May The Bacon Be With You


Just In Case You Didn’t Remember……


That’s right – it’s that wonderful day of the week at my house – the day the bacon comes out of the refrigerator and Mom whips up some breakfast for herself, Dad and yours truly, the honorable kitty guy!!!   I hope all of you have a chance to enjoy this remarkable and delightful (and crunchy) substance and to that end I have THIS to say…………………


Those of you who are Tabby Cat Club members who are Cat Scouts will be familiar with the Drive-In movie night we had at Scouts not long ago – it was a major BIG blast……well, guess what.  Tabby Cat Club is having its’ OWN Fifties Flashback Drive-In Movie Night on July 18th.   How cool is that?  TCC peeps, put that on your calendar – the CB will be sending out a notice ahead of time but you’re hearing it here FIRST!!!!   It was so much fun doing the “Retro” thing though that in Scouts we’ve decided to have a Sock Hop.  We’re even having it in a high school gymnasium – That’s going to be on July 11th at Cat Scouts.   Don’t worry – I’ll be sharing photos of everything – you know I will !!!


Me and my TCC buddies, Gracie and Raz

I put the Sammy Kimmell seal of approval on some Amish-made furniture that my parents bought a few weeks ago which was just delivered……….we have a brand spanking new picnic table, AND two wonderful rocking chairs on the front porch…………….cool huh?   When Mom let me out on the porch to see the chairs I did that silly thing we ‘fraidy cats do……….I walked EVER SO SLOW over with my neck stuck way out and my sniffer working…..I creeped up on the chairs carefully……didn’t know if they’d attack or not but I knew they were NEW and different from the old chairs……when I got to them I gave them the sniff test and they passed!   Mom hasn’t shown me the table yet but I can see it from one of the windows in my house so I’ll have to do the sniff thing another day.  ENOUGH EXCITEMENT FOR ONE DAY FOR THIS OLD CAT!

New PicnicTable1 FrontPorchRockers1

Hope you have a bacon-filled Saturday OR, if you aren’t a baconator like me, at least have a FUN Saturday OK??   OK!!!!

Hugs, Sammy

Surrounded by it!

Surrounded by it!


77 responses »

  1. Dat’s sum pawsum new fuwnituwe Sammy. Hav fun bweakin’ it in. 🙂 And of course enjoy yous bacon. Meez had sum yesfuwday. 🙂 Happy Caturday and happy summew.

    Luv ya’



  2. Hey Sammy, that is so cool that the Cat Scouts are now the cool group that other cats want to be like. Alas, as you know, no Tabbies here to enjoy another night at the Drive-in, but how fun for the remainder of you. We have similar rockers on our front porch. They are one of Lily Olivia’s, Mauricio’s and Misty May’s favorite spots to nap. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • I probably won’t be hopping up into those rockers myself – something about the “rock” part of rockers scares me – however with my newly discovered bravery (!!) who kows?! Yes, without a Tabby in the house, the TCC is out of reach for you guys BUT we’ll just be “re-living” the Scouts night and that was TRULY a blast!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh baby the bacon aroma is – well – FAB!!!!!! I hope you have a great weekend too Austin…..I’ll be attempting to scale the mountain that is that picnic table. Mom seems to think I’ll enjoy lying on top of it. That remains to be seen!

      Hugs, Sam


    • Cupcake I thought about that “tail under rocker” issue and Mom and Dad are always checking to make sure they don’t squish a tail out there…..they had BIGGER rockers before these out there and visiting kitties seem to like to get UNDER them so tails are available for accidents – so far that hasn’t happened but Mom and Dad are always careful.

      Happy Saturday!
      Hugs, Sammy


  3. Every front porch needs rockers and a porch swing. We can’t figure out how to hang a porch swing on our front porch. Those are very pretty rockers and the cushions will be very comfy for a ginger cat and maybe a Stevie cat!


    • Hi Miss Pix!!! I agree about the swing and my Mom would LOVE to have one…..she remembers very little about her Grandma but there WAS a porch swing on the porch and she could swing for hours and hours……..the rockers are grand – Stevie has already made herself at home. I don’t think I’d trust anything that ROCKS but who knows?! I hope you had a good visit in St. Louis yesterday (and maybe a cheeseburger??).

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Yummy Bacon Sammy…what a great way to start your day 🙂 and those rockers are beautiful! am sure once you get a good sniff you will be very comfy indeed…after all I am sure all peeps buy new things for the kitties of the house 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xx


  5. Oh boy, a sock hop? Great! my dad remembers that events, first the boys where to shy to ask the girls for a dance… and later as they were brave enough the event was over :o) do you remember the song for such events by Little Richards?
    All the flat top cats and the dungaree dolls,
    Are headed for the gym to the sock hop ball,
    The joint is really jumpin’, the cats are going wild,
    The music really sends me, I dig that crazy style :o)
    I agree new things need a well planned sniff-out… we have to make sure that there is no trojan horse inside or a man-eating woodworm :o)


    • Hi Easy! Yep a sock hop for a bunch of cats can you believe it? There will be a whole lot of fur flying at that!!! I think maybe I should have a sock hop on my blog for ALL anipals. What do you think about that? My Mom says she remembers Little Richard and all the music from that era (cave man days). Mostly because her sister was a bit older than she was and her sister MADE my poor Mom dance with her so she could practice for her dates. Otherwise my Mom probably would NEVER have learned to jitterbug!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. haha surrounded by your bacon. That is some lovely furniture. Luna is a pretty tough kitty but she does the long neck sniffy thing too. She is cautious. You never know. Have fun at your drive in and I hope to attend the sock hop if mom isn’t working.


    • Great!!!!! The 4th of July fun will be an “all-day” so if your Mom’s busy you can just stop by ANY time…..the Sock Hop probably not all day – we’d dance our legs off…..hahaha

      Hugs, Sam


    • Oh these chairs AND the picnic table are made to last forever…..Mom and Dad both loved how they used NO nails in the chairs – just expert joinery – and they are PERFECT and gorgeous…..we’re happy!!!!

      Love, Sammy


  7. 842 pawz up fer da ferst day of Summer!!! Me was out in Condo on me patio in da mornin. Had tuna-tuna fer lunch. Went in me Condo to backyard to hang out wif sum of Mum’z furendz…saw lotz of birdz n White Tip da Squirrel….still alive~~Woo Hoo~~
    Sunny n warm oh n we saw a Sun Dog…dat iz a round rainbow round da Sun….pawsum!!!!
    So yah it waz a furabuluss day Sammy!
    Doez chairz look comfy n me wuud lub to try out da picknick table fer shure!
    Lub Nylablue xxx


    • Hi Nylablue….I’m glad you had some great condo time today – visiting the birds and squirrels and getting some sun and fresh air (and tuna-tuna!). Hope today is just as nice for you – we’ve got cloudy skies and it’s cool but it’s also still early (6:30AM) so maybe it will get WARM later…..

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Wowwzers!
    Bacon and new furniture! What a exciting day! Mes knows what yous means about new stuff. Mes actually went out on the patio at the condo today for the first time in in 2 years! It was finally nice enough. But as soon as the main door opened, mes was in the condo as a flash!!
    PS enjoys the movies!


    • Gosh Nellie that was very brave of you to go out on the condo patio – – – I’m proud of you! Nice to get some fresh air once in a while….but you’re much SAFER inside (and there’s nice napping spots IN and not OUT!). Have a beautiful and quiet Sunday!!!!!

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  9. Me iz glad of da guud dayz fer me n fer Mum!!!
    Today iz Vet day n me needz sum treetmint….me iz stable butt we haz to keep me dat way…iz da trickey part 😉
    Iz rainy n hue-mid here; hope da weather iz bettur dere!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


  10. EEoww Sammy me had a guud Vet bizit. Me gott Pepcid fer me tummy n Cartophen fer any inflammshun in me bowelz n hipz. den me gott 1/8th of Mirtazipine orallee. Me spit da capsule out so Dr Dave had to wrestle wif me to get it down me throat!!!
    He n Mum made a chart of meds fer next month so dey will nose what to do fer me.
    Phankz fer carin sweet Sammy n Miss Pam
    ❤ Nylablue ❤


  11. AAWWWphankz Sammy n Miss Pam; ya made me all **blushy** here!
    It iz so lubly to bee lubbed by all of ya here.
    Dr Dave n Miss Terry are a guud teem n dey shure do nose how to deel wif me when me getz furriskie 😉
    Much lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


  12. Oh yah Dr Dave understandz me purrfectlee….butt me nose me triez hiz payshuntz when me kickz off….
    Me allwayz blowz him a kiss now…
    Okay Mum me will tell da truth..once me getz back into botton part of carrier Dr Dave putz da top part on n as he triez to pop da screwz back in me smackypawz him…..dere iz a kiss dere sumwhere….deep…sumwhere….. 😉
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


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