Baconize Me!


Yowza!  Baconize me Mom…….I’m ready!  I can ALMOST (not quite) smell it frying in the pan………….WOO HOO.  I really do look forward to weekends when the frying pan comes out of the cupboard and shortly afterward the refrigerator door opens and I hear the drawer where the bacon lives open and close.  I know my sounds – yep I sure do.  THAT’s a sound I know quite well.


Mom makes other stuff for her and Dad on Bacon day – you know like eggs and toast and all that stuff…………but for me?  Bacon does it.  Now while I’m enjoying my bacon and you’re listening to me crunch crunch crunch away – may I say that if you haven’t done so, you MUST visit Cat Forsley’s blog so you can see the fabulous video she put together with all of you who wanted to be in it and sent your info to her!!!  I’m not sure she was able to put EVERYONE in that wrote to her after I told you about it, but if she could, she did, and it’s fun to see all of us.  Just click on her link below to check it out!


Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see if by any chance Mom or Dad might possibly have accidentally on purpose dropped a bit more bacon into my dish!



60 responses »

  1. Sounds delish Sammy! but we have just had dinner! hehehe and we saw the video it was soooo good..and such a cast of characters 🙂 You have a great day sweet gingerbread man 🙂 Hugs Fozziemum x


    • Dinner? Dinner? Oh that’s right – you’re on the other side of the world aren’t you! Well, I hope it was as yummy as my bacon is this morning……Miss Cat did a fun video didn’t she? She loves animals – can’t say that I blame her – we are rather adorable!!!! Happy Saturday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • That’s right Sammy it’s night time here now heheh we had pot stickers for tea they were very yummy 🙂 Miss Cat obviously does very much love her animal friends! and yes you are adorable hehehe Happy Saturday to you Sammy
        Hugs Fozziemum xx


        • Hi Fozziemum!!! Pot stickers sounds yummy – My Mom and Dad have had those before at a restaurant in town but she’s never made them herself or I’d probably try one even if it was just because they have such an INTERESTING NAME!!! HAHAHAHAHA Miss Cat really does adore animals and I’m happy I’m on her “adore” list too!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. I don’t care for human foods at all BUT Admiral, the one who came before me LOVED it. She would come from whereever in the house the minute it started cooking. Mom loved that. She shared with everyone here!


    • That was super sweet of your Mom to do “share-sies” with everybody when she cooks. I am usually curious and will stay NEAR the kitchen and sometimes I THINK I want to try something Mom’s making but rarely do I really want it……EXCEPT FOR BACON. That’s it for people food……and I DO love that!

      Happy Caturday Katie
      Love, Sammy


    • Oh Miss June, you’re EVER so right! Thankfully my parents came through with the “good stuff” this morning……..or else I would have had Mr. Pouty Face on all day!

      Happy Saturday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Enjoy your Saturday Sammy and your bacon! Fingers crossed for rain for you. We got a little more around midnight. We are going to see the great nephew today! So we will have a nice drive. It is 58 this morning!


    • No sign of rain YET Miss Pix…..maybe when you sent it to us you forgot to put a stamp on it???? Maybe it’s just taking its time getting here???? I’m sitting by the window with my eye to the sky though……Hope you have fun visiting that cute little great nephew of yours – on a beautiful day, a drive through the country is PURRRRFECT!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Hi Sammy! Thanks so much for telling me about Cat! I am honored to be a part of that video cause of YOU!!!
    Oh buddy! You MUST follow this blog, you will LOVE IT! It’s ALL ABOUT BACON! It’s
    Go and check it out, your mouth will be watering in no time!
    Love, Cody


    • Oh Cody I’ll check that blog out ASAP – you know me – anything that has even the possibility of being about my beloved bacon is something I’m ALL FOR! I’m glad you like Miss Cat – I think she’s a very special lady with a HUGE talent and love for animals. I’m so glad you sent your picture in for the video she did – isn’t it cool to be a STAR? Think that means we’ll have loads of beautiful girl kitties starting fan clubs for us???? HMMMMM?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Oh Bacon… that must be a magic treat! But once I will get it too – I’m sure. Isn’t that cool, that we are videostars now? I will wash my paws today (exceptionally) for the pawprint on the walk of fame :o) btw: my mom ate no meat or sausages made from her grampys pig – only bought meat-things from stores, she really thought that made from piggies :o)


    • Easy my friend, I HIGHLY recommend bacon. Seems I’m not the only one who is a baconbuddy either because lots of our blog buddies are giving it a try since I go on and on and on (and on) about it all the time. It’s just plain GOOD. I really lucked out today though because not only did my parents have bacon for breakfast (which means I had some), my Mom just finished making a “BLT” for herself (bacon, lettuce & tomato with mayo sandwich) and that meant I got to smell that fabulous aroma TWICE IN ONE DAY! As for Miss Cat’s video – pretty cool huh? Does this mean we’re going to have fan clubs with pretty ladies and stuff?????? Say – maybe this is how you’ll meet your TRUE LOVE – – – some gorgeous weimie-girl will see the video and visit your blog! Let’s hope so.

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Saturday, Sammy
      pee ess…..I suggest you sneak into the kitchen and add “BACON” to your Mom’s grocery list…..Really!


    • Hi Miss Sue! YES – bacon this morning was totally delish and there’s a rumor going ’round that my parents are gonna have a bacon bonanza tomorrow so I’ll be tuned in for that too! Happy Caturday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  6. We heard about you over at Cat Chat and just wanted to drop by and introduce ourselves. We are the kitties from Zee and Zoey and we think we need to try some bacon too – it sounds yummy! Have a nice weekend! Purrs from Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Harley, Jazz, and Kizmet


    • Hi!!! Gosh it’s nice to meet all of you……….here I am in a one-cat household and you’ve got TONS of “built in” friends at your house. How way cool that you heard about us from Miss Caren and Cody – my buddy. I’m on my way NOW to come see what you all are up to at “your place”………! As you see, I’m a huge fan of bacon but my Mom and Dad ONLY eat that on weekends so I have to try to be patient until then….which isn’t easy… me on that!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Sammy, we saw the great video, and you were the very first cat, as you know. Very prestigious. We must have missed the post when you told us about this project. Phooey! So you didn’t get enough bacon at our pawty last weekend to last for awhile. We think you must have a bacon addiction, which we know is incurable. Have an easy Sunday. It’s raining her again, which pleases Mom. We’re not too happy. Hope it doesn’t last forever this time. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi gang! We got that rain too – we sure did need it and it lowered the temp considerably! Mom mowed our weeds lawn this morning so the timing was purrfect. Looks like we’re all in for a cozy night! Sorry you missed the video opportunity but Miss Cat is going to do another one in September. WOO HOO.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. Just to be serious for a moment, here there have been all sorts of horror stories and revelations about the ghastly conditions pigs are reared in in Ireland and Italy among other countries, so a plea; if you do want to eat bacon, please could you check that the animal has been reared in humane conditions. This site might help you


    • Thanks Isobel…..we actually get our bacon locally from a farm and the piggies there are treated quite royally – but this is a GOOD reminder for everybody because often farm animals are kept in deplorable conditions. Quite sad.



    • It’s a lot better for you to bake it than fry it……BUT since my Mom and Dad are usually frying something ELSE along with it they just fry it. My Dad likes his egg fried in bacon grease! (I’m sure his arteries love it too……………NOT!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. MMM bacon…me lubz da smell but wif no teefiez me can not eat it so me just lickz it when Mum not lookin! 😉
    Me had sum tuna-tuna today n me iz as happy as you!!!!
    *burp* ‘Scuse me, MOL….
    Lub Nylablue xo


      • Mum told me to bee carefull cause if me eatz sumfing different it cuud set me Bowel Disease off…so me iz kind of glad me haz no teefiez so me can only lick food….less chance of sumfing bad happenin! 😉
        Tell yer Hu’Manz me said ya can heve me porshun of Bacon!! 😉
        Lub Nylablue ❤


        • That’s true – it’s built in protection to keep you from eating bad stuff if you don’t have teefies and just have to lick stuff. Who knew losing your teeth could actually be HELPFUL?!!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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