

Just Imagine…………

The other day my buddy Easy and I exchanged some fun emails about how cool it would be to live in a treehouse……………we kinda got carried away and had some fun with the idea but it got me to thinking about how REALLY REALLY cool it would be to live up in the air with a view like that!


This is the treehouse photo I showed Easy.....

This is the treehouse photo I showed Easy…..

Here we are up in the treehouse lovin' life!

Here we are up in the treehouse lovin’ life!


So I did a little MORE research and now I’m thinking this is definitely how I’d like to live.  Mom and Dad think it might be a little dangerous when a high wind came up (or if the tree got carpenter ants or a disease!) but at least until that happened, I could definitely live in ANY of these!


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What do you think?  Would you like to live in a tree house?  Maybe Mom, Dad and I are a little beyond our “living in a tree house” years but gosh it’s quite fun to look at what can be done with some imagination and probably a lot of money and a PERFECT tree to build a house in!

Just dreaming I guess……………..but just IMAGINE………….

Hugs, Sammy The Dreamer

85 responses »

  1. Sammy you KNOW you don’t have to ask me..and I can almost hear Fozziedad groaning as I say “look this is what I was after’ hahahaha…but first the fence..dang..then we can all live up there 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  2. THAT was fun to see Sammy. And thank you for showing these to us. I would LOVE to live there but Mom, not o much. She said she usta would, but not nowadays. If you and your Buddy do that may *I* come and stay for the weekend?


    • Well, the chances of us actually HAVING a treehouse are close to ZIP but it’s fun to DREAM isn’t it?

      Hugs, Sammy
      p.s. Mom said the same thing by the way – forty years ago she’d have said YES let’s do it!


  3. OMP! Those treehouses are gorgeous! I watch this show on television about Pete Nelson who makes treehouses. WOW! Some of those treehouses range from $80,000 to $250,000! THUD piggy down! I’m kind of scared of heights. I want a hobbit hole. Cool beans. XOXO – Bacon


  4. Your own tree house? You betcha….I’d be over for a visit in a flash with fresh nip from the garden! We could sit back and mellow out. I suppose Kali would want to calm too….ok, she can enjoy your new home too.



  5. Living like the Swiss Family Robinson! Purrrrrr. When I was a kitten I learned I could climb a tree, but getting back down was another story. Now in the summer I get to sit in a 2nd storey screened window with a nice leafy tree right outside and pretend I’m there again… and getting down is no problem. =^,,^=


    • Swiss Family Robinson was one of my Mom’s favorite movies….all those wonderful things they made for their amazing home…..sigh…..anyway, I never was much of a climber as a little kitten – we have three stories in our house so I got my exercise running up and down the stairs…..nowadays with my arthritis I’m “land-bound” !!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Odin would love a tree house… that would be a fun project – a mini tree house for Odin!! Wouldn’t surprise me if someone has already thought of that but cats LOVE climbing and a tree house would be fun!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Those are mighty fine tree houses. We sure could live in one of those. Like the one with ramp right up to the house. Thanks so much for coming by our blog with purrs etc. Take care.


    • There’s something about a tree house…..maybe it’s the kid in all of us – or maybe it’s us harkening back to our roots (!) – or maybe it just seems like a wonderful perspective on the rest of the world!

      Hugs, Pam (and Sam)


    • I’ve got the same problem Cupcake….my Mom would love to live in a tree house but couldn’t pawwwwsibly handle all those stairs!!!! Oh well – four paws on the ground isn’t so bad either is it!!

      Hugs, Sam


  7. Oh yes, we so agree with you, Sammy! Any one of those tree houses would suit us just fine.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


    • I think it would be awesome to live in a tree house – my Mom has also always wanted to live in one… I said – maybe 40 years ago we could have done something like that but these days we keep our two or four feet on the ground!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. We think it would be so cool. Just imagine you could be right up there with the birdies and squirrels. What could be better? XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I agree……..snacks at every turn (haha). Seriously though, it would be fun to have that view – and privacy – but the stairs up and down might be a problem with my arthritis!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • I know about Cocco’s and I have been wondering if Cocco has been able to visit that little house yet – I’m sure the kids would let him IF he can get up there anyway!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. We think that your mom and dad should definitely get you a tree house. It is so cool. You could have some pawsome pawties with all of your friends. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  10. Those are some pretty fabulous ones. It’d be fun until you came home with the groceries. Maybe there’d be an elevator? What would happen when you flush the toilet? oh ooooo, don’t even think about it, yikes.


  11. If onlee we had a tree Sammy 😉
    Our Pine tree waz cut down n it iz bery bery sad…me liked dat ferst treehouse n Mum liked da seckond house….any treehouse wuud bee lubly at diz point 😉
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too ❤ ❤ ❤


    • I’m so sad your pine tree was taken away……can’t imagine why they thought they had to do that for a patio-fixing project when it wasn’t in the way! Oh well…’s gone and that’s that. We love treehouses but I guess we’ll never have one – they are fun to look at though!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Daddy used to watch this cool show about this man who made treehouses for a living, and they were awesome! I would love to live in one. Plus I’d have more chance of catching a squirrel that way


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