Teaser Tell All



UHOH……………………you’re just gonna HATE this everybody but yet again nobody guessed the Teaser this week!    That’s right and I can’t believe it……………….I was sure someone in the UK would have traveled here and would guess it and that even some folks (and I know several here in the US) would have visited this beautiful region of the world……………well, here goes – these are the photos my Guest Teaser sent to me:


Thanks to my pal and buddy Austin and his Mom Miss Carolyn whose blog Catachresis you can visit HERE   – for sending me these photos.  You guys get my Guest Teaser Thank You Badge!!


So where is this?  You’re gonna LOVE the name of the town where it’s located in Wales……………..it’s a REAL PIP!!!!!    Here’s the information Miss Carolyn sent to me to share with you.

Plas Newydd is a property now owned by the National Trust and is set on the shores of the Menai Strait amidst beautiful scenery. It is located in the town with the longest name in Wales – Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

It has been the home of the Marquesses of Anglesey since the 19th century, but the house originated in the 14th Century. It was redesigned by James Wyatt in the 18th century. Again in the 1930s the interior was restyled and is famous for its Rex Whistler association containing his exquisite romantic mural and the largest exhibition of his works.

A military museum contains relics from the First Marquess of Anglesey (including his prosthetic leg). The Marquess commanded the cavalry at the Battle of Waterloo.

From the house and grounds you can see across the Menai Strait to the mountains of Snowdonia.

Isn’t it GORGEOUS????  I think so.  My Mom and Dad have never visited Wales…………now they want to!!!   Anyway, normally as you know I’d be all full of myself bragging that I fooled everyone but I’m starting to get a complex over this so I’m NOT crowing about winning today – – – I’m hoping that next week SOMEBODY GETS IT!!!!!

Meanwhile, you ALL get THE BIG GREENIE!



Thanks for playing along on Tuesday Teaser………………I’ve noticed since nobody’s been guessing it right I’m having less traffic on Tuesdays for my Teaser…..sniff sniff….don’t give up everybody – YOUR TURN WILL COME I JUST KNOW IT!!!!!!!


Sammy the Tease


83 responses »

  1. Hehehe! We were kind of sad too that no one got it!! It is so beautiful and just a couple of miles down the road from where we live! Oh and the locals call that town either Llanfairpwll or LlanfairPG because otherwise we would never get anything done if we had to say “I’m just nipping down to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch for some bananas” MOL. Have a great day Sammy xox

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Holy smokin’ joe’s Sammy, dat’s a weally long name. Me wuld suwe hate to liv there and hav to write meez addwess on evewyfin’. MOL Me finks me wuld hav to move. MOL

    Luv ya’



  3. Sammy, maybe you need to post a picture of the Statue of Liberty or the Washington Monument next week! Or one of those famous landmarks in a foreign country (for our furiends “over the pond”)!
    Love, Sundae


  4. This is such a gorgeous place; we love all the beautiful daffodils. Thanks to Austin for being the guest teaser. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)


  5. Well done again Sammy! My people went to LlanfairPG, (that’s the easy way to say it) about 2 1/2 years ago as part of a British Isles cruise. They didn’t go to that particular place though. They had a private tour with some others and the guide was trying to teach them to say the full name. He failed!!


  6. I didn’t guess yesterday….just as well, I would never have guessed Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch…what a mouthful. You have to stop making them so hard Sammy! We are anipals not geniuses in a think tank. Now, next week I would like to see a picture of my front yard. Then I’d get it. *giggle*



  7. See Sammy, I told you it was a green badge day MOL! Plus I could have NEVER written that name *snort*! Love your hat 🙂 Mom wants to travel to Wales sooooo bad, top of her bucket list!
    Luv ya


  8. Mom’s so far behind visiting, we didn’t even see the Teaser yesterday. What a lovely place. Mom says she wouldn’t have known where it was. Those names are CRAZZZZY! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi KB! I bet you’re happy to have your Mom back……..takes a while to unpack and share the swag with all of you and of course catch up on what’s happening in the blogosphere!!! That town name was amazing wasn’t it? Did you see the link with a YouTube clip and song illustrating how to SAY the name of that town?????? It’s amazing – of course the guy who’s singing is probably from that town but anyway it’s pretty cool. Here’s the link – it’s worth the time it takes just so you can hear the guy say it……… http://youtu.be/1BXKsQ2nbno

      Hugs, sammy


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