49 responses »

  1. I can’t believe that planet earth is really silent…. imagine all the barks and meows and the clamor the humans produce with the cars and their mouth… Have a fabulous sunday and don’t forget to call Houston if there is a problem :o)


  2. Looks like that big old moon is just waiting for us to get there and have a party! We are sure getting excited! Purrs and paw-pats, Mauricio, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo


  3. You know… they ‘say’ that you can’t hear stuff in space but…. but whenever I’ve watched movies or television shows that take place in space (hehe.. that rhymes), there’s always music playin’ in the background. Ever notice that?



    • I have noticed that and that’s why I think if we decide to have a sing-along on our trip when we’re out wandering on the Moon maybe they’ll even hear it back here on Planet Earth! We’ll have to make it a memorable song……!


  4. Yow ya iz lookin pawsum in yer spacey suit dere Sammy….
    Me iz not up to da trip so me do ground control n stay here…ya will have to go to da Moon wifout me….
    Butt me will be watchin fer shure!
    Lub Nylablue =^…^=


    • I’m glad you’ll be keeping an eye on us while we’re gone Nylablue….it’s best for you to stay home in case you have a spell…..we want you to be near Dr. Dave (and your Mum!!!!).

      Love and Hugs, Sam


    • Oh Nylablue…..I’m so sorry you’re sick again…..you’ve been doing so well I had hoped you’d STAY that way for a while at least!! Dr. Dave will fix you up I’m sure…..

      Love and Hugs, Sammy


  5. 😉 Me DID do wll all thru January fer da most part! Da Depomedrol iz werin off n meenz Pancreas iz beein notty so me needz more of dat n sum Pepcid n we seez bout Mirtazipine too…
    Me iz just restin n meowin reepliez fer Mum to type….
    We will let peeple nose tonite n FAcebook what happenind n how me iz doin…
    Lub Nylablue =^,,^=


  6. Sammy, can all four of us go to the moon? Cali is rather shy but she will be OK if her big brofur Andy is there to take care of her. Tater and Shelly have streaks of hooliganism but they have promised to be very good. We are looking forward the moon trip. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • OF COURSE you can all go to the moon!!! I think it would be wonderful if all of you go to keep each other comfy and safe….if you’d like to share a room so you can STAY together, that’s fine too. Besides, the beds in our Lunar Hotel Rooms are KING sized so plenty of room for four!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


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