My Monday Post!


I guess you noticed that ONE SPOILED CAT is flooding your inbox today – with TWO blogs for the price of one!    I took pity on my poor Mom and allowed her to use my blog for her OWN purposes in posting a “Blog Hop” which she is participating thanks to her friend Miss Dianna (my girlcatfriend Sundae’s Mom!).   Anyway, please forgive us just this once for dumping more mail in your inbox OK???    Purrrrrrrlease????


Now, onward………….of course today I am here to remind you that tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser and guess what…………..go on………guess………what?   Not in the mood to guess?  Oh alright – I’ll tell you……..I have a GUEST Teaser again.  Just two photos of the same spot but maybe if one doesn’t inspire you the other will.    Not sure if it will be a tough Teaser or an easy Teaser – you’ll have to decide………AND on top of that, remember it will be posted at a SURPRISE TIME……you won’t know when it will hit your inbox……….so stay tuned!   Remember Leo was first right guesser last week but this week – who knows?!?!


The other thing I must tell you is that I am so excited about July 4th this year…………………Mom and Dad are going next door for a cookout but after dinner everyone is coming here to MY yard and Mom and Dad are going to have fireworks!!!   Why am I excited about that noise???  Because they don’t get the noisy, ear-splitting, EEEEEKY fireworks – they get the PRETTY stuff……the kind of stuff I can stand at the front door windows and SEE without running to hide.  Mom seems to think that’s what I’ll be doing………I probably will!    Mom and Dad used to do fireworks in their front yard every year but it’s been about four years since they did……………the two little boys next door are going to be at home this year instead of visiting relatives so that’s the REAL motivator!!

My Mom loves colorful fountains (quiet ones!)

My Mom loves colorful fountains (quiet ones!)

We’re also having a big all day picnic on Cat Scouts………….we know how to have fun on Cat Scouts you know……………..we’re going to have BBQ and fried fish and other food that people will bring because it’s a pot luck……..and volleyball, and even a cake walk (remember those???).  Should be a blast……….If any of you kitties are interested in knowing more about Scouts – just ask me!  I’m a fountain of knowledge (well…….I’m a Troop Leader anyway if not a “fount” !!).

The field where Cat Scouts will be celebrating the 4th!

The field where Cat Scouts will be celebrating the 4th!

Hear ye....hear ye.....Cat Scouts are partying again!

Hear ye….hear ye…..Cat Scouts are partying again!

That’s about it so until tomorrow when I tease your socks off (haha), have a GREAT Monday and don’t forget to read that boring blog of my Mom’s……….well, alright……..maybe it’s not totally boring but I know MY blog is WAY MORE interesting anyway………..right?

Monday Hugs,




61 responses »

  1. Sammy we LOVE a double dose twofer of Sammy and mum blog posts!!!! so never need to a-pawlagise to us 🙂 WOW fireworks…quiet and colourful..a bit like you hey ? heheeh and a cookout what fun but you must tell us down unders what a cake walk is! all I know is that we say that when something is going to be easy 🙂 and I bet Cat Scouts will really celebrate all that is wonderful on your special American day the 4th of July…hugs and loves Fozziemum..can’t stay have MUMS bloggie post to read 😉 xxx


    • A cake walk is something that I’m not sure too many folks DO anymore…..First of all you have a lot of donated cakes (yum) on a big table and each cake has a number. Then you have a big circle on the floor with numbered areas marked off (1,2,3, etc.) and music plays and people walk around the circle – whatever number you are on when the music stops you get the cake of that number! Great way to get a yummy snack to share with your friends. It was a party game at birthday parties when my Mom was a tot (a million years ago). The Scouts are having a BIG picnic on the 4th including a cake walk. Should be tons of fun……….sadly here where I live it’s supposed to be RAINY – which means delayed picnic and delayed or postponed fireworks! 😦

      Hugs, Sam


      • Sounds like great fun! like musical chairs 🙂 I too am a million years old Sam hahaahah 🙂 funny so many great things don’t happen anymore because of crazy ideas gone array..many schools here have NO cakes anymore for kids birthdays due to risk of allergies…some schools have NO xmas carols at all..kid’s here cannot even sing baa baa black sheep??? I mean I have three black sheep silly and the kids miss out..i do hope your weather smiles on you for your 4th of July Sammy!! dang..supposed to be the Summer of Sammy! Hugs Fozziemum xx


    • HAHAHAHA……you’d better be standing by buddy…….who knows when the post will go up – but I wish you luck – you need to regain your KING OF TEASERS crown!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Sounds like the 4th will be fun at your house, Sammy! Sure hope the weather is great for everyone (it’s sounding “iffy” in our area…).
    Love, Sundae


  3. Hi Sammy…When my dad heard about the fireworks at Cat Scouts he asked if they would be the silent kind since cats don’t like loud noise. I said “Huh?????” I didn’t know they had quiet fireworks. Your are a “fountain of knowledge”
    It’s HOT HAZY & HUMID at our house and mom is NOT happy.
    Have a great day my furrend,


    • Hi Charles! The fountains aren’t very noisy thank heavens or I’d be packing up my bags and leaving home for the night….HAHAHA…’s hot here too and now they say it may rain on the 4th which would NOT be good for picnics and fireworks anyway.

      Happy Monday!
      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Fun! Mom always read a book to her class about a Cake Walk (Junie B. Jones and the Yucky, Blucky Fruitcake), and then they had a cake walk in the classroom. SO much fun! I wish we could have a cake walk at my house. I love cake!

    Love and licks,


    • Oh goodie! I hope you like my Tuesday Teaser……..we have a blast every week trying to figure out WHERE the photo was taken……just leap in and take a guess… might win a badge!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Sounds like a Festive Fourth! We will be heading to Sedalia with The Mama to CH’s Brother’s house to BBQ pork steaks and see the Wes Man! Although a fish fry sounds wonderful to me.. 🙂 Looking forward to the Teaser!


  6. Yow Sammy our bloggiez are far more interrestin den da Hu’Mumz butt we gotta share rite?? Did ya see me Mum’z bloggie today? She posted about a toy…an old toy…a reelly old toy…..
    Oh wait last year me did a bloggie about all me toyz…mine waz more bettur! 😉
    Yer Mum IZ clever to get quiet firewerkz…me wuud lub to see doze fer shure!
    N now we nose what a cakewalk iz…Mum had no idea nor did me…haz a blast sweetie! Happy Canada n Indeependance dayz to us!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • Hi Nylablue! We’ve been helping Cousin Bacon out today since he’s at the vet getting his physical by answering all the comments on his blog about old toys – we saw your posting AND Mom has been trying to get to all the blogs we follow but between all our other projects – we’re BEHIND!!!!! Happy Canada Day to you tomorrow!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Loved all those photos your Mom took at the Castle Charlie……sorry you’ll be missing the Cat Scouts picnic but purrrrhaps you can make the Sock Hop on July 11th????? With the time difference and your Mom’s work I know it’s tough!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks for the float idea Shoko – all the patrols are participating!! Now start thinking about a trip to the Bayou in the Travel Group……….you suggested it so you’re gonna have to help!! I know ZIP about bayou country!

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Dat’s pawsum Sammy. And meez finks yous awe a fount of knowledge ’bout Cat Scouts. Yous a gweat twoop leadew. And what a gweat campsite yous chosen. Hope yous hav a gweat time watchin’ yous pawents fiwe works. By da way, Marg fwum Margs Animals has been twyin’ tu get intu Cat Scouts fuw ’bout a week now and meez been twyin’ tu help hers but as yous know meez not so ‘putew good. Hers wus added and sent a new password, but it didnt work. Meez not suwe ifin hers evew got in or not. Just wunnewin’ ifin yous might hav known.

    Luv ya’



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