Silent Sunday


Sammy Says……………

Hmm...this thing has a cool fuzzy tail...kinda tickles my nose!

“Fluff is almost as good as feathers!”

51 responses »

    • Hi Sundae! I think your parents will be there SOON……they missed you and just couldn’t stay away!! 😀 😀 😀 Enjoy some sun puddle time today – it’s booooootiful here!

      Love, Sam


    • Actually Princess Z, it’s a luminous lime green mouse – and who ever heard of a mouse with a fluff ball on the end of their tail???? Oh well….I like it there…..whether it makes sense or not! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cupcake……well our Moms like to THINK they can walk by the pet toy department without getting us some new thingie but we know how WEAK humans are (don’t you just LOVE that about them?????!!!!!!!) Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • HA! I suspect whatever nibbles on that cheesecake gets a bit green (including my friend Easy!). That green mouse was at the bottom of the pile of toys in my toy wagon and I just thought it deserved some attention so I pulled it out by its’ fluffy tail. I hope you and your staff have a fluffy Sunday too!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Sometimes I give my attention to things I ignored for years too – I think that’s named as principle of equality and animals are the only one species who understand this maxim :o) We are searching for a new cam, but I’m afraid either we had a hyperinflation without noticing or the prices are in lira… BOL


        • Uhoh……bad news on the cam search huh? Well, your staff is pretty resourceful Easy, something tells me this issue will be SOLVED in short order! I love digging to the bottom of my toy wagon where all the toys are that I’ve forgotten about – they smell new (sort of), look new (mostly), and it’s fun to at least PRETEND like Mom got me a new toy.

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • That’s very true………we need to keep our hunting skills tuned up don’t we? Never know when an elephant or dinosaur or something will try to come into our house – my motto is BE PREPARED!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. That looks like a yummy good toy that you maybe got for Christmas. Bet you got lots of good Sammy furs on whatever is in that box. Enjoy your Sunday. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette.


    • The green mouse is an old favorite… was at the bottom of the pile of fun stuff in my toybox (well….toy wagon actually) and something about fluffy stuff or feathery stuff just really “does it” for me!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • I’m with you – ANY toy will do……..unless it’s too heavy to drag around, or has a strange taste/smell – if Mom brings home something like that for me I just give her “THE LOOK” and she puts it in the bag of stuff we donate to the shelter from time to time – – – I know SOMEONE will love it – I’m just picky I think!! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  2. I have only newly aquired a taste for feathered toys. They’re EXCELLENT! I must try some fluff, next.


    PS. Pictures of my leggy on my blog, today. purrs


    • Oh Nellie I didn’t know you were a fluff girl! I would have thought feathers (like with a feather boa or the feathers on your Mae West lingerie….woo woo).

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sam


    • Hi Boomdeeadda…..I hope Mr. Mouse doesn’t mind me pulling on his fluff – I’m actually rather surprised he still HAS fluff – since fluff is a delicacy around my house! Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Pedro my BFC….so you have this same guy huh? Only yours is fluffless? I suppose I should have removed the fluff ages ago but I believe this toy having been buried in my toybox/wagon for a while has saved its’ fluff until now. I’m working on it though – believe me.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. MOL Sammy…yer Mum bringz home odd giftz too?? Mum iz alwayz bringin me sumfing!!! Me nose she LUBZ me alot & iz finkin of me wven when she iz out!! Dat makez me happy even if da giftz are funny!! 😉
    Lub Nylablue xo


      • MOL me getz wwhat ya are sayin Sammy!! Same here…Me even played wif Mingflower’z orange plastic golfball da other day n Mum almost fainted, MOL!!
        Me haz sum green toyz now too which iz not me fave color but da fact Mum brought dem to me iz guud enuff n me playz wif dem so Mum smilez n feelz guud. 😉
        Da fingz we do fer our Hu’Manz!!
        Lub Nylablue xo


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