Pumpkins Anyone???


Boo !  Happy Thursday…..
We’re starting to gear up for Halloween around here.  The next door neighbors have set up a graveyard in front of their house with funny sayings on the cardboard gravestones…..and they have a scarecrow by their trees that’s lost his head – spooky!  The little boys who live in the house are having a Halloween party so some of that decorating will be for that but the rest is just because there are a lot of little kids in our neighborhood and they will be making the rounds for Trick or Treat on Halloween night !
Mom bought some scary looking pumpkin faces printed on big pieces of plastic that she’ll put in the windows and with light shining behind them, they look pretty cool !
We have driveway/garden lights that are about 15 inches off the ground all the way down our driveway to the road…….Mom has some plastic orange pumpkins that she puts over top of the lights and it looks like a row of pumpkins all the way down the driveway in the dark.  They look great too.
Do you get the picture that Halloween is a big deal around here?  Well, it is.  Tomorrow is pumpkin shopping day for my parents too.  Today they couldn’t go – Mom had to go to the dentist and Dad had jury duty.  Tomorrow is “find Sammy’s pumpkin” day.  Yippppeeee!
I know not everyone gets into Halloween – but make an exception if you can and consider joining in the fun of a Halloween Pumpkin Decorating Contest !  I’m going to have two categories:  Best Virtual Decorated Pumpkin and Best Real Decorated Pumpkin.  Not everyone buys a pumpkin and carves it but some of you do – and those who don’t can create one with your computer or find one somewhere online that you like and use the photo for your entry!  Fun?  Of course it is!  I’ll tell you more about the contest Friday.  Yes there will be prizes for each category but you can only have one entry. 
Happy Thursdays Guys and Gals……..
‘Til tomorrow – The Knight of the Night signing off……
Spooky Hugs, Sammy

Sammy….Knight of the Night!


45 responses »

    • This neighborhood is really “in” to Halloween because unlike in MY house, there are a lot of yong families around with kiddies and they love to dress up and do Trick or Treat. They go around the community in “bunches” – with parents along too – everybody just has FUN.

      Happy Thursday! 😀
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Samy, let me enter all categories, I’m an expat, haven’t I suffered enough? No candy corn, no pumpkin, no nothing, this is not fair!!
    I’ll buy me a rotten pumpkin and carve it. You’ll see.


    • Virtual pumpkins are fine…..we would do that too if we didn’t have a family tradition of carving a real one for ME every year! Knives can be scary – that’s for sure – but my Dad is VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY careful and Mom designs some easy faces for him to carve (thank heavens).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. You have great neighbors!!! Mine on the right side are decorating their driveway with cigarette butts and empty beer bottles – ok, it’s a scary decoration, but not really my taste :o) otherwise they have their scary decoration fo the whole year…after all that’s commendable :o) I’m very curious about the pumpkin contest!!!!! Hope its friday soon!!! Good luck for your pawrents today projects.


    • Gee Easy…..the cigarette butts/beer bottles decoration doesn’t sound very festive AND I’m going to guess that your humans aren’t too crazy about that kind of decoration so close to your house anyway!! The pumpkin contest should be FUN – I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. Somebody around the corner hung a FRANKENSTEIN dummy on the telephone pole. I don’t like Halloween decorations at all, thanks to the guy across the hall and his pumpkin FREAK HEAD in the hallway. Yikes. I should move to the UK where it’s safe.

    Love and licks,


    • Poor Cupcake…..sounds like you’ve got your share of INTERESTING Halloween decorations to deal with – I’m sorry about that..but like I said, my Sammy Pumpkin wll be CUTE – I promise – NOT scary!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. Good morning, Sammy. Hope your pawrents find the purrfect pumpkin for you today! Guess Motor Mommy will have to do a virtual pumpkin – I don’t think she’s ever carved a pumpkin on her own…as for Motor Man, well, he’s done enough carving this week!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! Indeed Motor Man needs to stay away from ANYTHING that might injure his hands – EITHER of them! My Dad does all the carving – Mom does the “designing” but Dad’s the one holding the weapon. 😀 I don’t think too many people bother carving real pumpkins anymore since there are a lot of electric pumpkin decorations out there. But we are traditional in my house!!

      Love, Sam


  5. I don’t do anything for hallowe’en. Afterwards, when the price of pumpkins drops, I make a lot of soup! We have Guy Fawkes Night 5th November. I shall have baked potatoes and make the fairy lights twinkle, but leave the fireworks. MasterB, like Cat before him, is terrified by them. So it’ll be shutters closed, music on and cat play I imagine. Last night someone let some fireworks off quite near, and MasterB slunk across the carpet, his fur abristle.


    • Sam hates fireworks too (actually David and I don’t enjoy them anymore either!)….fortunately Halloween doesn’t include fireworks but I gather Guy Fawkes Night does. Sam doesn’t enjoy Halloween either because he’s afraid of the doorbell (!!) but it’s fun for us to decorate and give the little kids their “treats”…..



    • Hi Charlie! I knew that not everyone has fun with Halloween but most have at least heard of it. Little kids love to dress up in costumes and there are a lot of little ones around our neighborhood – – – we love to see them all excited and dressed up when they come to the door for their “treats”……

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. WOW! You’re really goin’ all out with the Hallowe’en decorating at your house. Nice! The only decorations we have up so far are the hanging baskets on my veranda with the dead pansies and stuff hangin’ down in a spooky manner. Oh, wait a minute… Those aren’t Hallowe’en decorations. Those are the plants that all died ’cause the peep forgot to water ’em! My mistake. Guess we don’t have anything up yet at all. purrs

    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life


    • Hi Nerissa! Well, I should think the dead pansies would look rather appropriate for Halloween – you could put a little gravestone in each pot with “R.I.P” on it – Tee Hee.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. What FUN!!! We love Halloween too but living in an apartment/condo complex really ruins it for us. Mom doesn’t decorate because children aren’t allowed to Trick or Treat here. She thinks cause no one will see it, it is a waste of time. She used to ALWAYS buy pumpkins and carve them but probably won’t this year. We are hoping you take photos of all of YOUR decorations!
    Love, Cody


    • Hi Cody! Well, you’ll have to do a virtual pumpkin for my contest then! My parents bought my Sammy Pumpkin at the plant nursery today so I’m READY! We won’t carve it for a while though so it doesn’t dry up. My Mom remembers living in an apartment house where they didn’t allow trick or treating OR decorating (BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) but now we’ve got little kids knocking on the door all night on Halloween!! YAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. We don’t do Halloween anymore. We have never had any kids come down our dark long road and all we used to do was sit and eat all the CANDY! We still sit and eat a bunch of candy and we watch a spooky movie 😯 Nice to see you all excited over Halloween Sammy!


    • Hi Miss Pix…..yes I am excited – and my parents got my Sammy Pumpkin today so I’m REALLY excited now! We’ve got lots of kids in this neighborhood and Mom loves to see their cute little costumes…..thankfully this is one of those occasions where fireworks aren’t involved because like you and Miss Isobel (and MasterB) I HATE HATE HATE fireworks!!

      Spooky movie? Do you have a favorite or do you just watch whatever’s available?

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Princess Zena….I think I look pretty SCARY in that costume – I didn’t even know I could be so scary but thanks to Mom I managed. Now on to the pumpkin decorating contest! YAY! Halloween is so much fun.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Savvy….I think it’s because there’s tons of little kids in our neighborhood – if we didn’t have them, there wouldn’t be as much fun and decorating and stuff around here. Christmas is the same – there’s just something about little kids and how much FUN they have on holidays and other special occasions….they bring out the little kid in all of us I guess!

      Kitty hugs, Sammy


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