More Bacon Please!


Can a guy have too much bacon?  Well pawsibly but THIS GUY votes NO……………Saturday and Sunday are for bacon regardless and my parents started this morning off with bacon AND pancakes…..I said “hold the pancakes Mom” when it came to fixing my plate!   Thanks Mom – that should be enough for me…….HAHAHA


Yesterday I got a lot of you all stirred up by the first of my “Moon Teasers” !!   AND I showed you the spacesuit that you all can use to decorate/personalize for your very own – in fact, I am going to show you MY spacesuit all decked out.  BUT before I do, I want to say that you do NOT have to use that spacesuit – if you have one already (hahaha) or if you want to find one of your own online somewhere (or in your neighborhood spacesuit store), you CAN do that.   When the time comes to submit your photos with your personalized spacesuits – it can be this one – or one of your own!!   I’m posting both the “blank” spacesuit which you can “take” and begin working on for the competition AND me in my suit!



I was also asked if our spaceship has a name………..the answer is “YES IT DOES” !!!   I named it “Ralph”…..why Ralph?  Well some of you may remember the amazing Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden in the Honeymooners TV series who would frequently tell his wife Alice, “Bang, Boom, To The Moon!!”…….so I thought “Ralph” was a GOOD name for our spaceship!

Next week I will post some more about our trip……….and probably announce another of the competitions we’ll be having……….until then, you can at least have a start on figuring out how you want to personalize your spacesuit!!

Tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday – WOO WOO…….and there are TWO par-tays I need to tell you about……… is at the Tabby Cat Club – here’s the poster  for the BIG EVENT – everyone is invited and it lasts ALL DAY LONG!


Then the other par-tay is at Cat Scouts – WHAT??   You’re a cat and you’re not a Cat Scout yet?  Well, all is forgiven….but if you want to know about it, you can visit HERE.    This is the poster we put up for the Cat Scouts Super Bowl Party which we’ll be having at the official Cat Scouts Campfire with a pot luck dinner………….If you’re a Scout – “be there or be square” !!


See how busy I am lately?  Whew!   Pretty good for an older gentleman cat huh?   Mom’s having a tough time keeping up with me………!!

Sam Sleeping on Mom's Lap

oops….guess this isn’t a good example of Mom not keeping up is it?!

Have a super Saturday and I’ll see you for Silent Sunday tomorrow……………….I promise……………………

The Bacon Boy



78 responses »

  1. Snorticles. That’s my Sammy with his cough snort bacon! Love the suit. Are you going to watch the puppy bowl Sunday? Half performance will be keyboard kitty. Can’t miss that! XOXO – Bacon


  2. Sammy that suits a hoot! there will be no doubt Sammy’s on board!! and I bet you glow in space too! the guys here are pumped to get me working on their suits..we are going with yours because it looks like it has great potential as we can see by yours!! and the girls are already superbowl mad here ..even though I had to explain it’s nit a giant bowl of kibble!!! they haven’t joined scouts yet ..I think I need a small holiday before they get me working on new clubs hahahaah 🙂 the ball has just about broke me bwahahahah 🙂 looking good there Sammy…hugs to you and mum Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Fozziemum! Glad you like my “Sammy-ized” spacesuit. I can’t wait to see everyone else’s! With all the kitties and pups in your family you may just want to send ONE to the moon and join ONE up with Cat Scouts….otherwise you’d never get a break from your computer!!! HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh dearie me…….thanks for noticing that Cupcake……what if I told you all the bacon is INSIDE the spacesuit??? In my tummy?????!!!

      Hugs, Sammy
      Pee Ess Do you think your Mom will let you go along with us on our trip aboard Ralph??????


  3. Is the super bowl anything like the hyper bowl I talked about the other day? MOL Have a great day, Sammy and enjoy your bacon 🙂 I am planning my spacesuit sponsorship with some leading manufacturers 😉 xx


    • Austin you’re smart to get sponsored on the trip to the Moon…..I guess you’ll have to put some of those manufacturers logos on your suit in return for the sponsorship but that’s alright……I hope you’ll also have a British flag on there somewhere????

      Hugs, Sammy


  4. Wow, sweet Sammy you have been busy. Yummy, yummy bacon, good stuff. Cool space outfit. Have a great weekend. Hugs and nose kisses


    • You guys are really getting HAMMERED with snow aren’t you?!?!?! I’m so glad that all we’ve had is the ridiculous temperatures and very little snow… far anyway. Stay warm – I know you will!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Your space suit is really cool, Sammy. We are going to bug our Mom to personalize ours. She claims she doesn’t know how but she will have plenty of time to learn. We love the name Ralph for the space ship. The Honeymooners is a great show. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


  6. Yay bacon day! You look so handsome in your spacesuit Sammy. I love Ralph. I remember that saying. Great show too. Lot’s of fun things to watch and do this weekend. Have a great one.
    Sue B


  7. Sammy, we think that space suit is so cool, and we cannot wait to get into it. And Mom can’t wait either. She is trying to get all of us and our dates dressed for the Queen of Hearts Dance and is ready to pull her hair out. She is wishing she hadn’t gone out of her way to get us all dates. Sheesh! Mau says he’ll see you tomorrow at the Super Bowl Pawty. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi Kitties! It’s a lot of work with all of you going to the Dance…..but it sure will be tons of fun won’t it? We’ve already stopped by the TCC Super Bowl Pawty and gone to Scouts to set up things for early birds – we’ll see you there!!

      Hugs, sammy


  8. Yow Bacon boy, MOL…it waz a grrreat Caturday! Ya got bacon Sammy n me got tuna-tuna!!! We went to Timmy Tomkat’z n bizited n waz at Buddy’z 13th birfday pawty….not shure if me will make tomorrow’z pawty cause me iz apposta bee low-key n rest…*sighz*
    Hope ya haz a guud Sunday…we try to drop by befur monday..Mum still HAX NOT dun me space suit…hhhrrrmmpphhh…me must lite a fire under her 😉
    Lub Nylablue xxx


  9. Oooh! Bacon is yummy! I love your space suit too. You really know how to go to space in style. I will have to talk to Cinco and Manna to see if they have space suits. Cinco might be afraid of the moon (he’s scared of a lot of stuff). Enjoy the Super Bowl or the Kitty Bowl if prefer. 🙂


  10. Well, Sammy, I gotted in trouble today from a kitty named Gracie who told me I couldn’t hisssssss at the Ssssssseahawksssssss but I said I really couldn’t be a good sport when those Ssssssssssseahawksssssss beated up my Niners. C’mon–a Cat Scout can be a Bad Sport sometimes, can’t he???? I mean, it isn’t Cat Saints, right?!

    Do you know how lazy my Human is? She bought a package of bacon at the store that was already cooked!!! It isn’t awfully tasty though. But it’s sure easy!


    • Hi Spitty! So you got in trouble with Gracie huh? That’s not good…..she’ll remember that! You’re right about Cat Scouts – we are NOT saints… fact what kinda fun would THAT be?!?!?!

      My Mom said she’s always wondered about that already cooked bacon stuff……..she’s never bought it………and I’m kind of glad because half the fun of Bacon Day is smelling it frying up on the stove!!!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  11. 😉 Me agreez Sammy!! Me had a guud brekkie n just had tuna-tuna fer snack n now dicktatin to Mum…me iz goin fer a nappie soon…when Mum startz cleanin…den me can slack off, rofwm…
    Much Lub Nylablue xxx


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