Some Cards


Hi Everyone!  Well, I posted my holiday card to all of you yesterday and I’m starting to get some from you too so thank you so much!!  You’ve all done a fab job of making cards this year – don’t you think so too??

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Today my Mom went shopping and came home with some bags and FINALLY my stocking (which I hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Santa Paws soon would be there) has some BULGES in it so I think Mom got the hint that I was pouting about my empty stocking.  Now I know Santa Paws will be adding more stuff to my stocking when he comes BUT for now, at least the inside of my stocking isn’t lonely.  It has company.  Pressies!

There’s also presents under the tree for Mom and Dad now too……I promised Mom I would NOT pull ribbons off – after all, I’m almost 14 years old now and totally capable of behaving (tee hee) if I have to.  Mom asked me to LOOK and not RIP APART so I’m gonna be good.  Yep – I sure am.

Sam on Christmas Morning

I’m being GOOD Mom!

I was happy to learn that several of our pals who have been very sick are now feeling tons better……………and there are even a couple of friends who are going to be having some surgery or have just had surgery and we all of course wish them well……this is not a good time of the year for anything sad or bad so let’s hope and purrray that EVERYONE is happy and healthy for the holiday.  That’s a great wish don’t you think????

Mr. Weather dude says more snow Saturday………..know what I say????




76 responses »

  1. Sammy, what a beautiful tree you have,, we have taken the beautiful card you made for us all 🙂 Those cards you got are bootiful, we must sort ours out. Love the snow, which I had some to play in Have a super weekend xxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie


    • Hi Mollie! I’m glad you like my tree and my holiday card….Mommy sent you one in the mail too but who knows WHEN that will get there. We got yours! IT’s ADORABLE just like you!!!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  2. I can’t believe your going to be good and leave the presents alone. Some were being wrapped at my house last night – as quick as they were wrapping them I was unwrapping them!


    • Well Basil, at my age, I’m mostly just enjoying lying under the tree and behaving – it takes a bit more energy than I’ve got to “de-wrap” so I’m just guarding this year instead!

      HAVE FUN!
      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  3. Sammy you really are the best behaved kitty to leave things alone…no wonder there are pressies already my sweet friend 🙂 and your tree is so pretty Sammy so pretty 🙂 I always think Christmas trees look prettier in winter settings…seems so strange to have one and look out at crispy paddocks….and I am LOVING the snow pictures..maybe was born in the wrong hemisphere 🙂 hugs to you Sammy Fozziemum xxxx


      • I think we have problems all seasons don’t we Sammy:) it’s fires or ice ….us miserable peeps need to accept the seasons I suppose ..but ne can dream of a white Christmas..i have been singing this and Susie snowflake …hahahaah 🙂 Holiday hugs to you Fozziemum xx


  4. Good morning, Sammy! YAY for bulges in your stocking….um, that doesn’t sound too good, does it?? Anyway, I’m being a good kitty about the Christmas tree, too, but I sure do like lying under it or in the chair beside it. Motor Mommy turns the lights on for me all the time, so I can enjoy it. A Christmas tree gives the room a nice glow, don’t you think?
    Well, I hope you don’t get a big snow, but I’m sure your pawrents will be ready for it!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I saw from your blog this morning that so far you’re behaving with that tree – not sure how you can resist it really but I have “heard” that there’s one ornament you have a FONDNESS for removing from that tree! Tee Hee. Snow might be coming tomorrow – I guess we’re ready… ready as we can get anyway!

      Love, Sammy


  5. Thank you, Sammy , for sharing your cards with us!! And it looks as if you’re being really good about not opening prezzies that aren’t yours!!


    • Hi Miss June! I’ve missed you here…..but guess what…..a little birdie told me tomorrow is your birthday so may I just say here and now HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FRIEND MISS JUNE!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Special Birthday and Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  6. Good morning 🙂
    Sammy toes – You look cozy under the tree ….:)
    i sure would like To see You rip up tissue though 🙂 LOLOLOLOL (SORRYMOM)
    could make for a cute video 🙂
    ❤ How You are Loved xxxxx
    Let's add some bells to Your toes – Jingle toes !
    Have a beautiful day mister almost 14 !
    Love Love Love xo C


  7. I’m not sure if we could place the gifts under tree, probably “someone” would try to sneak a peek :o) I’m afraid we will get snow too, there is something in the air…. currently it looks outside like the filming spot of John Carpenters “The Fog” btw: when your mom was shopping, that means no Monster-Day today for you? Not bad for Friday #13 :o)


    • Hi Easy! Mom went shopping FIRST, then came home and MONSTERIZED. I wasn’t sure if she was going to do the monster mash today or tomorrow but she decided to get all errands out of the way in case of snow. So you’re getting some snow too? Lots? Ours is now to be “light snow” in the morning changing to rain. Sounds messy. I’m staying in!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • YIKES! BIG snow huh? Well, we’re now supposed to have morning snow changing to rain….I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see….I hope your BIG snow doesn’t keep you trapped for TOO long although if you have food and each other that’s not so bad right???

      Holiday Hugs, Sam


  8. We say NO SNOW too but it’s coming tonight. Freezing rain now, bah. We have our little tree on and the lights in the windows and ignoring the whole weather thing. Love the picture of you contemplating while sitting on your festive tissue.. 😀


    • Well Miss Pix now they’re saying we’ll start with some snow but it will change to rain….I guess it’s anybody’s guess! You have freezing rain now? YUCK. It’s nice to have your tree with its lights on because just like here, it’s a little bit of bright in the middle of a whole lot of dreary!!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  9. Wow! Yous is so much better behaved than mes! We is only going to has the little tree this year because Jo-Jo would destroy the big one!


    • Oh Nellie I’m SURE Jo-Jo would be terror in a big tree…..having a small one is so much LESS for her to destroy!! Smart! Mommies usually are pretty darn smart about these things aren’t they?!

      Love and Holiday SMoochies, Sammy


  10. You’ve got a stockin’ up? Ever neat! I just CAN’T WAIT for the big guy in red to show up but the peep says I have to . She said I was not allowed to use any whisks to speed things up. I think that’s just ’cause she’s not ready, yet. Nope. She’s not ready at all.



    • We have o choice…we have to wait…if we don’t wait, the BIG GUY won’t come because – technically – it would be “naughty” to peek at presents. So many rules – it’s just not fair is it Nissy!!

      Holiday Hugs, Sam


  11. dood…if it looks like bacon, N smellz like bacon, N bee wrapped like bacon…we say go for it…forget waitin…coz itz yur bacon !!!! enjoy two morrow…we noe ya will…. N haza grate week oh end ~~!! 🙂


  12. We’ve been getting cards too, Sammy…way more than our peeps! MOL! We’re impressed with your self-control in not playing with those presents under the tree. The mom can’t put anything under our tree if she wants it to last until Christmas.


    • Well I used to be a (Mom’s words) “Holy Terror” when it came to stuff under the tree (or on the tree) but now that I’m older and more settled I just like to WATCH. Mom’s pretty happy about that!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Miss Sue! Thanks for the Christmas card……….it’s very beautiful. Glad you like the cards we have too!! Snow? Well, it hasn’t started here yet but it sure FEELS like it’s about to! Stay warm!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Katie and Waffles…..I’m with you – wrapping paper (especially tissue) is the BESTEST! Hopefully the girl will be making all of those “available” (tee hee) to you guys soon….the clock’s ticking on Christmas – it won’t be long now!

      Holiday Hugs, Sammy


  13. What a sweet picture of you under the tree Sammy-kins. Our mum put her tree up high so we don’t get to lay under it, Yayyyyyy your mum, booooooo our mum. Whisker tickles, Blossum and Petals ^=o=^


      • Iz true Sammy…da gift of FURENDSHIP meanz da werld to me n Mum!! We neber knew when we joined here 16 monthz ago we wuud make such bunderfull furendz 🙂
        Bein alive wif all of ya iz da best giftie me cuud eber ask fer….Mum too…
        Much lub frum a humble Nylablue xoxo


        • Nylablue, Mom and I have enjoyed the time we’ve been blogging too because we have met the NICEST people in the whole world here! Including you and your Mum of course…..I hope you have MANY more years together too!

          Holiday Hugs, Sam


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