Not Quite Silent Sunday


Almost Silent……but not quite……have to remind you all that THIS is the last day to vote in the polls…….AND after the polls, just one more thing – I promise – then you can have a SILENT SUNDAY!

The Voting Polls Are Now Closed!!!!  (4PM EST)


Last thing before I go???  Well, I got my package from the Dachsies With Moxie blog auction last month to benefit the Moore Tornado Victims!  I was high bidder on some kitty blankets donated by Miss Dianda at Cats & Co.   Yesterday I got my package from her ALLLLL the way from Holland!  Excited?  You betcha….and there was a mousie and some snackies as well as a card IN ADDITION to my two new blankies!  WOO HOO……THANK YOU MISS DIANDA!

Oh!  This is VERY nappable and cozy.....!

Oh! This is VERY nappable and cozy…..!

Treats and a mousie TOO?  I'm so lucky aren't I Mommy!!!

Treats and a mousie TOO? I’m so lucky aren’t I Mommy!!!

Tomorrow – Contest Winners Announced !!!!

Happy Almost Silent Sunday………Sammy

75 responses »

    • Well I’m glad you were able to figure out who to vote for! Of course Doggy had to make one of his “Doggy-like” comments but you know how to handle him right????? Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Wow Sammy! I like what you got from Holland! I’m sure the treats will taste good to you, the mouse will have fun playing and getting tossed around by you, and that you will enjoy getting comfy on your new blanket! Holland is a very great place, and whenever I think Holland, the first thing that pops up in my mind is their Christmas tradition with the shoes and goodies they get in them! Have a great day Sammy, and have a good time with your new goodies! 😉


  2. Those blankies look catacular. Now that it is silent time, Sam, you can have a good nappy on one or both. That’s all today is good for here. It’s cloudy, overcast and rainy. And only 66 degrees! Crazy for summer, but our mommy loves it. back to normal temps beginning tomorrow. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Guilietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Sounds like we have similar weather today! It’s managed to creep up to 72 here in the last hour BUT still overcast and off and on rainy……you’re right – tomorrow we start the climb back into the 90s so we’d best enjoy this “break” while we can!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy (napping and lovin’ it!)


  3. Yow what a grreat blankie ya won Sammy n treetz n snackz!! Ya rock me furend!!! Da contest waz alot of fun n we applawed da winnerz!!!!
    Mum iz slowly figurin out da Acer n we nose it iz bogged down wif sumfing so we iz goin slow n tryin to bizit at leest eberyone once 😉
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen ❤


    • Hi Sundae……I knew your Motor Mom and Motor Man were visiting the beach – – – leaving you ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL alone staring out your window WAITING, WAITING……sniff…..well they’re home now so I bet you’re a happy girl!

      Love, Sam


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