Back To Routine


Howdy!   Hope you had a restful weekend – I sure did…..nothing like three days on the Moon to wear an old guy out – I OUGHT TO KNOW!   Things are back to normal (whatever that is) and that means that tomorrow we have a Tuesday Teaser to look forward to……..WOO HOO……are you ready?  Did you miss having a Teaser last week or were you along for the Moon trip OR watching from afar back here on Earth?


Anyway, tomorrow we have a Teaser……….it might be a Guest Teaser or might not – all depends on which way I go because I have TWO candidates to post – I’ll decide later – after I have my dinner – I think better on a FULL tummy!

So be prepared OK?   The posting (in case you’ve forgotten!) will go up at 6AM EST because I do the Teaser later than my regular daily blogs….bring your eyeglasses….your maps/atlases/google earth (haha) and have at it.  Who knows, you might be a winner.

Which reminds me…..while I’m thinking about badges…..just in case some of you who went on the FABULOUS Moon trip forgot to download the “I Went To The Moon With Sammy” badge at the end of our trip when we landed back home and WANT to have it….here it is one more time!   I’ve seen it posted on some of your blogs (hug hug kiss kiss)…….what  memories we have eh??


I’ve picked up a pile of new blog subscribers thanks to the fun we had on the Moon so bear with me while I show all of them what they MIGHT win if they guess the Teaser photo tomorrow…………The FIRST CORRECT GUESSER (you have to tell me where the photo was taken – country/town/state whatever) gets this:


Anyone ELSE who does guess it correctly but isn’t the FIRST to do so gets this:


And all your clueless but still lovable folks who at least peek at it but haven’t got a clue OR guess and are wrong get this:


SEE????  Everybody’s a winner on Sammy’s Blog!!    I’m not just a pretty face…..oh no…….I’m a cat of substance……I aim to educate you on Tuesdays with photos of far away (or sometimes not so far away) places where you MAY have been or hope to go one day.   What’s wrong with that??

HAPPY MONDAY……………….I intend to continue catching up on my favorite activity.   It’s what I do best!



Big Hugs



67 responses »

  1. Boy Sammy there is no keeping a good kitty down! very pumped for TT as always we will give it a red hot crack 😉 you relax until then my friend ..and btw great you have some new friends!! that is very cool Hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • I sure am! I’ve even been out in it (for about five seconds…hahaha). I’m glad you’re all nice and snuggly inside Sundae… should be….it’s not fit for man nor beast out there!

      Love, Sammy


    • Sadly Marty we have SNOW again today…supposed to get 8-12 inches of the blasted stuff! I’m getting grumpy but I did in fact get some good naps in yesterday….thinking today will be a nap-o-rama too!

      Hugs, Sammy


  2. We are looking forward to this teaser! It will be our first one! We are new followers from your trip to the moon. From everything we’ve seen, it sounds like everybody had a great time on the trip! Glad everyone made it home safely.


    • The Teaser is a challenge – or at least I try to make it one….my parents have traveled everywhere so they have tons of photos AND some people send in their own photos for me to use when I want to change things up a bit! Tomorrow’s might be a toughie so you’re welcome to come see what you can see!!!!!! Glad you enjoyed the Moon trip – we all sure did!!

      Hugs, Sam


  3. Sammy! Wes is still talking about our trip to the moon! Mes LIKED how bouncy we were when wes went walking!
    Me is looking forward to tomorrow, even though mes never gets it right!


  4. I don’t always have the time to comment, Sammy, but I ALWAYS smile when I see you in my reader. You just spread good spirits all around with your big hugs and fabulous sense of humor. I wish I could hang out here all day. 🙂


  5. If you are having snow like we are with falling temperatures, napping is about the only thing today is good for. Plus, we are all tuckered out here and not just from going to the Moon. We had a mouse in the house yesterday! Watch our WW post for photos. Big fuzzy hugs to you Sammy with our usual purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Can’t wait to hear about the mouse in your house!! We’ve never had one but there’s nothing like having a good “takeout” meal once in a while either…HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sam


  6. Hi Sammy, didn’t we have fun!!!! It was a great trip and you were the purrfect host. However, I have to admit I am quite glad to be back in good ole Blighty again 🙂 There is quite a lot of napping to catch up on, so I might join you in a ZZzzzzzz,,,,,, mol xoxox


    • I think you should enjoy some good nap time – heaven knows we were partying up a storm on the Moon and NEED to catch up with sleep! But don’t tell your Mom that of course!! 😉

      Hugs, Sam


  7. dood, glad ya hada safe ree tern trip……wuz ya abe bull ta bring bak any moon pies….we loves thoze things….well, knot de choco late part…..well, knot de marsh mellow either…frank lee we canna eat em but de food serviss gurl does everee once ina BLOO moon !!!!


  8. Yow Sammy me heerz ya about gettin back into da roo-tine!
    me iz eatin n drinkin water n doin all fingz Nylablue 😉
    Mum sayz if me continuez til tomorrow me can skip da Vet’z. Pawz crossed….
    Mum got da Space badge…me must put it in me next bloggie.
    Lub Nylablue ❤


  9. We feel very deprived, we still haven’t recognized one of your teasers:( But we do do love seeing all the guesses and finding out who won.

    The trip to the moon was special, but getting back to “normal” is good too.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  10. You know what I figured out today, Sammy? I figured out that I can just TAKE that winning badge EVEN IF I DON’T REALLY WIN! I mean, really, who’s going to stop me? You don’t have Badge Police or anything? (Do you?) And then I can save it in some secret place where no one but me can see it and I can look at it any time I want and tell myself I am not *really* so stupid as I seem. So there!


    • Spitty I’ve been waiting all these years on my blog for someone to ADMIT to the PAWSIBILITY of stealing a badge that they didn’t actually win. You’re the first….figures huh? That’s the DEVIL SPITTY coming out…..!!! Anywho, today you might take a look and actually KNOW where the Teaser photo was snapped….stranger things have happened (and you can always steal the badge anyway).

      Hugs, Sam


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