Tuesday Teaser


What Time Is It? 

Teaser Time!


That day of the week you just LOVE to HATE…..hahaha…….now you regular visitors know the drill – you need to check out these two photos (Mom was being generous posting TWO this time) and see if you know where my Mom and Dad were when they snapped these……….we need the FACTS – not just the planet or solar system but the country/state, town/village/whatever……………OK?   Are we clear about that?  If you only guess ONE thing – like country for instance – you might win something but not the First Right Guesser for sure!!!   I want it all – that’s right – I’m greedy – I want the details!   (but I don’t need map coordinates…….hahaha)

READY????  SET?????   GO!


Be the very first person to guess EVERYTHING correctly, and you will win this:


For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

If you guess correctly but aren’t first, this is YOURS:


Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

If you fall flat on your adorable face and don’t know or guess and you’re ever so wrong, you still get something!


For the clueless or wrong guesses!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

If you want to tell the world that you’re a fan of the Tuesday Teaser – feel free to take this little goodie for your sidebar so the universe will know you’re one of the wacky people who loves to be tortured every Tuesday.


Tomorrow I’ll tell everyone who wins, who loses, and most importantly, WHERE THE HECK WERE THE PHOTOS TAKEN??!!!

Until then – I bid you a fond farewell

and send you a HUG

    Your Pal, Sammy

81 responses »

  1. 17th century Pilgrim English village near Middleboro, MA. That’s our guess, right or wrong! At least we got here sort of early today. That in itself makes us winners…right? XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh dearie me – I don’t want your brains to hurt!!! I want your brains to be HAPPY! THanks for guessing – stop by tomorrow to see how your did (and I hope your brains feel better by then!) 😉

      Love, Sammy


  2. I agree with Ranger that could be Plimoth Plantation, MA Usa. We had a black day, no electricity for hours, mom is in a state for the laundry and a half-baked plum cake (at least this time her cake has definitely not aftereffects)


    • Uh oh….no electricity is not a good thing……..I bet your Mom was just a bit upset about the plum cake???? Promise me you won’t eat it Easy….you know what happens when you eat your Mom’s desserts!!! (burp)

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. See me tomorrow for the Teaser TRUTH


  3. I don’t know. It looks sort of old English country style but the wooden walls look American. I think it might be a working museum of the Pilgrim Fathers where they settled in the US. I live very close to the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth which was the Pilgrim Fathers last place on British soil before making landfall in the US. They landed at Cape Cod so I will guess it is a reconstruction of their original settlement in Massachusetts, probably named after Plymouth.


  4. Plimoth Plantation because one it looks like the village used for Sleepy Hollow and 2 because I nosed around internet for a while which is why I’m late,and 3 cause it sounds like Plymouth the city the Mayflower sailed from which is near us,xx Speedy


    • Hi Summer! Welcome dear girl…..I can’t say that I blame you for wanting to visit the place – I bet there are lots of mousies and bugs and other critters to chase around…..wonder if any of the plants in the photos are catnip plants???????

      Sending you hugs…………
      Love, Sammy


  5. We’ve got no clue but it looks really interesting! Is it somewhere in the U.S.? We can’t wait for you to reveal the answer tomorrow! 😀 Have a wonderful day, sweetie! And all the best to you! 🙂 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    • You’re right – there are a few spots in Yorktown that look like this – a few gardens in Williamsburg that have this same look as well!! BUT it’s Plimouth Plantation in Massachusetts!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Hmmm…you don’t believe in “easy does it”, do you Sammy. This looks like a quaint community without the frills in life. I would guess an Amish community in the state of Utah? I doubt I’m right but I tried,




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