! I’m a real pain in the neck………tee hee

      Hugs, Sammy


  14. It’s dreary here too, Sammy. That laundry basket ride sure sounds like a great way to pass a dreary day though! How neat that your ears can absorb medicine! That’s so cool! We send best wishes for a good vet checkup next week!


  15. It has rained torrents here all day so I have done the same as you. I like to get under the bottom sheet and mum calls me a mole when I do that.
    She asked about the transdermal gel the last time we were at the vets but they said it’s not available in the UK.


    • Oh Flynn at least you are being a very good boy and taking your pill every day for your Mom. I’m just not always in the mood!!! The past three days though I’ve been good and Mom has changed the way she sneaks up on me and it’s worked. I really am trying….honest I am. Next week we go for my checkup – we’ll talk about the transdermal cream – Mom found out there IS a pharmacy in my town that can do the compounding thing so if my doc says it’s OK – we may try that!

      Hugs, Sammy


  16. Yow Mistur Xcitemint yer so cute!!! Today me snuggled wif Mum ind a mornin in bed; den we played chase afur brekkie. We snuggled sum more. Mum had to go out so me had a nice long snooze in me pedestal bed n den when mum reeturend we snuggled n me had 2 suppaz n we are watchin sum TeeVee n den me gonna get me bedtime brushin…see me iz Missus Xcitemint too, MOL!!
    Mum sayz Caturday we will change da sheetz so me can snoopervize den.
    We hopez yer Mum iz feelin all rite aftur da Dentist.
    **paw kissez** Nylablue xxxxx


    • Snuggling and brushes are so nice aren’t they? I take advantage of my Mom’s lap whenever she sits down and she keeps my pink brush right there by her chair for that reason. We did sheet changing yesterday but today is housecleaning and that means HIDING IN THE BASEMENT!

      Hugs, Sammy


  17. Mum changged da sheetz diz mornin so me had werk to do! Den she did dishez n me had snoopervize dat. She iz goin out soon….so me will have a nice nappie.
    Ohoh vacuum day! Mum sayz Monday fer us so me will hide in da pantree 😉
    Lub Nylablue ❤ ❤ ❤


  18. Sammy, we hope your blood work comes out good. We thinks that transdermal medicine sounds really good. Cats are really smart when it comes to figuring out if food is laced with medicine. Mom has a heck of a time getting any of us to take a pill. Have a good nap and snuggles with your mom. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


    • I’m going to keep getting lots of rest and do whatever my vet says when I see him next week. It would be great if I could NOT have to take the pill every day but maybe every few days OR get transdermal meds – we’ll see what my test results show. Nobody said getting older would be FUN! HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  19. Sammy my man, you simply MUST take your meds! Tasha, before me, had hyperthyroidism and every now and then she had to have her meds adjusted…up, down etc. ANd she eventually have issues with her blood pressure…just a head’s up for your Mom and Dad.


    • I know I need to take them Savvy…..I wish they didn’t taste so disgusting though!!! I’m hoping that my meds get adjusted DOWN when I see the doc next week because I DO NOT like the way I feel on them! Thanks for telling me about Tasha….I know a lot of cats get this problem later in life – I’m trying very hard to be brave!

      Hugs, Sammy


  20. Seville and I are both really good with the pillin’. We just take ’em, when needed. The rest of the fur-fam… not so much. And, in fact, if the peep tries to hide a pill in my food for me, like she does with the others, it doesn’t work! I prefer the direct route.



    • Hi Nissy! I know my Mom wishes I was like you with the pill thing but really I’m doing pretty good with getting MOST of my pill in the yogurt. Mom smashes the pill up to powder and sneaks it in a big blob of yogurt and I usually lick it right down. I’m sure your Mom appreciates that at least some of you cooperate with pills!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  21. We hope the blood shows that all is okay with you sweet Sammy. We hope you are all well and feeling better very soon. We had rain here too and Chancy wasn’t very pleased. Hugs and nose kisses


    • Thank you for the positive wishes!! I’m hoping my bloods show that the medicine (what little Mom can get down me anyway!) is working enough. It would be AWFUL if the doc says I need TWO pills a day – YUCK! We are having a much prettier weekend than we had all last week – we have SUN – it’s cold but the sun puddles in the house are GRAND!

      Hugs, Sammy


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