Punkin’ Par-tay !


Hi Everybody!   Happy Friday……….and today my blog is all about pumpkins.  Why?  Well I think you know why, but if you don’t, here’s why:

I’m having a Halloween pumpkin decorating contest.  Now I know that Halloween isn’t celebrated everywhere in the world – BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t play along if you’d like to.  If you don’t even have fresh pumpkins available where you are, you can still do a “virtual” pumpkin….draw one – find a photo of one online that you think is way cool – but if you CAN get your hands on a real pumpkin, sharpen up your tools and carve your best pumpkin face because you just might win!

Here’s a photo of my pumpkin – my parents got it at the Pumpkin Patch at our local nursery this morning……we won’t be carving it up until closer to Halloween – and you might not carve yours until closer too – – – but my contest is going to start NOW and go through October 27th (Halloween is October 31st).  You have PLENTY of time!  Isn’t my pumpkin swell?  It weighs FIFTEEN pounds……woo hoo!

Here’s the deal…………there will be TWO categories – you can only enter the contest ONCE so decide whether you want to enter a REAL pumpkin or a virtual one and send me a photo of your pumpkin as an attachment to an email.  Please don’t make it too huge (pixel wise) because with dial-up it would take forever to download a 2000 pixel photo OK? 

Pumpkin Contest Categories and Rules:

REAL PUMPKIN CATEGORY:   If you decide you want your humans to help you carve the perfect REAL pumpkin – any design you want to do is fine.   But it has to be a real pumpkin.

VIRTUAL PUMPKIN CATEGORY:   If you don’t have access to a real pumpkin, you can have your human help you draw one with a cool design on it – or do one “virtually” with photoshop or similar software OR even if you find a photo of a way cool pumpkin online you can submit that if you like.

You can only submit ONE picture though!  Send your virus checked photos (in .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png format)  to me with “SAMMY’S PUMPKIN CONTEST” as the subject of the email here:


Remember to tell me WHO YOU ARE in the email !!!

Remember also to tell me WHICH CATEGORY you are entering!!!

Now won’t this just be FUN FUN FUN?   YOU all will be voting for the winner.  We’ll make it a poll with photos and YOU choose the winners in the two categories!  Voting will run from the 28th to the 30th and I’ll announce the winner on HALLOWEEN!

AND THAT’S NOT ALL BOYS AND GIRLS……..THERE WILL BE PRIZES FOR THE WINNER OF EACH OF THE TWO CATEGORIES……..YES INDEEDY THERE WILL…….!   No I’m not telling what the prizes are but you know we bloggers know how to treat our blog buddies right?  Right!  

So put your thinking caps on – tell your humans/bipeds/other that you might need their help on this one…….and if they will be carving a pumpkin for you tell them to BE CAREFUL !


So Happy Friday from the “Knight of the Night” – Sammy!!

39 responses »

  1. A contest! Super neat!!! I wonder if the peep could manage something like that. I’ll ask her AFTER she has had another cup of coffee, I think. That pumpkin your parents got you sure is a big one. Fifteen pounds? That’s bigger than me! purrs

    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life


    • Hi Nissy! I know! It’s a biggie – the biggest one they ever got for my annual kitty cat pumpkin. They got a bigger one than usual because instead of doing TWO pumpkins this year they are only doing a cat pumpkin. YAY! That works for me! I hope you can enter the contest – certainly coffee is the friend of the sleepy peep – and of course if you give her “THE LOOK” how could she resist helping you enter the contest????????????????????

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  2. Sammy I think “we” meaning CH will be carving a real pumpkin that I think up for him to do. Not sure, but certainly entertaining the idea. You may have brought out our “Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin” excitedness 😆


    • Oh Miss Pix that would be really GREAT if I got you thinking “Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin” because that’s such a BIG favorite of mine (and my Mom’s…tee hee). I bet you can come up with something WAY COOL for CH to carve with the appropriate “weaponry” !! 😉

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Layla! Did you mean we should pick one of your pumpkin photos from tomorrow’s CatWisdom101 Caturday blog and use it for your entry in Sam’s pumpkin decorating contest?? Also, we posted Sam’s costume pic on your Facebook page but would you like me to email it to you also??

      Happy Friday


    • Oh you cute piggies I wish I could say YES but I already said JUST ONE category. I know that makes it tough – especially for folks who love to be CREATIVE like you guys and your Mummy but I’ve got to stick with just one entry in one category. Do you still love me??????? 😦

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Well if you change your mind and want to carve a pumpkin or do a virtual pumpkin entry, make sure you get it to me by the 27th so we can all vote on the winners!! Meanwhile, don’t get too scared about Halloween – it’s just a whole lot of SCARY FUN!! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody!!! Oh I hope you do….the one entry I have already is a virtual punkin’ – you guys always do GREAT with photoshopping fun – I bet you can do it!!


      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Texas! Well, if your human’s not in the mood for carving, you can do a virtual one instead. My Dad’s doing the REAL THING but some folks are not too crazy about carving with SHARP THINGS!! Hope you can join in the fun – if your humans don’t cooperate, you can always pout! 😦

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Pingback: easyblog HUNTING MONDAY « Easy Blog

    • Hi Coccolino!! We got your pumpkin contest entry – YAY! What a cute little pig you are – so happy you found us…..we visited your site and you look like one happy little guy!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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