Silent Selfie Sunday


Here’s my selfie for The Cat On My Head Sunday Selfie blog hop!  


This is as close as Mom could get to me!

This is as close as Mom could get to me!  Sorry it’s blurry…..Mom was wiggling (not me!)

Also….please remember today is National Pet Memorial Day


79 responses »

    • Oh I definitely am………when I’m sleeping I visit briefly just to say I hope they have room over the Bridge for me because one day I’ll need my own “tent” there! We all miss those who have gone before……they are our guardian angels.

      Love and Hugs and Happy Sunday!


  1. Sammy, you are a most adorable man-cat and so sweet to join us today. Compared to CJ’s blurry Sunday Selfie yours is clear as a bell! We are having a really fun time with our new hop, and have already made some new furiends. Wish we had known this is Pet Memorial Day. We would have done something for our predecessors. Thanks for joining, supporting and purrmoting our Blog Hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  2. Mom and I are amazed that so many kitties are so talented that they can take selfies of themselves sleeping!! MOL! Love it Sammy!! We didn’t know about Pet Memorial Day, another day we missed. If you want a laugh, you MUST visit Dakota’s blog and see HIS selfie………it’s worth it! Love, Cody


  3. Great Easy Selfie and thanks for reminding us about National Pet Memorial Day! Wes has several furrends and family wes will take to time to celebrate today.


  4. I didn’t know it was ‘Pet Memorial Day’ but how nice that it is. So many pets to remember today. Loved them all so dearly and I’m lucky to have lot’s of wonderful memories. Shhhhhhh, go back to sleep now xoBoomdee


    • We didn’t know it was Pet Memorial Day either until we read it on our friend Easy’s blog – you know Easy – Mr. Teaser???!!!! Anyway, Mom says one day we’ll all be back together again and I think that’s true…….

      Hugs, Sammy….zzzz……..


  5. Furry fuzzy adorable Sammy…..
    We bememburr Mingflower what came befur me n lived wif Mum fer 18 1/2 yeerz….Mum’z ‘baby suck’….gone butt not fergotten…
    Lub ya Sammy ❤
    Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0


  6. 😉 Me waz finkin da same fing Sammy!!! Me iz doin me best to stay as long as pawssible. It iz hard comin to Mum at 5 YEERZ old n leeve too soon. Shure me haz bin wif her 8 yeerz butt it iz not as long as Mingflower n it cannot bee dat long or me wuud bee 23 yeerz old…
    Whateber life iz left fer me, me will make da best of it 😉
    Let’z live fureber Sammy!!!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • That’s my attitude too Nylablue…..whatever time I have I’m gonna make it the BEST it can be. I know my Mom needs me so I’m hanging in as long as I can. I know you feel the same way about your Mum!

      We’ll stay strong together!
      Hugs, Sammy


  7. WE are in diz together Sammy! Me haz yer back me furend!
    Just take each day as it comez…eat guud n rest lotz n spend time wif da pawentz. Oh n go out fer sum fresh air when ya can…it all helpz 😉
    Much Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


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