

Today it’s Memorial Day in the US of A and Mom and I are doing some remembering.  It’s a day to remember all those who have served in the armed forces and really just remembering how much they sacrificed for all of us.

As many of you who know me and Mom know, my Grandfather served in the Air Force.   This is him when he was just a lad in high school (I think it’s his high school graduation photo):


He joined the Army Air Corps before there even WAS an Air Force and he really REALLY wanted to be a pilot.  Back in those days though unless you had perfect vision, you couldn’t fly a plane and he was rather upset about that!   He loved flying (and actually DID fly thanks to some of his buddies…tee hee).   He also loved traveling and seeing the world and after he married my Grandmom and they had kids they traveled as a family.  They lived in Germany, Taiwan, several places in the United States and traveled on vacation to many, MANY more places.   He loved serving his country until he retired and remained a very VERY patriotic man for all of his days.

My Granddad passed away in 1992.  He’s buried in the absolutely gorgeous Arlington National Cemetery.


The flag banner to celebrate Memorial Day!

The flag banner to celebrate Memorial Day!

There are many people who have tales of having served in the armed forces – but today in my house  we’re thinking of my Granddad and how much he loved wearing that Air Force uniform – my Mom still has his “dress uniform” hat in his old footlocker…..Memorial Day is just one day out of many that we honor him and all who served.

Have a super Monday!  Whatever it is that you’re doing today………………stop and REMEMBER……………………..

Long may she wave....

Long may she wave….



72 responses »

    • WOW! Ninety-three is certainly a lovely ripe old age. That’s super – does he live near you? There’s something about a “fly guy” (my Mom ought to know since she married a fly guy although not in the Air Force!!!).

      Hope you all have a nice Monday – you have a long weekend like we do right?????

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀


  1. handsome and proud your grandad looked! we appreciate the service men and women in all countries who do what we can’t to protect what we have and to keep us living in freedom and peace.Have a great day and Samy and how proud you look marching past the flag..representing all the fine animals who also serve in our forces air,land,sea and at home in police,fire rescue..Big hugs Sammy from Fozziemum and gang xx


    • Oh thanks for saying my Grandad was handsome….my Mom loves that photo of her Dad – it’s on top of the armoire in her art studio. We certainly do appreciate all the men and women of the armed forces for the incredible job they do keeping us free. Same for all the animals who work with them – they’re as brave as the humans and deserve a paw shake too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Motor Mommy and I love the picture of your Granddad. Mom says she can see that your mom “favors” him (as humans say). Have a wonderful Memorial Day, Sammy!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…..I agree that my Mom looks a lot like her Dad. She really loves that photo – it sits atop her supply armoire in her studio/office right next to the flag that was on his coffin at his funeral. Mom’s Uncle made a beautiful wooden case for the flag and before he passed away he sent it to my Mom to keep. I hope you and Motor Mommy and Motor Man have a really nice Monday! It’s beautiful and sunny here and I hope you can enjoy some sun puddles around your house today too!

      Love, Sam


  3. What a wonderful post, Sammy. I’ll bet your Granddad would like it too. Now I know why you are an expert with your hang-glider. My Grampy had the same grade, but he wasn’t a pilot – he had to go by foot. Have a wonderful Memorial Day and long may the flag banner wave – as a symbol for all what we love.


    • Hi Easy! What a nice comment and you’re right too – all of us everywhere have much to be proud of….defending our countries and the things that we love – flying our flags and honoring our soldiers…..So many things to be grateful for. I hope you and the staff have a nice day – it’s beautiful here today so I think I’ll get to spend a lot of time outside which will make me happy AND I’ll be able to see the flags we have in the yard too!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. Your Grandpop was indeed a very handsome man. I realized last Veteran’s Day that a member of my family, either by blood or marriage, has served in every war since the Revolution until the Vietnam War and I now have a great-niece who is in the Air Force. I think that’s something my family can be proud of. I’m sure there are many other families in the country who also have a long line of service men/women.
    I salute all of our service men and women in the past, present and future.


    • Hi Miss June! You’re right about how many families share the pride of having a family member (or many!) who are serving or who have served the country. Thanks for saying my Grandad was a handsome guy – Mom and I think so but then again we SHOULD right?? 😉 I hope you have a super special Memorial Day today…I think we will…it’s going to be a beautiful day to spend remembering…………….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Mom and I really loved reading every word of this memorial to your Granddad. He was VERY handsome Mom said. That was the first thing she noticed. 🙂 Mom said she remembers what the day is for and she does honor each one who fought for our Country and consequently, for us all.


    • Hi Katie! We were outside chatting with neighbors a while ago and it seems like everyone we’ve talked to (grocery store, shops, etc.) today has a story to tell about a serviceman or woman in their family. Everybody gets “EXTRA” proud on Memorial day. Me? I’m napping and dreaming (of my Grandad!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. I wonder if our grandfathers knew each other. Mom’s father was born in 1919. He was in the Army Air Corps. He was also a proud soldier, and because of him, Mom’s brother also joined the army. Both are gone, now, but we are proud of them. We remember them and all the others, and we are grateful.

    Love and licks,


    • Hi Cupcake…wouldn’t that be interesting if they HAD known each other? My Grandad was born in St. Joseph, Missouri and was raised by his grandparents along with his sister. Like your Mom’s Dad, he was SO proud of serving his country. We’re spending today remembering him and ALL service men and women who have served or are serving us here and abroad. Enjoy your day of remembering Cupcake!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • HAHA…..yep – the Ferrol was in honor of “Feral” who was my Grandad…..the “Bailey” was actually a name my Mom would have liked having for HER first name (although I think Pamela suits her better!!).

      Happy Memorial Day Miss Pix!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Texas! We loved your post today – that cemetery’s celebration is such a lovely way to honor the friendship France and the USA have had for so very many years. Oui???

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. Wow Sammy, thank you for honoring the troops that served. Your Grandfather served for a long time! Trivia: Did you know that I was born in 1996? I really was! You have a beautiful house and decorations for Memorial Day Sammy. Arlington National Cemetary was where my Uncle Jeff was buried when he died last year. Just thinking about him and his kind smile, and nice behavior makes me sad today, but not crying that much. Thank you Sammy for honoring all the troops who’ve served. All of them will be loved and missed dearly.


    • Hi! Thanks for the compliments on our house – and I guess there are a lot of people who have relatives buried at Arlington National Cemetery – it’s quite an awesome place but it’s almost overwhelming when you see how HUGE it is and how many people are buried there. I hope you’re not too sad – your Uncle Jeff wouldn’t want you to be. We’ll all think about all the people we’ve known who served our country and feel proud.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. this was a beautiful story about your Granddad. My Mom thinks you bear a striking resemblance to him. Your Mom obviously inherited his love of travel and married a man with a love of flying, just like your Granddad! Coincidence? I think not! Happy Memorial Day! xoxoxo


    • Hi Cody! My Mom really does look a lot like her Dad…..she got his square jaw and high cheekbones, his height and broad shoulders….and even his hairline (which isn’t necessarily a good thing!!). But I’m glad you enjoyed the little story of Grandad…..and I hope you all have a nice quiet Memorial Day too!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks Nissy…….and it was great seeing that naked knee of yours today – it looks GOOD considering all they had to do to it! I’m so glad you’re better Nissy – we were ALL worried about you!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  9. My human’s dad was in the Air Force, or whatever you called it in WWII, but he never did get out of the U.S.! Not sure what happened there, and he is rather vague about things these days. Yes, he is still around and 93 years old!


    • Oh how lovely that your human’s Dad is still here…..I bet he’s got STORIES! My Mom made sure to get lots of her Dad’s stories before he passed away – precious time!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  10. Thank you for the thoughtful post. None of us knew our Mom’s dad ’cause he died before any of us were born. But Mom says he served in the U.S. Army in WW II. Some of us knew Dad’s dad. He lived to be really, really old. He served in the Navy in WW II. We are so grateful for the peace and freedom they and all the others who have served and continue to serve brought to our great country. Living in N. VA., Pam, Mom says you probably get to visit your dad’s resting place often. Alas, both our humans’ dads are interred in California. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


    • Hi Gang! Yesterday was a grand day for remembering – and so many blog posts about members of families who are serving or have served in the armed forces all round the world – very interesting to read. Now that we’ve moved out to Warrenton, driving into town to the cemetery where my Granddad is buried is quite a chore with traffic being what it is in Northern Virginia BUT my Mom visits “in her mind” all the time. She used to live quite close to the cemetery and after he first passed away she visited every day on her lunch hour from work.

      Happy Tuesday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks for saying that….I think we all have someone in our family – past or present – who has “done their bit” for their country and they’ve made us what we are today – free to enjoy our beautiful country and each other. Hope you had a great day too!

      Pam and Sam


    • Hi Max! Thanks for the compliment on my handsome Grandad…….you’re right – almost all of us have stories to tell of the brave men and women in our family who have served their countries. It makes you ever so proud doesn’t it?

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  11. We salute Ferol W. Johnson!!! Without men like him my Father might never have lived thru the War. I do not know any Veterans personally however I attend Remembrance Day services & alway say a heartfelt Thank You for all the soldiers in all the Wars that fought for democracy & freedom!!!!
    Sincerely, Sherri-Ellen xo


      • Hi Pam: I am a “Daddy’s Girl” a;so even tho I put that poor man thru thte wringer as a teen & young adult!!! My Father had so much peace in his heart despite the horrors he lived thru….Our Father’s were the BEST!!! 😉 Sherri-Ellen.


          • You Pam?? Hard to imagine!!!! I would ask my Father for advice & then do the exact opposite The man had the patience of Buddha (which became his nickname, lol). When I turned 40 I told him ‘my gift to him’ was I would take the advice he gave from that point on…..he died when I was 53 so he had 13 wonderful years of me paying attention & acting on his advice….hopefully he died knowing I finally had ‘grown up’ & could follow advice!!!
            I am SURE both our Fathers are VERY proud of us!
            {{HUGS}} Sherri-Ellen xo


          • Hi Sherri-Ellen…..I’d like to think that when I told my Dad I appreciated the advice he’d always given me even though I didn’t ACT like I did – he believed me. I’m quite sure he did. It’s been interesting for me to look back and reflect on the things he drilled into me that I felt were so silly and useless at the time that turned out to be RIGHT ON TARGET! LOL I hope you’re right and that our Dads are smiling at our accomplishments….and especially knowing that we had absorbed the things they told us after all!

            Hugs, Pam


          • I hear you Pam!!! My StepMonster er I mean stepMother woudl constantly harp about my non-compliance & defiance & I often wondered what my Father REALLY felt about me!! When I turned 40 & told him I would take his advice from that point on I also told him I had to make my own mistakes. & that not taking his advice was something I did to test his theories. He never got angry with me so I believe he understood that I was a bit of a ‘challenge’. I have Hyperacitivity Disorder (diagnosed when I was merely 4 yrs old) so I believe that was part of my ‘acting out’ & ‘testing theories’. Now I know I don’t have to do all that. I do find myself quoting my Father & even my Mother & of course my Nanna….they all taught me so much!!
            Father’s Day is always difficult for me now…in fact I bought a card for my Father last year. Just forgot he was gone….wishful thinking I guess… 🙂
            Sherri-Ellen xo


          • Father’s Day and Mother’s Day are tough but I lost both of my parents so many years ago it’s a lot easier now…….I’d like to think they both approve of how I turned out though!

            Hugs, Pam


          • I am sorry you are w/out parents also….it is never easy is it?? My Mother who I was NOT close to & had mental health issues died in 1991 (I had not spoken to her for 11 yrs b4 her death). I did have a great relationship with my Nanna (Ma’s Mother) & she died in 1995 & Mother’s Day has never been the same. Fatehr died in 2009 so it is still fresh & sometimes I forget he is gone & I pick up the phone to call him or I go to buy a special card…Time eases the loss….I thinking you are smashing so I amm sure your parents approve 150%!!!!!!


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