Far Out Friday


Good Morning Peeps!   So it’s Friday and even though my parents have deserted me to do something FUN, I’m in the mood to be sweet about it and let them have some time away from home.  Mom’s been putting up with my “different” behavior since I’ve been on my medication (following her around and whining a lot more than usual….hahaha) so she can have a break.  I won’t pout…………………..MUCH!

I can't bear to watch you leave.....sniff sniff!!!

I can’t bear to watch you leave…..sniff sniff!!!

Just a reminder that TODAY is the first day of the special sale on my Mom’s mystery novel “The Mystery of David’s Bridge” for the Kindle version only.   It’s only ninety-nine cents to download it until October 8th when it goes back up in price.  Bargain?  I should think so…….. good book?  Of course – my Mom wrote it!!!!   Actually a lot of you have read it already but for those who don’t, it’s a “cottage mystery” that takes place in a small town in Virginia (kinda like the town I live in!), and stars a young lady private investigator who takes over her Dad’s business helping the police in this tiny town.  The lady has a cat (of course) and she and the cat are best buds (like me and Mom).    Mom thought it would be fun to write a book taking place in a tiny town because most people think NOTHING ever happens in small towns but that’s definitely not the case in the small town of David’s Bridge, Virginia.  No sireeee……….our hero gets involved in SEVERAL interesting cases and a little bit of romance (of course) along the way.  Click on Mom’s book cover and it will take you to her book on Amazon………………we’re not entirely sure what time the “deal” will start but today is the first day for sure!!

Yes that's my Mom's own oil painting on the cover!

Yes that’s my Mom’s own oil painting on the cover!

Mom and I are working on my Haunted House for Halloween…………..it’s gonna be spooktacular I promise.   Remember that the contest will be for the FUNNIEST Halloween costume and it can be something “real” or photoshopped so have fun with getting ready for that……………..I’m going to ask you to send me your photos for the contest by October 29th so I can put a poll together for voting!!!   I just can’t WAIT!   Sam-O-Ween is such fun – I love sitting in a hidey spot and watching the little kids who come to our door for Trick or Treat……their costumes make me giggle.

How do you like the Sam Pumpkin my Dad carved last year?  This is the BESTEST one ever!

How do you like the Sam Pumpkin my Dad carved last year? This is the BESTEST one ever!

Friends the Fall season is really moving in here like crazy……………………our maple trees are really beginning to get that pretty color they’re known for and thanks to my Dad planting a lot of different color maple trees, we have some beautiful color – the leaves have started to fall JUST A LITTLE BIT……………………soon though that noisy leaf machine will be tooting around the yard sucking up the leaves on the back of the lawn tractor.

fall card 2fall card 5

Backyard tree in fallfall card 7

I hope you all have a fab Friday…………….or even a FAR OUT Friday…………….I think I will – it will be VERY QUIET around here without the noisy humans…….but I can handle that……….I’ll be just dandy!

Sam napping in the guest room

Ahhh…..the guest room is mine all mine!

Hugs, Sammy


61 responses »

    • Hi Clowie! Thanks on the share for Mom’s book…….it’s a pretty darn good sale! I’m not sure if Dad will change the design for my Sam Pumpkin this year or not – that one’s pretty good!

      Hugs, Sam


  1. Sammy GREAT Halloween header my friend 🙂 and WOW love your Maple trees..we miss the Japanese Maple we had but the little one I bought two years ago for 2 dollars I doing really well…and we too have that color..but at opposite seasons:) we must get mums bookie…I love a good mystery…what am I saying I am a good mystery hahaahh and everyone is getting excited for Samoween 😉 enjoy you day alone and maybe pop the stereo on and blast some “Just take that old record off the shelffff” 😉 loves Fozziemum xxx


  2. Most excellent cousin. Houdini got his ‘halloween’ costume yesterday in the mail. He’s going to hate it but I think it’s most adorable – snorts. Just as long as mom doesn’t get me one to match – shivers at the thought of that. Fall Fridays are awesome – I love the cool weather and we are suppose to get some this weekend. I really hope so. I want to go outside and play in the leaves. Can you believe I said that? Boy I’ve grown a lot – snorticles to a great weekend! XOXO – Bacon


  3. Love what you have done to your blog. Looks like you are thinking ahead to Halloween for sure. Get lots of zzzzzs while your folks are gone today. I love how you are all snuggled down.


  4. what… you are alone at home like that Kevin-dude once?… let’s have a pre-samoween pawty! what kind of pumpkin will you make this year? I have NO idea… (whatever it is, I’m sure my staff will nail the carving project like every year)


    • Easy I think my Mom and Dad will do TWO pumpkins…….one “normal” one – maybe with a SCARY face this year instead of funny……..and my “Sam Pumpkin” which is a tradition around here! Mom did say she might get a “ghost pumpkin” this year though – they are those white pumpkins – not orange like the ones we usually have. Now THAT might be weird!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. OMC Sammy yous blog looks amazin’. Yous suwe do go all out don’t ya’?. We fink dat pumpkin looks pawsum. It kuld be yous twin. 🙂 Glad yous pawents awe gettin’ a cool day.

    Luv ya’



  6. You are such a good boy, Sammy, to let the humans have a day off. Last weekend had to be lots of work for your mom. Our dad is heading out overnight and will be back late tomorrow night. Mom decided to stay home after being gone all last weekend. She says she has gotten behind with everything, including an e-mail she owes your mom. Have some good snoozeis today. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo p.s For anyone who hasn’t read Mom Pam’s book, our mom recommends it.


    • I think it’s important for us to allow our humans a bit of freedom and “non-cat” time…..but they mustn’t expect these little treats OFTEN! HAHAHA My Mom and Dad had a nice day off – Carlisle, PA is a bit ahead of us in the pretty leaves and cool weather department………..same for the W. Virginia mountains – CHILLY/Fireplace time already!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Wow, your mom’s book is 99 cents? What a bar-goon. A most enjoyable book. We loved your pumpkin from last year and will bug dad to do one for us. Your blog is looking very autumnish….very nice and up to date. We love your maples. Here in BC the maple’s never are red like back east. The fall display of autumn leaves in your post is breathtaking.

    (((All of us)))


    • Hi Shoko!! Glad you like the pretty maple leaves – they’re turning very SLOWLY this year so that might mean a long and beautiful fall…….YAY! Cat pumpkins are fun – my Dad’s an expert at them now I think. Mom draws on the face/whiskers and Dad carves everything out. It’s the most popular pumpkin in the neighborhood!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Oooohhhhh, we LOVE the Sam Pumpkin your daddy carved last year! PAWSOME!! 😀 Have a wonderful weekend, dear Sammy! 🙂 Sorry we haven’t visited your lovely blog lately. The human is super busy… and since we need her to type our posts… 😦 (*sigh*) 😉 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    • I love having a kitty pumpkin and the neighborhood kids do too……..it’s a smaller pumpkin than the “regular” one we also have but it’s fun to have one to call my own!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Tabbies!! Glad you approved of my Sam-O-Ween blog look……I’ll keep it SCEEEERY until after the party then back to the same old boring blog. HAHAHAHAHA I hope you and yours have a fish-filled weekend too – purrrrhaps some nice fresh tuna???

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Yow sammy yer headur iz spooooookie n kewl too!!!!
    HHMMM a funny costume…me must put me ‘finkin kat’ on n try n come up wif sumfin….
    As fer given da Pawentz a day off; yer da best! Plus ya getz da guest room ALL to yerself…so iz a win-win dere rite???
    Mum n me sat out on patio all mornin til da rain came tumblin outta da cloudz so now me iz beeside Mum snugglin n dicktatin to her…
    Wishin ya a happy weekend!
    Much lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


      • Me n Mum haz an idea which we haz to look into…it cuudbeevery funny iffin we can make it werk 😉
        Mum iz off to Temple around 5 pm fer Yom Kippur so we not bee on here tonite…will pop by tomorrow to red yer bloggie Sammy!
        Lub Nylablue n Mum x0x0x0


  10. Your maple trees look gorgeous in their fall colours. Enjoy your peaceful time, and I hope your parents are having a good time.
    I am feeling much better and asked mum to take me for a walk today.


    • Flynn I am happier than you can imagine that you’re feeling better…….I have been super worried like all your friends and your Mom and Dad but if you’re having a walk and eating better, I am thrilled!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • That’s a WordPress theme – kinda fun to do a temporary change…..and I love that one……I’m going to change the monster face – I think there are four or five substitutes and I try to remember to change it every day but my memory isn’t so hot!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Sammy I can’t wait to see evfurryone dressed up! we have your mum’s book on our kindle but my mum is reading a trilogy at the moment… It’s next on the list though. I’m sure it’s going to be pawesome!


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