Calm(er) Caturday


So yesterday was such an exciting day with my interview in Mousebreath that I bugged you with TWO – count ’em – TWO blog posts in one day.  I promise today THIS IS THE ONLY POST !!   Honest.

It’s not like you don’t have other things to do – – – I’m sure you’re trying to be on your extra good behavior since Santa is checking his lists multiple times and even at this late hour he’s moving some of us from NAUGHTY to the NICE or NICE to the NAUGHTY list………….so WATCH IT!    I’m also sure you may still have some wrapping of gifts to do (or unwrapping as the case may be….).

Sam Under Christmas Tree

I’m helping to wrap…..I’m even allowing Mom to have some of MY tissue!

I snoopervised housecleaning yesterday but today I have NOTHING to do.  Other than eat of course…….oh and nap……gotta have plenty of naps.  A guy needs to keep up his strength of course!



Yesterday we had a freak weather day but I didn’t mind because I was able to go outside and enjoy the balmy weather.  It was in the mid-60s….how weird is that?   Did you know today is the first day of Winter?  Well, if you’re living SOUTH of here, 63 probably is no big deal but here it’s a BIG DEAL.  Today we may go higher!   Perhaps I should get my swim trunks out and have Mom put a big pan of water out in the yard for me to swim in???

Or I could go to the beach - if I had one......

Or I could go to the beach – if I had one……

Only four more days until Christmas.  Have I told you yet how excited I am?   (well of course I have…it’s all I’ve talked about for DAYS now)   Not just that but I’m excited about my birthday.  You’d think turning 14 would be no big deal – I’ve had thirteen other birthdays and they were fun so why the big whoop about the 14th?  Well, maybe I’m just glad to have reached the ripe old age of 14.  I have a lot of you friends who are older (in some cases WAY older) than that……maybe it’s just that I know it will be a fun party and I am hoping ALL of you will be there to help me celebrate.

Sam's Birthday 2012

Can you tell I’m excited?

Well, in the meantime, let’s get through Caturday………..OK?   Have a piece of bacon on me today!   WOO WOO

Happy Caturday From Celebrity Sam !!

In case you missed my interview yesterday by Jan’s Funny Farm on MousebreathCLICK HERE


62 responses »

    • Well Sparkle…..63 isn’t all THAT warm – I think my Mom had her PARKA on when she went outside yesterday in our 63 degree weather. I think humans aren’t as thick-skinned as they pretend to be…..!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  1. WOW! That was barmy not balmy weather! MOL Here it fluctuates between 0 and 12 degrees (I think that’s about 32 to 55 in your money!!

    Loved your interview on Mousebreath, which suddenly made me remember that my Mousebreath badge got misplaced during blog makeover time. Will have to go find it!!!

    Can’t wait for your birthday, Sammy 🙂 xox


  2. You are definitely ‘interview worthy’, Sammy! Glad the snoopervision of cleaning day is over so you can relax and enjoy your bacon-day! I’ll bet you go outside again today. It’s supposed to be even warmer than yesterday!


    • Hi Miss June! I was out early this morning in the dark but it was still kind of chilly. Right now it’s 55 so you’re right – it’s gonna be a WARM one! YAY! Today is the first day of Winter….HA!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  3. What a great interview Sammy..we just popped over as we just popped on the net..outside gardening all day so bee-hind again:) you looks os happy with that tissue paper..but remember what is that das of yours up too??? anymore mews hehehee 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Hi Fozziemum….I’m keeping a close eye on my Dad believe me… far so good. I’m glad you’re enjoying your garden time – my Mom could be gardening today if we had anything ALIVE out there because it’s 64 here right now and tomorrow will be 70!! Then we go back into the 30s for Christmas. Weird. Very.

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy
      pee ess Glad you liked my interview! 🙂


      • Oh Sammy…your poor garden 😦 our has done that from heat!! wilting and sad looking..and lots of work to fix…dang weather 🙂 Holiday huggies to you and mum and dad(santa??? ) Fozziemum xxx


        • Our garden is “resting” until Spring I suppose….at least that’s what Mom says…..I think it’s just exhausted from trying so hard to be pretty and not quite getting there! HAHAHAHA

          Holiday Hugs, Sammy


          • Hahahaahaah poor old garden all tired out hey Sammy…ours got sunburnt…my roses took one look at the heat the other day and said “I Quit”….don’t blame them either..Hahahaaah 🙂 Holiday huggies Fozziemum xxx


    • Oh good! I’m so glad you’re going to stop by Brian. I also hope that you and all the rest of your family get back to good health before then…..Let’s hope (truly) that you can put all the illness behind you and have a SUPER healthy new year!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Thank you Katie! I feel rather proud of making Bobcat level in Scouts AND of making it to my 14th birthday! HAHAHA Not that I’ve lived on the edge mind you – I am certainly “one spoiled cat” so I’ve led a very charmed life. I’ll be happy to have you stop by on January 1st to join in the pawty though if you can make it. That would be GREAT!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy! Well, the chances of this weather hanging in there are SLIM. In fact, it’s supposed to be in the 30s again on Christmas. HOWEVER, today is gorgeous and tomorrow we hit 70! WOWZERS!! If it would stay like this we could have a garden party (even though the garden is dead just now). As for the bear – nobody ever saw him after that…so who knows what happened to him. Hunting is allowed out here in the countryside where we live so I HATE to think what MIGHT have happened to him!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


        • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…….I sure do miss my frog buddies….maybe they DID meet up with Mr. Bear and they’re in Hollywood making it big. I hope they remember little old me back here in Virginia and send me a BIG FAT CHECK just because they liked my yard! Speaking of frogs – how’s Hell-mut??? Not that he’s a frog but he’s a buddy… he hibernating now or is he gonna be partying for Christmas???

          Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • I am SO excited for you Bailey – what a magic time to go to the boat – Christmas Eve. You’ll wake up Christmas morning on board and get to see what Santa Paws brought you! YAYAAAAYYYYY!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • YIKES……well we think this is VERY weird weather and tomorrow we supposedly will be closer to 70! You have ice we have a heatwave! What’s with that??? I hope you don’t lose power OR have tree damage. Mom noticed yesterday that one of our dogwoods has a split branch which we’re sure was from the weight of the ice. Glad you liked my interview! You can now say you “knew me when”…HAHAHAHA

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  4. Hi there sweet Sammy!!!! Yesterday was unseasonably warm for us too…rain came in…14 years old, Trev is nearing 14 as well…Oh how we send you BIG hugs and love and a very Merry Merry Christmas!!!! You are one good looking dude!!!! May this be your happiest birthday ever my friend…it is truly something to celebrate!!!!


    • So Trev is sneaking up on the BIG 14 too huh? Well, I’m glad I’m not the only senior citizen out here still going strong! We’re loving this “gift” of warmer weather but Christmas it’s supposed to be in the 30s like it SHOULD be. I send you BIG HUGS right back and hope that your Christmas AND New Year are extra special – I mean that from the bottom of my ginger heart!

      Holiday Hugs and Love, Sammy


  5. Oh Wow! And we has extra deep snow to shovel!
    Thanks yous for the Star!!!!!
    And me can’t wait for your birthday Sammykins!


  6. It’s in the 70’s here today in FL and tomorrow it’s going into the 80’s. It makes us feel bad that so many are buried in ice and snow! Sammy we can’t wait to help you celebrate your 14th purrday. And Christmas too!!


  7. Sammy, we have been so busy all day – and what were we doing? WAITING for that darn slow snow. Still not here, but soon.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  8. Hey Sammy. We had that wild summer weather here Caturday. We were getting big naps in the sun puddles and Dad was out with no coat. We like helping with the sheets and Rumpy is teaching Einstein the right way to help out.
    We will be at your super fabulous Birthday Fur Sure!


    • This morning (at 6AM no less) it was 73 degrees here! Weirdest weather EVER! I hope you have a white Christmas there…..we’d like to have one here too but it’s not looking good!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  9. Ya went out today Sammy??? It waz bery cold here n we iz waitin fer ice storm…hopin it passez us by fer shure 😉
    me iz hopin to bee here fer yer 14th Birfday….me had a bad day yesturday n Mum got bery scared n da Vet waz on da tenterhookz too…me iz a bit bettur today n we iz just hopin fer me makin it til Tuesday fer me 12th birfday….paw crossed, right??
    Mum haz a few pressiez to rap tomorrow n me will share me tisshue wif her too 😉
    Lub Nylablue xo


    • Hi Nylablue…..I do hope that you will be able to celebrate my birthday with me. I hate it that you’re not feeling well again…So Tuesday is YOUR birthday? WOW…..I’m sure you’ll feel better by then my dear friend….you just HAVE to be!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  10. Hey, Buddy–Happy Birfday! 14, eh? Well, I will be 10 next year–double digits! The Human’s birfday is Chrissymouse Eve but she won’t let me tell how many digits she will be because it is just too horrorfying!


    • Hi Spitty! Yep – I’ll be 14 on New Year’s Day – I can’t believe it….sometimes I still feel like a kitten and other times I feel like I should be in a motorized wheelchair. I think it’s pretty cool your human’s birfday is Crispmouse Eve although I TOTALLY understand why she won’t let you tell the universe how old she’s gonna be. My Mom’s like that too…………women are kinda like that!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  11. oh Sammy! What a pawsome interview with Jan’s Funny Farm. I never seem to catch their you think I am doing something wrong???? Well, never mind…as long as I catch YOUR attention…then all is right with the world…luvluvluv ya sammy


    • Hi Savvy……I’m sure Miss Jan would love to interview you – send her a message! There’s so much about you and your household that would make for a fabulous interview. Anyway, I was quite pleased to have gotten to know her better AND to have my interview published. You will ALWAYS have my attention Savvy-Do! That’s a promise……….

      Happy Holidays, Sammy


  12. Sammy, we hope you got that pan of water so you could go swimming and earn that elusive merit badge. MEOWY CATMESS! MOL, HO, HO, HO! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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