Teaser Tell All and More


Well it seems that the photo we posted yesterday fooled VERY FEW people!   Lots of people recognized where this photo was snapped………………..were you one of them???   Here’s an “instant replay” !


This is market square in Prague, Czech Republic………..the very FIRST stop on the tour my parents did when they took a cruise on the Danube River.   Prague isn’t anywhere NEAR where the river cruise actually started though – they had to bus to the ship then go on the cruise.   It was a wonderful tour and they had a GREAT time.  They were in a hotel in Prague for two days and the tour group went to this beautiful spot and did a lot of shopping for glassware and other souvenirs.  This is also the square where the amazing astronomical clock is located which Mom and Dad found fascinating.  There was also an antique car show there on the day they were there but Mom didn’t take any photos…..shame on her!

Here are a couple of other google images – one of the astronomical clock and another of the whole square where they did some shopping………………..

The shopping district and where the clock is located

The shopping district and where the clock is located

Beautiful astronomical clock

Beautiful astronomical clock

Who guessed this FIRST yesterday?   Well it was CLOSE (within a minute) but Leo of WalkToRio2016 was FIRST by a hair………………..followed closely by his nemesis (!!) Easy!   Leo, this is for you!


For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

Easy and a whole BUNCH of the rest of you guessed right – and all of you get this!


Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

Clueless?  Yeah…………I know that feeling…………you still get a prize!


For the clueless or wrong guesses!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

That was fun…………………….next week I’m going to have a GUEST TEASER……………..so stay tuned for NEXT Tuesday!


Now I want to tell you about a beautiful award I got last week.   I received it from Miss Bev at MoggiePurrs and it’s called the “Butterfly Light Award” – don’t you love the name of it?  Wait until you see the award:


It was originally created as a “thank you” from one blogger to another for some assistance received but the idea is that it’s passed on to bloggers who are “spreading light” with their blogs or are a “positive influence” with their blogging.  That’s why I thought it was so special……..it was very flattering that Miss Bev thought I was in that category!

The rules are that you must link back to the person who nominated you and here is that link MoggiePurrs.   DONE

You must link back to the originator of the award, Belinda who has two blogs, one of which is Idiot Writing .   DONE

Then you need to write a short paragraph about “How I’m Spreading Light” or “How I’m A Positive Influence” and display the beautiful badge.   (see below)

Then you must pass the award on to at least ONE and not more than a bazillion (haha) other bloggers.   (see below)


My paragraph:

“I like to think I’m spreading light by trying to have a fun, happy, entertaining blog posted every single day about the life of one very spoiled cat who’s aging – sometimes gracefully and sometimes not so much – and make it a blog my readers look forward to.  It makes me happy thinking that my blog might cause someone who’s having a bad day to SMILE…..or someone who had a bad night to start their day by reading my blog first thing and changing their mood to POSITIVE.    Even better would be if they are so upbeat that the light spreads to someone THEY know…..and on and on and on.”

Who to pass this award to?  Honestly there are so many blogs that I adore……….so many who make me smile or think or hope or feel better………where do I begin?   I follow SO many…….each special in their own way.    One blogger who makes me smile every single time without fail is my friend Easy the silvermistygrey weimaraner.   You can’t read his blog without smiling and feeling better and certainly smiling………he lightens the blogosphere in many ways and he was the first to pop into my head when I thought of who to pass it on to.   So definitely this goes to Easy!!

But as I say so many of my blog friends are positive influences and consistently spread light that I’d like YOU to take the award if you feel you can honor the requirements.

Thank you Bev Harvey for nominating one very spoiled old cat with this lovely shimmering award!!


Now – for the results of my Sam-O-Ween Poll where I asked for your answers to three burning questions regarding my Halloween fun on my blog this October.   Here’s what YOU want and this is what WE shall do!

  1. I will have a HAUNTED HOUSE for the party!
  2. We will have a contest for the FUNNIEST COSTUME (with a prize for the top two!)
  3. The party will be on Halloween – October 31st!!

I hope you’re happy with the outcome of the polls – I am!    I had a blast fixing up that old mansion last year for a haunted house and I’ll find a suitable SCARY spot for this year’s party –  Be thinking about what kind of costume you want to wear!

Happy Teaser Tell All

AND Happy Wednesday……………….

I love you guys!!!!!

Hugs, Sammy


56 responses »

    • HAHAHAHA…….Congrats to you Mr. Leo for being the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER this week………..Easy is a pal to all – one of the nicest things about him is that he’s an “equal opportunity friend” !!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Aaaaw Sammy as always weez knew nuffin’ ’bout yous teaser. MOL But a meowsy big ConCats to yous on da award as it is bootyful. And meez luvs yous bloggy. Yous so wight Easy duz make yous smile.

    Luv ya’



    • Easy is a real pal but I have lots of great pals…….it’s just that he always ALWAYS makes me giggle with his posts and I like that a whole lot. In a world that isn’t always so funny – Easy never fails to make me feel good!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. congrats Leo (and Kevin, of course!)!!! Prague is great and absolutely worth a visit :o) Many thanks for this wonderful award, I will try to be a light and I will do my best to bring you a smile, even on darker days. (hope the staff is strong enough for that mision)


  3. Squeals! I had absolutely no idea about yesterday’s picture. None.whatsoever. I live in a hole it seems at times – snorts. And I can NOT wait until Halloween. Your party is going to be a BLAST. I hope we get our costumes in time for the party! XOXO – Bacon


  4. We guessed right….that does not happen often. A big Congrats on the award….you should get it Sammy. You sure helped us and gave us a good laugh too. Big hugs for you and your mom. Hopefully we will be able to do your blog too….I’m thinking of a cool costume.



  5. Yep…lots of right guessers this week. That is a really terrific award, and you deserve it. Not just for what you do on your blog but for what you do at Cat Scouts and Tabby Cat Club as well. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  6. Whoa, I can’t believe Easy got edged out there! Good job to everyone that got it right.
    Congrats on that award, Sammy, you definitely do spread lots of light with your very entertaining blog (and your sweet face). I think Easy was the perfect one to pass it on to as well….you both always make me smile! 🙂


    • I know! It was close though – by sixty seconds! Thanks so much for the compliment on my blog…..I try to make people smile – have a break from the routine – be happy for a few minutes if possible!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Prague seems to be a very beautiful city! 🙂 And hey! At least we guessed Europe right!! Yay! That’s at least something, right? 😉 MOL 😆 Congrats on your award, Sammy! So well deserved! 🙂 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


  8. We didn’t know the teaser photo, as usual. ConCATS on your award though – it is very cool! Love the way it shimmers, and we definitely think you are deserving, Sammy. We will be looking forward to your Sam-O-Ween Pawty!!


  9. Hehehehe, we will be claiming our clueless badge again this week! Concats on your award Sammy, it is PERFECT for you!!!!! Easy is who I would think of too after you! Cannot wait for Halloween, have no idea what costume to wear. Better start now!!!!


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