So Many Birthdays!


My oh my………….I was just looking at my calendar for the next week and there are a LOT of birthdays on it!   April must be a good month for kittens and puppies to come into the world because a bunch of you made your debut this month didn’t you…………TEE HEE

April 1 is my buddy Cody’s  (CAT CHAT) birthday, April 2 is Mollie the Magnificent’s (Mollie & Alie) birthday, and Texas celebrates his BIG #7 birthday on April 4th.   There may be more of you who are celebrating in April too that I don’t even KNOW about!
I know today is only March 30th but just in case I should FORGET before April starts to give you birthday babies your due, this is for everyone I know about and those I don’t know about!
Now, moving on to tomorrow………….Easter Sunday.  I don’t know if you saw my Easter photos from last year but I got a way cool Easter basket.  I’m wondering what I’ll get THIS year?  
Sam's Easter Basket 2012

Last year’s loot

It’s possible that the Easter Bunny might use this same basket this year – how do I know that?  Because I kept my basket by my toy wagon after last Easter and it’s been MISSING for the past two days!  I think the Easter Bunny may have stopped by this week and “borrowed” it for recycling purposes!  Guess I’ll find out Sunday.

I’m having bacon for breakfast shortly but the rest of the day I might be in and out and in and out of the house.  It’s actually supposed to be a pretty nice day today.  Too dark to tell yet….but I’m hopeful.  My little “rant” yesterday about Spring being a bit late in arriving this year might have done some good.  I’m hoping for some sunshine so I can get a little grass munching done.

Hey – who knows – maybe I can find some sign that the Easter Bunny really did hop through my yard to get here and borrow my last year’s Easter basket??????   Mom says bunnies tend to leave some signs that they’ve been in your yard….hmm…wonder what she mens by that???

Happy Caturday!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy the Easter Bunny Hunter…..

46 responses »

    • Oh goodie! I’m glad it’s your first greeting my friend BUT I’m also sending you a card so be on the lookout (email to your Mom). I’ll be back on Monday to visit you of course….how could I miss it?!?!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi there!! Thanks for visiting my blog! I think it’s impawtant to make sure all my friends know I’m thinking of them on their special day – WHENEVER that is…..seems like April is a BIG month for birthdays though…..mine is in January but then I’ve always been a bit “different” !!! 😀 😀

      Happy Caturday


  1. We are celebrating Zaphod’s birthday in April too! What a great month!

    We saw the easter deer this morning but no sign of the easter bunny. We don’t have a basket at all . . . maybe that is why.

    Happy Caturday. Lee and Phod and Baggy and Nin


  2. I didn’t know when Cat was born and I don’t know when MasterB was either, though I would guess it was around June 2010. He came to live with me 18th April, so I shall give him an extra cuddle then.


  3. Those are sweet birthday wishes for all your furriends, Sammy! I just bet that Easter Bunny IS recycling your basket. Can’t wait to see pictures of what he brings you: I know it will be special. Enjoy your grass munching today; I’m “chattering” at the birds from my window seat!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae!

      I guess your Mommy was able to get my blog to pop up after all huh? I’ll find out in the morning whether Mr. Bunny recycled or not but I’m pretty sure he did. I’ll put a picture of me with my “recycled basket” on my blog tomorrow. I hope you get an Easter treat too!

      Love, Sam


    • I know Mollie – – – we’ll all be exhausted before the month is over!!!!! Happy Saturday to you too and I hope your intruders tomorrow bring you prezzies!

      Happy Easter…….
      Love, Sammy


  4. The powers that be are calling for our first day of 2013 reaching 70 degrees. They’re calling for a record high 74 for tomorrow. You have no idea how rare sunshine is around here in March, or April. The rain traditionally stops the 4th of July and doesn’t start again until October 15. You can set your calendar by it.

    I’m off to the zoo today with an 81 year old friend, Pat, who wants to learn more about photography.Pat is a long time member of my senior coffee clutch at McDonald’s. With the beautiful weather predicted I guarantee you the zoo will be packed. I’m meeting Pat just before 9:00 at opening.


    • Oh Mr. Bob I hope you have a WONDERFUL day at the zoo. I’ve never been to a zoo but Mom and Dad say there’s a super zoo downtown in Washington, DC. Your weather sounds PURRRRFECT!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. I am pretty sure that Easter Bunny will not forget you Sammy! We are dark and dreary here but yesterday was gorgeously sunny for a daytrip we had to make. Enjoy your bacon today Sam and I will be checking on you tomorrow for the easter Bunny report!


    • Hi Miss Pix……it’s gorgeous here today -maybe we got your yesterday weather today???? Tomorrow rain…but Mom says the Bunny always carries a raincoat just in case so I’m not worried.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Maybe you can place some carrots in front of your door for the Easter Bunny ? I’ll bet then he will fill your basket with all this yummy things ….. I decided that I want NO gifts this year – I take the Easter Bunny …I’m a humble guy, right? Have a wonderful Caturday with a lot of bacon :o)


    • Hi Easy! No Easter presents but you’ll take the Bunny? YIKES! Make sure and not TAKE him before he finishes delivering eggs to all the kiddies now!!! I had my morning bacon – it was quite good – Mom got a new brand and I highly approve.

      Happy EASY Saturday!
      Love, Sam


  7. So many Happy Birthdays coming up and so many pawties…It’s gonna be a busy week…I think you’re on the right track about your basket…All signs point to the Bunny stopping by…Happy Easter Sammy!


    • Hi Cupcake! Well, if you ate your basket then you’re recycling your basket just like the Bunny is doing with MY basket from last year (only a slightly different method of course!!!).

      Happy Easter!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Misaki! I’m excited too…..costume parties are always fun. I’ll show a photo of my Easter basket on tomorrow’s blog (assuming the Bunny DOES visit me!!).

      Happy Easter….Sammy


  8. You have “The Case of the Missing Easter Basket” on your paws. You might even need to call in the FBI.


    PS. I’ve got a birthday this month… On April 15th, I’m gonna be ten!


    • Oh Nissy!!! I guess my Happy Birthday wish to everybody who has an April birthday was just in time for you huh? Well, I’ll send you a SPECIAL card before then as well. The FBI would be just the right group to check out the missing basket BUT this morning I FOUND my Easter basket…..the Bunny had left it all filled up again so I was right – he DID recycle it from last year. I’m glad we’re recycling in my house…it’s a responsible thing to do – right????

      Kitty hugs and Happy Easter, Sammy


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