Friday Potpourri


Hi Friends!!

My Friday blog is a bit about everything….a “taste of this and that”….a whole lot of stuff about a whole lot of stuff.  Confused?  Good…..I like it when I’ve got you confuzzled !!

It’s monster day here and because it’s a rainy day, Mom probably will spend more time than usual with Mr. Monster…..if she’s trapped in the house ANYWAY, she and Dad seem to want to do a bit more than what she calls “surface cleaning”…..that means Mr. Monster will be out of the closet longer than I’d like him to be.   If the day ever comes when someone figures out how to make a TOTALLY SILENT vacuum cleaner I think that person will most definitely be an instant bazillionaire.

So what are you waiting for???  Get busy inventing !!

So what are you waiting for??? Get busy inventing !!

Some of you follow my Mom’s new writing blog and some don’t but for those who DON’T, the BIG news around my house is that my Mom finally (yes I said finally because it’s been YEARS coming) has “The Mystery of David’s Bridge” in print – yes you heard it here first.  BUT before you go telling your  human who doesn’t have a Kindle and hasn’t downloaded it already because they WANTED a printed copy – just wait until I put a link on my home page under the Kindle cover link that’s already there.  Why you might ask?  Because she wants to get the proof copy and make sure it’s REALLY ready for sale first.  Technically if you went to and searched for it in paperback you’d find it…..Mom just wants to see it HERSELF before all the thousands of people who want a paper copy order it !  Just hold your horses (or dogs or cats or birds or snakes or elephants or hippos) and I’ll keep you posted.  Pretty exciting though huh?   Mom did it with the HUGE help of her very talented sister Carol – my Auntie Carol – who is ALSO a writer of two VERY popular best selling mystery books herself – both “quilting cozy mysteries” – and both wildly popular on Kindle right now.  Aren’t I lucky to have such talented people around me??????????????????  Gosh, too bad I can’t write huh?  I didn’t get that particular gene I guess.



So I guess I’ll leave you with one final smile for the day…………you’ve seen this before but it bears repeating in my humble opinion as a cat !

Cat Rules




62 responses »

    • Lots of people do prefer books in print (me being one of them) so I just HAD to get it republished for those people. Should be a few weeks until I can review the print copy then it will be ready for the universe to purchase (I hope…hahahaha).



    • Mom says THANX! She promised lots of people after she put the book out on Kindle that she’d get it back in print too so……TA DA!!………Have a super duper Friday……..

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀


    • Gosh Austin – I hadn’t thought of that but I guess in a way that list of rules proves what you’re saying to be true! Rules??? What rules????? Cats do what they want to do – when they want to do it….PERIOD!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. YAY on your Mom getting her book in print again. Motor Mommy is so honored to have a signed copy of the original (thanks to your Mom). Have a good day – it’s a rainy one here too….thanks to Tropical Storm Andrea…
    Love, Sundae


    • Sunday aren’t you happy you’re INSIDE watching the rain??? Safe and cozy while your Mom cleans house…..hope Andrea breezes through quickly and leaves you alone the rest of the day!!

      Love, Sammy


    • Well Mom is about to take a peek at the OLD sequel – just to see if she wants to pick up where that ended – but she might decide to just start over PERIOD. That’s great if you want to use your extra copy for a prize! WOO HOO!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Pix……yes it is exciting and Lulu makes it so danged easy to do I’m not sure why I haven’t done it before now. Oh well………AND to have my own oil painting on the cover? Way cool………

      Happy Friday!
      Hugs, Pam


    • The monster has managed to do its’ thing and is safely tucked back into the closet for another week……YAY! We have rain rain rain and will for another day or so until that stinky old hurricane gets AWAY from Virginia and dies out at sea. Mom’s happy to have her book back in print after so many years. Hopefully everyone who said they didn’t have a Kindle so couldn’t read it will not get the paper version!!! WOO WOO WOOO!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. I like the cat rules – from tomorrow I’m a kitty :o) We had Monster-day here too – my dad would love a silent monster, because always when mom flies on the monster around we get a phone call. I’m glad about the e-book reader thingy, it’s with illumination so we need no reading light at night and I can sleep while mom is in her fantasy world. And no one (NOT me!) can remove and eat a page – that’s the best :o)


    • Oh Easy I hadn’t thought about how the Kindle machine things mean you wouldn’t need a night light for reading – wow – maybe I should get my Mom to get one of those things……sometimes she wants to read in bed and Dad just wants to sleep so she turns the light out to be nice (personally I think she should be mean and leave it on but that’s just me…..) so the Kindle would be JUST THE TICKET! Anyway, Mom’s book is now in print and on the Kindle. Too bad you can’t snack on the kindle like you can a real book – if anyone could figure that out it would be YOU though!

      Kitty Hugs and Happy Monster Day


      • Since we have this thingy our evenings are peaceful. No dad who has to go out of the bed for turning out moms light while she is snoring, no trouble with searching for the last page you read and the best is: you will get your book immediately without waiting for the post guy.


        • It sure sounds like a good idea – another good thing would be my Mom NOT having to dust all the bookshelves and make more dust bunnies for me to keep track of!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • That’s the best of the best plus of such an e-thingy. We have so much books in my crib and most books we read only once then they are just here. It’s not easy to sell them on ebay or via small ad and my mom says she can’t throw them away, because books are the thoughts of the writers.


          • I hear ya…that’s how my Mom feels too – fortunately there is a used book store in the next town away from us and they do “trades” – we take books in and can take other books out – so it means Mom and Dad have endless books and never have to BUY them………trading is good. Plus the local library has a “Book Cellar” where you can donate books and then they sell them and use the profits for animal shelters, etc. Cool huh???

            How’s your Caturday coming Easy???

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Wow that’s really agood thingy – they sell books for a good cause and other people can buy it for a small price and have fun with reading. Great!
            We have still more a weather like fall – the weather guy must have a very bad day for sending us this mish-mash thingy.


          • Know what? I think the weather guy is drinking too much happy juice or smoking too much happy weed or SOMETHING because he’s really TRULY made a big mish-mash of the weather all over the globe. I’m starting to think there’s no such thing as “seasons” anymore!!

            I may have to wear my new blue sweater before I even get to wear my swimming trunks!
            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. What WONDERFUL news ’bout your mom! Give her a big ol’ hug from me, will you? And then maybe another one. Please keep in mind though, I’m pretty worn out from all the hugging I had to do on Hug Your Cat Day so ask her not to do too many virtual kisses and whatnot.



    • Hug Your Cat Day was interesting wasn’t it? I passed on your hug to my Mom and she smiled – I’d smile back at you on her behalf but I don’t do smiles very well… mouth just doesn’t cooperate. Sometimes I KIND of look like I’m smiling though – mostly when I’m ASLEEP. Maybe that’s because I truly AM happy when I’m asleep? How’s that knee coming buddy? Better every day? Any more escapes lately?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Cupcake!! Well thanks for the compliments all ’round…you’re such a sweetie-pie! Could you possibly be cuter???? I don’t think so!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀

      Happy Friday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. My kitties say those are some great rules. LOL. We have a monster too but; wait I have one crazy kitty that likes the monster. He follows it around. LOL. The rest hate it.
    Sue B


    • I’ve heard from other cat folks that their cats like or at least are fascinated with, the vacuum! Funny….I think Sam might be more interested in it (and just watching me use it) if it wasn’t so loud! I personally think his idea to have a noiseless vacuum would make someone very rich!

      Happy Weekend!


  5. sammy…9) pleez due knot ever in any condishunz…hold a burd
    7) wadda ya meen ya CANT rite…who bee rite inn yur post on werd press everee day…5) we canna tell time; pleez let uz noe when iz 5:30 2 ) hope itz knot crazed rainin ther 8) haza grate week oh end !!


    • I should think it would be hard to hold a bird although I once tried to hold one – just ONE – in my mouth and Mom made me let it free….. 😦 I suppose I CAN write (or maybe dictate) or else as you say there would be no SammyBlog! As for time – 5:30 is an hour after 4:30 – does that help??????? 😉 It’s raining like cats and dogs here – no – make that dogs and dogs…but so far no BAD storms. I hope you guys have a GREAT weekend too………it’s supposed to be SUNSHINY here! YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  6. Yea for Mom getting her book in print. You must tell the titles of Auntie Carol’s books too. Mom Linda luvluvluv’s her Kindle; but she also likes to hold a book every now and then so’s she doesn’t forget what it is like..MOL


    • Hi Savvy………my Auntie Carol’s books are “Tie-Died:A Quilting Cozy” and “Running Stitches” – both on Kindle and Lulu. She’s a quilter so they have a quilting theme but also mysteries! She’s got characters too who are living in a retirement community which is a bit different than many mystery series. She’s already started her THIRD book. She’s an inspiration for my Mom I think!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody! I’m glad you and your Mom like my Mom’s new bloggy……I’d like to know when she’s going to find time to write another book if she’s going to be BLOGGING all the time?!?!?!?!?!

      Happy Caturday!


  7. The Cat Rules are purrfect. The humans have a huge list of Dos and Don’ts of Cat Care. Mom shared some when she first started posting. Your rules are better…short and sweet and in favor of Sammy. Yippee! It’s been raining her like crazy and we have a flood watch in effect. Hope it’s not as bad there, or if it is, you have the boat and oars ready. MOL. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • It really wasn’t bad here at all from the storm – – – it did look to us like you might have had more than we got…..thankfully the first hurricane of the season came and went quickly and let’s just hope the REST of them do the same. Meanwhile I have to say we’re happy to live on a hill – – there’s lots of flooding all around but NOT up here! I told Dad he didn’t have to work on his “ark” because things weren’t as bad as we thought they might be with “Andrea” ! Stay dry…….

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  8. That’s awesome Pam, you might be the next JJ Rowling!!! Best get started picking out a castle and then of course you’ll upgrade to a private jet. Those rules made me laugh so hard cause these Diva’s break all of them with a vengeance, LOL.


    • Hi Boomdeeadda……well, JJ Rowling won’t be getting any competition from me BUT the castle and private jet would make both me and hubby (and Sam) quite happy. HAHAHA Seriously though, just finally re-releasing my book is getting me fired up to write more. We’ll see…………… for cats being divas? Oh YEAH! BIG time!

      Happy Weekend


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