71 responses »

    • I actually didn’t do a selfie – just have a few when Mom’s sneaking up on me when I’m asleep……awake it would NEVER work – I will NOT cooperate for a close up no matter WHAT!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Silent easy Sundays are my favorite! My nose got a bit out of loins though. The perps had blueberry/lemon lavender pancakes this morning. The aroma was sinful almost as good as bacon, and I was offered nada!
    Madi your bfff


  2. Sammy you are a super genius, you can take a selfie while you sleep. That’s great… and you look so cute, my mom would like to kiss your nose… butt I said no, because then she will wake you up and the whole sunday nap is wrecked…Have a wonderful sunday, Sammy :o)


    • Pretty cool that I can still use a camera when I’m asleep huh? I guess it’s like sleep-walking….only I do sleep-picture-taking! I would gladly allow your Mom to kiss my nose – my Mom often tries to do that herself but I’m too quick – I run run run!

      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy, you look furabulous in gold, and your sleeping selfie is absolutely precious. Mommy wants to give you lots of kisses.Thank you dear furiend for joining us today and purrmoting our Hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  4. Mum says I couldn’t be silent if I tried. I like to walk around the garden singing my warrior songs to keep intruders away. (Don’t worry, I have done that since I was a kitten.)


    • Thank you so much! Glad you liked my first ever selfie…….most of my selfies will be SLEEPING/SNORING ones I’m afraid as I HATE Mom putting the camera in my face when I’m conscious! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


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