Tuesday Teaser and “Ask Sammy”


Hello!!!!   Welcome to another frustrating challenging Tuesday Teaser……….time to dust off your computer screens, get those glasses cleaned from all the food you splattered on them at your Passover or Easter feasts and GUESS!

Today’s photo is not a Guest Teaser either……………and I’m not sure how many of you like to see skyline photos but this is one and I think it’s a doozy.   Are you ready?????


Now whoever guesses what city this is in the photo FIRST will win the First Right Guesser award (and you KNOW you want it!!!!):


Whoever guesses right but isn’t first in doing so, will win this little award:


And the rest of you – whether you guessed or hadn’t a clue, may feel free to swipe this from my blog:


So step right up folks and GUESS!!!


Now – for another exciting thing to do today (just in case you were worried you might be bored today after guessing the Teaser!)………….my buddy, my pal, my Cousin, Bacon the Pig is featuring YOURS TRULY on his “Ask Bacon” advice column today…….however it’s not “Ask Bacon” today – it’s “Ask Sammy”……….yes indeed, five sad souls have sent in their tales of woe and I have done my BESTEST to help them with my advice.    You can visit Bacon to see what sage wisdom and insightful comments I make to these peeps.   Just click the Doctor Sammy icon below and be magically transported to Bacon’s blog!


Doctor Sammy can help you with that!!

Doctor Sammy can help you with that!!

So that should be enough fun for your morning – now get back to work before the boss sees you, OR, go back to sleep and pull the covers over your head, OR, go outside and run around the block a few times to get rid of all that energy………OR, continue visiting your blogging buddies!!!!!   I’ll see you tomorrow for the Teaser Tell All!!!

Happy Tuesday you Teaser Buds!  

Hugs, Sammy






83 responses »

    • Hi Gang! Glad you enjoyed my advice column on Bacon’s blog – he sure gets some INTERESTING problems to solve doesn’t he? So no guess on the Teaser? Tomorrow I’ll “tell all” !!!

      Happy Tuesday
      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Charlie!!! THanks for guessing on my Teaser today……if you check in with me tomorrow you’ll find out WHERE the photo was taken and WHO the first right guesser was (if there is one!!!).

      Hugs, Sammy


  1. Eeeek we haven’t the slightest clue but really want to visit! What a gorgeous place! We are heading over to Bacon now to check out all the wisdom you have to offer and that’s a lot! First, though, the blanket pulled back up sounds good 🙂


    • Well this came to Sam’s spam folder too for some reason……….Wordpress gets wacky once in a while but as I said with the other comment we always check Spam so will always find your comments no matter what! Thanks for visiting Bacon too – we had fun answering those letters for him!

      Hugs, Pam


  2. Sammy, you are one busy kitty! We’re heading over to Bacon’s to check out your sage advice!
    Love, Sundae
    PS No idea (as usual) about the Teaser, but it’s a pretty photo!


    • Hi Sundae! Yes I’m usually going full speed ahead around here……funny my Mom keeps complaining she has no time for anything other than my blog….wonder why????!!!! Ha

      Hope you like my responses to Bacon’s fans with their problems……………….Love, Sam


    • Hi Easy! Had all your brochures ready this morning for the Teaser huh? Well if you think it’s Santiago then I guess you’ll have to wait and find out tomorrow right??? In the meantime I think you might go ahead and give your Dad a spank “JUST BECAUSE” whether he’s right or wrong! It’s a good excuse anyway….HeHeHe

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Leo! You are being good and you haven’t said one nasty thing……………yet………………!!! I’m proud of you…..WHERE ARE YOU? I never hear from you any more and I believe that classifies as “elder abuse” ! HAHAHAHA



    • Hi Clowie! Thanks – I’m glad you think I did alright with Bacon’s advice column. I wanted to try and help those poor unfortunate animals who have such serious issues…..(tee hee).

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Bailey! Thanks for the compliment on my “guest advisor” role on Bacon’s blog today – that was fun. So you don’t know where the Teaser photo was taken????? Well come see me tomorrow my friend and I’ll tell you!

      Hugs, Sam


  3. Washington??!! I’m only guessing that because of the beautiful mountains in the back ground. If Washington doesn’t work, I’m sticking to my original answer EARTH. Snorts. Thanks for filling in for me on Dear Sammy. I really appreciate you cousin!! Great job – hope you had fun and you’ll do it again in the future. XOXO – Bacon


    • Hi Miss Pix! You think I did alright on Bacon’s blog? It was tough – anybody with problems needs sensible advice and – well – I was having WAY TOO MUCH FUN to be sensible!!! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. We’s have no idea where this is, but it is so gorgeous! We really enjoyed the photo. We are going to pop one to Bacon’s and check out your advice. We are sure it will be great. Happy Earth Day. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


  5. Los Angeles! Maybe?

    By the way, we stopped by Bacon’s blog and really enjoyed the “Dear Sammy” questions. So funny!


  6. I am late getting here and it has already been guessed correctly. That is definitely the Santiago skyline. Mum had a postcard from a friend a month ago with that exact same picture.


  7. Mummy asked the big hoomans and they said Santiago in Chile. Whee are pretty sure it’s right and whee know whee didn’t guess it first but at least whee got there!

    Have a great day

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil


  8. Boy Oh! Boy! mes looked at that picture and mes thoughts Santiago Chile…
    then mes saw that EVERYBODY said that!
    Mes gots to goes read your advice!


  9. As usual, we gots NO IDEA about the picture (FAIL!) but we laffed and laffed at your “Alien” answer on Ask Sammy! The Human says she had to watch that movie by herself cause her two friends left the movie theater when that thing popped outta that guy and met her in the lobby afterwards. Wusses!


    • Hi Spitty……my Mom had a fit when she saw that photo because it took us a while to see the rest of that white kitty but it STILL looked like “Alien” to us even after we saw the entire cat! Scary stuff huh?????

      Hugs, Sammy


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