Teaser Tell All


Say – you guys are getting tough to fool!!!   Several of you knew where this photo was taken but before we get to THAT, let’s have another peek at the photo OK??


Firstly THANKS to my Uncle Leo (tee hee) from Walk To Rio 2016 who very kindly submitted this photo which he took himself while in Alicante, Spain.  He took the photo from Port D’Alacant and up on the hill you can see the Castle of Santa Barbara!   Beautiful photo indeed.  Thanks Uncle Leo for playing along with the Teaser AND for resisting the temptation to sneak on and guess the photo today!!!   However, I do have something special for you……….I created a brand new badge which I’ll be giving to every Guest Teaser whose photo(s) are featured on my blog from now on.  Cool?  I thought so………..AND you’re the FIRST one to get it………..



Who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER???????   Well those of you who are Teaser addicts know that my good friend Easy is super sharp when it comes to figuring the Teaser photos out and HE was FIRST – Easy you get this badge!!

First Right Guesser!!

First Right Guesser!!

Those of you who ALSO guessed right get this to post on your blog if you like!

Right but not FIRST!

Right but not FIRST!

Those of you who were WRONG with your guess can admit that you were wrong but also show the world that I love you anyway with this one!

Uhoh...you blew it!

Uhoh…you blew it!

As if that wasn’t enough excitement for today – GUESS WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS TODAY????  No idea?  Well, it’s Miss Stella’s birthday – Mom to Mollie and Alfie and known for her outrageous “yogo” (yoga) posts on Mollie and Alfie’s blog from time to time.  Those of us who see those posts early in the morning when we’re drinking coffee have “spewed” coffee on our keyboards more than once with the hilarious drawings she does on yogo days.   Miss Stella, THIS IS FOR YOU!!!


Don’t be surprised if you see lots of yogo blog posts around the blogosphere today because LOTS of us are jumping on board the “For Miss Stella” bandwagon today and strutting our yogo just for her – HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!

Don’t forget that tomorrow you should post a photo of you in a box – why?  Because the blogosphere is celebrating International Box Day that’s why!!!!   There’s always something going on in the blogosphere – – – FUN!

Before I say “ta ta for now”,

remember NEXT week will be the first time

I’ll be posting the Teaser at a random/surprise time

instead of the usual 6AM Eastern Standard Time….

ought to be interesting!  

HUGS, Sammy




74 responses »

  1. Oh my I didn´t even get the right country 🙂
    Grreat idea to give guest teaser a badge , me think it looks furry cool !
    Happy Birthday to Stella and thank´s for reminding me about BOX day tomorrow 🙂
    GRREAT idea that you shall post your Tuesday teaser at random times so maybe someone else than Easy will have the chance to win 😉



    • Hi Charlie! The random time for Teaser will shake things up a lot I think!!!! Your Mom-person has sent in photos for the Guest Teaser before so at some point I just bet she’ll get that special new badge I made for Mr. Leo!!!!

      The TCC will be celebrating box day so see you there tomorrow!
      Hugs, Sammy


  2. Here comes the man in silvermistygrey to grab his badge :o) aaaand my Sammy-hug :o) Thanks to Leo and his biker-friend Kevin for a great guest-teaser! I will hire a guard who has an eye on your blog next tuesday :o) … and for that yoga … or like Mollie says YOGOZ, you can use the solution of rubik’s cube to sort out your knotted bodyparts :o)


    • Hi Easy! Your post today was brilliant (and rather painful) looking…..HAHAHA…..Did you need your Mom and Dad to help you get up from that post and most of all COULD YOU WALK???????? Mollie and Alfie are lucky to have such a talented and funny Mom to make all of us enjoy her yogo days so much – I hope she does MORE!!!! Concatulations too on gaining your KING OF THE TEASERS crown back……….next week will be interesting with random time!! Tee Hee

      Hugs, Sam


  3. Oh Sammy this is just wonderful, everyone is making my Birthday so special..I thought I had won the teaser hawhahhahhahahaha. Tears are rolling this end, guess I need to get more Yogo posts up. Thank you and love you xxxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie


    • Miss Stella everybody loves your yogo posts but then again we love EVERYTHING you do. I thought it was funny that you thought you’d won the Teaser but then again you WERE right so you get that GUESSED RIGHT badge AND a birthday card all in one!!!! Have a super special day……..you’re super special to all of us!

      Love, Sammy (and Mom!)


  4. Oh Sammy yay to Easy and Leo’s pick was great 🙂 as for your Yogo ..goodness me you are in a knot my friend hahaah and we look forward to next weeks random Teaser 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx


  5. Oh My! We had like a gazillion visitors yesterday and mummy had me very busy being sociable and wouldn’t let me anywhere near a keyboard!!! Anyway we wouldn’t have known as neither of us have been to Spain!! MOL Well done Easy (again) 😉 The new badge is great!!!


  6. Well, we’ll just have to pop over and wish Miss Stella Happy Birthday. My goodness, lots of folks have June birthdays!
    Have a good day, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! June is a BIG month apparently!!! Miss Stella keeps us giggling with her yoga antics so we thought we’d all get together and surprise her with ours – – – lots of yoga blogs today in her honor!!!

      Love, Sammy


  7. Oh no sorry I missed the teaser buddy… I would’ve said Antibes anyway! So again I would’ve been wrong! My mum has started her own website and it messed up mine as she tried to separate them… I wasn’t impressed! All sorted now though. I love your yoga card!


    • It was, wasn’t it? He’s my honorary Uncle since he’s been harrassing following my blog for so long. To bestow that Uncle title on him seemed the least I could do! Tee Hee

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Nellie!!!! Talk about rockin’ – I’m just loving all the comments on my icon…woo woo…thanks for the compliment on my yoga pose – I think those other two cats (whoever they are) on my card are a lot more “into” their yoga than me…..but I did my bestest! 😉

      Hugs and kisses, Sammy


    • Me neither – I thought California or Caribbean somewhere but not Spain……..oh well……….there’s always next week and by then we hope your email issues are SOLVED!!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. So, Easy got it right first again! I figured as much, but there were some other good guesses too! So many fun photos and cards out there for Stella’s birthday….yours is great!


  9. We missed out on the teaser this week, Sammy. Mom didn’t check on any blogs yesterday – she’s such a slacker sometimes! We wouldn’t have guessed it right anyway though. Concatuations to Easy! And we will stop by and wish Miss Stella a happy birthday!


    • Never fear – next Tuesday isn’t all that far away so you’ll have another chance! PLUS I’m posting it at a surprise time from now on – it will be different “live” every single Tuesday – that should keep everyone on their toes!!

      Hugs, Sam


    • That dog on a chain that attacked Easy and his Dad – made me SAD and MAD all rolled into one. I felt bad for the doggie but even worse for Easy and his Pop. Hope nothing like that EVER happens to them again!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  10. That is a great card for Stella.
    Seems like everybody knew it was her birthday except me, but I have had fun looking at all the yoga posts.


    • Hi Flynn!!! I think Stella was gobsmacked by all the yoga cards – one of her friends organized that and luckily thought of me so we were able to get in on it……I was amazed how many people DID a special post for her. FUN FUN FUN!!!!! Today is International Boxing Day so I hope you have a box in mind for a good photoshoot????

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. Our dad thought it might be Spain without seeing any of the guesses so that’s not too bad. We did see some mighty good yoga poses today. We’re all set with our box photos for tomorrow. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Your Dad was RIGHT! YAY! I saw some great yoga yesterday too – what a fun day that was……..and today should be good – I’ve never seen a “bad” box photo!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Easy is amazing….totally……thanks to his collection of travel reference material (and the fact he’s smack in the middle of Europe!) he knows all – sees all – when it comes to my “other side of the pond” Teasers. I’ll throw him a curve once in a while but basically he’s right on target!

      Hugs, Sammy


  12. Do you know what *I* learned today, Sammy Old Buddy Old Pal? Well, let me tell you: I learned to search google using IMAGES. Heh heh heh.


    • Ut oh……does this mean you’re going to be ON TARGET for future Teasers???? Well, that means you might also be ON TARGET for Right Guesser or even (gasp) First Right Guesser badges??????? BRAVO!

      Hugs, Sammy


  13. Yow me waz sad n mad too Sammy!!! Poor Easy n his poor Popz!! It musta bin so scarey fer dem all….n dat poor poochie on da chain beein all cwazy!!! Dey haz NO Humane Society or sumwhere to go to complane or get da poochie help…so so sad…
    Easy iz bunderfull tho’; deespite da attack he still guessed! Easy iz a true Champeeon!!
    Lub ❤ Nylablue ❤


    • Easy is definitely a hero to many of us…..he’s great at protecting his family and at keeping all of us entertained with his escapades…..he’s always there when you need a friend!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


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